Celtic Greats


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Noticed last night while watching Youth Cup Final how both Danny McGrain and Davie have aged quite dramatically Davie Hay in particular

I suppose the natural ageing process is different for everyone but I can remember both of these fellas as members of the Quality Street Gang just fresh faced young men with brilliant futures ahead of them

Perhaps they were sitting watching the equivalent to today's Quality Street Gang both Celtic and SEVCO's and looking back wistfully to when they were starting out on their footballing adventures or maybe remembering Billy McNeill as we all are at this time
Although neither of these guys were Lisbon Lions they are up there among the Celtic greats

Both terrific players who I loved watching for both Celtic and Scotland Hay as hard as nails who at one time was treated quite abismally by our Club and McGrain one of the world's finest and most gifted Full Backs who didn't have his medical problems to seek but met them head on and excelled in his career

Maybe it's just me being a bit mournful as I look back to great days and although we're going for a TREBLE TREBLE and 10 IAR I don't think we'll see players of such quality grace our team until the financial aspects of Football are addressed which I don't feel will be anytime soon
Oh I have no doubt that we'll have some terrific players wearing the HOOPS in years to come but how many of their names will be remembered 30 40 or 50 years after they stop playing or managing for us?

Sorry if this post sounds a tad morose but I was a bit taken aback seeing these 2 Legends looking so lost last night

Noticed last night while watching Youth Cup Final how both Danny McGrain and Davie have aged quite dramatically Davie Hay in particular

I suppose the natural ageing process is different for everyone but I can remember both of these fellas as members of the Quality Street Gang just fresh faced young men with brilliant futures ahead of them

Perhaps they were sitting watching the equivalent to today's Quality Street Gang both Celtic and SEVCO's and looking back wistfully to when they were starting out on their footballing adventures or maybe remembering Billy McNeill as we all are at this time
Although neither of these guys were Lisbon Lions they are up there among the Celtic greats

Both terrific players who I loved watching for both Celtic and Scotland Hay as hard as nails who at one time was treated quite abismally by our Club and McGrain one of the world's finest and most gifted Full Backs who didn't have his medical problems to seek but met them head on and excelled in his career

Maybe it's just me being a bit mournful as I look back to great days and although we're going for a TREBLE TREBLE and 10 IAR I don't think we'll see players of such quality grace our team until the financial aspects of Football are addressed which I don't feel will be anytime soon
Oh I have no doubt that we'll have some terrific players wearing the HOOPS in years to come but how many of their names will be remembered 30 40 or 50 years after they stop playing or managing for us?

Sorry if this post sounds a tad morose but I was a bit taken aback seeing these 2 Legends looking so lost last night


I don't think they looked particularly lost, Bill, but they've definitely aged. As we all will of course, but just not in the public eye.
Noticed last night while watching Youth Cup Final how both Danny McGrain and Davie have aged quite dramatically Davie Hay in particular

I suppose the natural ageing process is different for everyone but I can remember both of these fellas as members of the Quality Street Gang just fresh faced young men with brilliant futures ahead of them

Perhaps they were sitting watching the equivalent to today's Quality Street Gang both Celtic and SEVCO's and looking back wistfully to when they were starting out on their footballing adventures or maybe remembering Billy McNeill as we all are at this time
Although neither of these guys were Lisbon Lions they are up there among the Celtic greats

Both terrific players who I loved watching for both Celtic and Scotland Hay as hard as nails who at one time was treated quite abismally by our Club and McGrain one of the world's finest and most gifted Full Backs who didn't have his medical problems to seek but met them head on and excelled in his career

Maybe it's just me being a bit mournful as I look back to great days and although we're going for a TREBLE TREBLE and 10 IAR I don't think we'll see players of such quality grace our team until the financial aspects of Football are addressed which I don't feel will be anytime soon
Oh I have no doubt that we'll have some terrific players wearing the HOOPS in years to come but how many of their names will be remembered 30 40 or 50 years after they stop playing or managing for us?

Sorry if this post sounds a tad morose but I was a bit taken aback seeing these 2 Legends looking so lost last night

Could you imagine what they would have been like in the modern era, different diet, training methods and the like, they would have owned the park, like yourself Bill, I was taken aback when I seen Davie Hay.
I think it's the playing longevity at the club that creates the ongoing affection from the support. If KT was to play his full career at Celtic Park I believe he would enter the realms of legend. Broonie may not be the most stylish player but if he goes on to manage the clu again legend status is possible.
Whatever if they wear the hoops they are all good enough for me!
Noticed last night while watching Youth Cup Final how both Danny McGrain and Davie have aged quite dramatically Davie Hay in particular

I suppose the natural ageing process is different for everyone but I can remember both of these fellas as members of the Quality Street Gang just fresh faced young men with brilliant futures ahead of them

Perhaps they were sitting watching the equivalent to today's Quality Street Gang both Celtic and SEVCO's and looking back wistfully to when they were starting out on their footballing adventures or maybe remembering Billy McNeill as we all are at this time
Although neither of these guys were Lisbon Lions they are up there among the Celtic greats

Both terrific players who I loved watching for both Celtic and Scotland Hay as hard as nails who at one time was treated quite abismally by our Club and McGrain one of the world's finest and most gifted Full Backs who didn't have his medical problems to seek but met them head on and excelled in his career

Maybe it's just me being a bit mournful as I look back to great days and although we're going for a TREBLE TREBLE and 10 IAR I don't think we'll see players of such quality grace our team until the financial aspects of Football are addressed which I don't feel will be anytime soon
Oh I have no doubt that we'll have some terrific players wearing the HOOPS in years to come but how many of their names will be remembered 30 40 or 50 years after they stop playing or managing for us?

Sorry if this post sounds a tad morose but I was a bit taken aback seeing these 2 Legends looking so lost last night

Hi Bill, I agree with you that both of them were great players,World Class in fact.Had a chuckle when you said Danny met his injuries head on sconsidering his first major one was a head fracture.I also remember going to see Davie play for Scotland at Hampden with Bobby Brown as the Manager. Davy had an excellent game but some of the Huns in the crowd started shouting for Sandy Jardine to take Davy's place and being a x Hun himself, Brown duly subbed Davy. Bias....what Bias.
This is a great team still in it's infancy in terms of potential success. Don't write off McGregor, Forrest, Tierney as potential greats. It won't really be us that decides that, but future generations will.
They'll see Treble Treble and Invincibles, possibly a 10, not to mention the European success i genuinely believe is coming.. and think 'how did they do that'. Your kids and mine will decide on that. We just have to tell them the stories when they ask
As a team the current crop are many many levels below the likes of the team of Caesar. im not even from that generation but hav met most of them n know what they achieved to say any comparison is a bad joke. different times also, the money in england would tempt most of the current crop at first offer. all workin class local boys, no the likes we'll never see again.
same with the fans of that era, different class. today we hav 100% online fans, a mockery as they r usually those with the most 2 say, som hav never been to see Celtic, some never even been to Scotland.

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