A transfer, clickbait, football news of any kind & in general just whats on your mind thread

Sometimes they fly at night, Tommybhoy; as you probably know, swans like to land on water; a bit like a seaplane. Sadly the reflection from a wet surface can look a bit like water to them and they try to land, usually seriously injuring themselves. I came across one on Glasgow's Kelvin Way many years ago. Sadly the bird more or less obliterated its breast/keel bone and had to be euthanised.
The sspca arrived at 11.30 to take it to the vet so hopefully it makes recovery (it was weird and probably because it was injured but it was letting my partner near it and even to lift it up etc)
she would have kept it as a pet if she had the chance 😂
Hopefully tho it makes recovery
Aye, had tae be Angry Granda earlier, 3 of Grandweans were whistling & singing some wee ditty. Never quite heard all of it. Later when I was in the kitchen playing FM & being a personal Teaboy tae MrsTT.

I heard them singing it again, this time I could hear the words clearly "The Rangers End is Empty,The Rangers End is Empty,Why? Cause They all Fell Down The Stairs"

I gave them a row & sent them tae bed wae no supper & they can stay wae Granny while we go tae the game, apparently they found it on video on YouTube. The fuckin tunes stuck I my heed noo 🙈