A Wee bit of Music Nostalgia ..Post it here

Have to put this up because Frankie was my ma's wee cousin, my 2nd cousin so one of my claims to fame and he was brought up/ stayed in Rutherglen before he hit the big time stateside in later years.
My wee ma could remember him singing with the hoover as a kid .
I once worked for rock steady security ( I'm sure I've mentioned a dozen times before), a l great gig before they brought in the S.I.A cards you had to pay for, before that it was just turn up pick the shifts you wanted to work and hey presto, suddenly I found myself at Hampden and got to see the leverkusen v real Madrid champions league final 2002 at Hampden when Raul put Madrid into the lead for 5 minutes before lucio equalised then Zidane scored " that insane goal " was a great game. I am well aware how lucky I was to be there
Anyway, I was working once at murrayfield when Scotland took on the all blacks in an autumn international, the stadium was sold out, and the RAF appeared over the stadium where the Royal navy marines abseiled out of a chinook helicopter with the match ball and presented it to the Scottish captain ( Hastings I think) what a buzz it was to hear my cousins song played with 70,000 singing along. I wished my wee ma couldve witnessed it. 😢
Was a pity that Scotland lost the match having played brilliantly for the first 40 minutes even winning at one point before the All Blacks did what they always do and upped their game 2nd half.
Scotland have a knack of playing really well 1st half, really shit 2nd half.
Frankie didnt write the song and forgive me if I'm being biased but I do think his version is better than Dougie McLeans who wrote it.

Gilmour is 78 Waters is 80 and yet both are still producing epic tuunes!
This is Gilmours new stuff , louder thsn words , there's another great track from him the piper's call, also check out waters..Two sun's in the sunset, these guys are like Celtic , never stop giving.

My son in law was at the Rolling Stones concert last night, this is my favourite tune of all time, and when i saw him this morning, he told me it was a great concert, he then gave me a t shirt from the gig, Vancouver is the only city in Canada on this tour, so doubt I'll ever get to see them LIVE again, I still have the ticket stub from the Seattle concert which remains in my memory bank, as if it was yesterday.
My son in law was at the Rolling Stones concert last night, this is my favourite tune of all time, and when i saw him this morning, he told me it was a great concert, he then gave me a t shirt from the gig, Vancouver is the only city in Canada on this tour, so doubt I'll ever get to see them LIVE again, I still have the ticket stub from the Seattle concert which remains in my memory bank, as if it was yesterday.
Saw them at ST James Park Newcastle 1982 (during I believe the Dave Narey toe poke goal era) with J Giels band as support.
Saw them at ST James Park Newcastle 1982 (during I believe the Dave Narey toe poke goal era) with J Giels band as support.
1990 at Hampden Park I saw them and was looking at some photies of that day because of DILL and your posts and was shocked at the absolute shit hole Hampden was back then before the new Hampden was built for around the same cost as an asda superstore £50 million or so, less than half of the millennium stadium cost, Scotland got shafted there or i should say the fans got shafted looking at the millennium and new Wembley compated to new Hampden, Gun played support. I knew fine well Hampden was a dump, having been avgood few times for Celtic and Scotland, and when Scotland were runners up in the world cup final the year beforehand , yes you read that correctly, Scotland u16s 0-2 Saudi Arabia 21s to 25s was the final result , anyone could see the young Scots were playing men, played well but stamina went after an hr.
Good memories , slight tangent but if you perceveired reading my mini ramble their all connected, like tinterweb, i shouldnt be shocked as i knew this bit still seeing is re-believing and remembering how terrible it truly was.


Shit hole evidence #2


Good memory photie ( plaguerised, naturally) good one cos I remember the big inflatables


70, 000 I think at the gig, and I also think it was £26 for ticket in front of the stage on the field ( boards on top of it) and £16 for terrace tickets which my pals and I bought only to soon realise that the family section facing the stage was a piss poor vantage point so we all proceeded to climb over the old steel mesh fence that run round the field and run then disappear into the crowd.
Found out later that many of the bhoys managed to skip in anyway by throwing sheets and coats over the roof of the Celtic end turnstiles at the top of the old stairs to avoid the sharp glass embedded into the concrete.
Another flashback is that I mind being pissed off I'd missed " start me up" that was played early , possibly first and my favourite stones tune of the moment.

Edit: there was 58,000 in attendance for Scotland, the hosts first ever world cup final at any age group.
The youngsters gripped the nation's imagination.
The Saudis had facial hair and physiques like grown men because they were grown men, if mind right the accusations flew and the Saudis said they didn't have the players birthlines ( would need that confirmed)
Paul Dickov, Ian Downie, Gary Bollan, Celtic kid Brian O'Neil in that side who were winning 2-0, but pegged back O'Neil missed a penalty that couldve won it in normal 80min time and another during penalties and Saudi won 5-4 the u16 world cup in Glasgow i was gutted as we'd beaten good teams like Portugal I think.

This from the time; " However, the success of Saudi Arabia was in the spotlight. Because some of them are suspected of stealing their age and falsifying passports. They are considered to look older with an average age of under 16 years.

"There are rumors that some players have participated in the championship before the U-17 World Cup. They also look like they are in their 20s," said Scottish manager at the time,
-Craig Brown.

Not much to do with the rolling stones granted but it was just a year apart and Hampden is the link 🧥

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