
It goes to show that some of the experts were correct when they said a huge percentage of us are walking around with the virus in us but are asymptomatic. Anyone being admitted to hospital at the moment with any illness is being tested for Covid-19 because staff have to know what measures to take when looking after someone.

It may appear that this virus doesn't discriminate but I'd put my money on working-class people being more affected by it than middle-class and upper-classes. Have a look at the figures for the amount of deaths among black people in the States. The disparity is truly shocking.
The first president ever to be thicker than a virus
Not a case of antibiotics do not work, because like he says they cured everything, so much so, we became immune to them to a degree were Doctors no longer prescribe them without just reason to do so. He wants to put it down as he is fighting a war with a smart virus a cowardly excuse to get out of killing thousands of Americans due to his inabiltity to react to a pandemic that was notified to him.

TRUMP: "The germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can't keep up with it ... there's a whole genius to it ... not only is it hidden, but it's very smart."
It goes to show that some of the experts were correct when they said a huge percentage of us are walking around with the virus in us but are asymptomatic. Anyone being admitted to hospital at the moment with any illness is being tested for Covid-19 because staff have to know what measures to take when looking after someone.

It may appear that this virus doesn't discriminate but I'd put my money on working-class people being more affected by it than middle-class and upper-classes. Have a look at the figures for the amount of deaths among black people in the States. The disparity is truly shocking.
Underlying issues with bad health care not affordable to poor blacks in the States. And in some of the rich i would hazard a guess at private health feeding them too much depressants, antibiotics and anything to keep them up and active, that their bodies are fucked when exposed,. The yankee dollar Trumps.
Trumpet is an imbecile of the highest order and should hang is head in shame for down-playing the virus when it became obvious that a pandemic was imminent. A bit of forethought and being in a state of preparedness might have saved some of those poor souls who are now being buried in mass graves in New York.
Trumpet is an imbecile of the highest order and should hang is head in shame for down-playing the virus when it became obvious that a pandemic was imminent. A bit of forethought and being in a state of preparedness might have saved some of those poor souls who are now being buried in mass graves in New York.
He is blaming the Obama administration for the low inventory, he has been in power three years and if he knew of a pandemic coming he knew of a low inventory and if he did not what action did he take when informed of the pandemic to check the inventory, he said live the cupbaord was bare, what action did he take when the figures were a mere 5 souls with corona, exactly sat on his arse and claimed it would be down to zero whilst Europe was in crisis with the corona, panic buying by Trump to fill the cupboard cost thousand of lives and he needs to pay for this.
It goes to show that some of the experts were correct when they said a huge percentage of us are walking around with the virus in us but are asymptomatic. Anyone being admitted to hospital at the moment with any illness is being tested for Covid-19 because staff have to know what measures to take when looking after someone.

It may appear that this virus doesn't discriminate but I'd put my money on working-class people being more affected by it than middle-class and upper-classes. Have a look at the figures for the amount of deaths among black people in the States. The disparity is truly shocking.
We're the 'herd' Shamrock,we're expendable.
Underlying issues with bad health care not affordable to poor blacks in the States. And in some of the rich i would hazard a guess at private health feeding them too much depressants, antibiotics and anything to keep them up and active, that their bodies are fucked when exposed,. The yankee dollar Trumps.
Super rich dollar at work mate..pandemic =opportunity ....US waken up to no medicare! Fucking hope so! Basic human care that's all.✊
Trumpet is an imbecile of the highest order and should hang is head in shame for down-playing the virus when it became obvious that a pandemic was imminent. A bit of forethought and being in a state of preparedness might have saved some of those poor souls who are now being buried in mass graves in New York.
How Trump and Trump lite got control of UK and USA I’ll ever know there are some selfish bastards around I’m sure they don’t give a toss for the dead and, ill I fucking detest them
Mass unmarked graves,feckin obscene

Is gentleness too much for us
Should gentleness be filed along with empathy
We feel for someone else's child
Every time a smart bomb does its sums and gets it wrong
Someone else's child dies and equities in defence rise
America, America, please hear us when we call
You got hip-hop, be-bop, hustle and bustle
You got Atticus Finch
You got Jane Russell
You got freedom of speech
You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
Don't let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
For you and the rest of the world

Not in my name, Tony, you great war leader you
Terror is still terror, whosoever gets to frame the rules
History's not written by the vanquished or the damned
Now we are Genghis Khan, Lucretia Borghia, Son of Sam
In 1961 they took this child into their home
I wonder what became of them
In the cauldron that was Lebanon
If I could find them now, could I make amends?
How does the story end?

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