As it was directed at my Mother-in-law rather than myself, I won't go into details here. Suffice to say there was a ridiculous made up accusation made by a bitter elderly couple, who were proud to be Conservatives.
It was totally ludicrous, petty and transparently nonsense, but sleekit DRoss was In the background pushing them into pursuing this "complaint" for a tiny political gain, even though all evidence shoeed this to be 100% wrong and everyone who knew about it was astonished because it was very clearly wrong and lies.
I understand that this is the all he has ever offered as a politician - everything is negativity about rivals rather than positive comments about what he/his party can contribute.
But this investigation was conducted entirely to try to muddy my Mother-in-law's standing in the community, but she was obviously cleared. But it was pursued with him encouraging in the background, despite everyone telling them it was total bullshit. But this hung over my M-in-L for months when DRoss knew she was very ill - the additional stress could quite literally have killed her.
He is a heartless, vindictive little runt. I never wish ill on anyone - especially a family man - but I'll make an exception in the case Of this heartless, venomous, nasty piece of work. I won't say any more on this matter in a public forum.