Behold The Messiah, 2nd coming of Christ revealed.


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I have studied and I have meditated and come to the conclusion that the risen lord walks among us as the 2nd coming awaited for millennia has happened.
The Son Of God incarnate even walked the streets of Glasgow before moving to France; perhaps in recognition of that whole holy grail, Da Vinci carry on. But that's beside the point. The Son Of Man is none other that Charles Green.
How did I come to this conclusion you might well ask. Charles, like Jesus the first time he was here is a Jew and he has performed miracles more spectacular than his first tour!
Jesus raised Lazurus from the dead but Charles raised a whole Lazarus club from the dead.
Jesus fed 5,000 with loaves and fishes but Charles pacified 10,000 orcs with tea and bickies.
Jesus healed the leper, Charles gave Richard Gough a job.
Jesus wept in the Garden Of Gethsemane, Charles fucked off to France while Fat Swally went on gardening leave.
Behold the good news. The truth will set you free.

I have studied and I have meditated and come to the conclusion that the risen lord walks among us as the 2nd coming awaited for millennia has happened.
The Son Of God incarnate even walked the streets of Glasgow before moving to France; perhaps in recognition of that whole holy grail, Da Vinci carry on. But that's beside the point. The Son Of Man is none other that Charles Green.
How did I come to this conclusion you might well ask. Charles, like Jesus the first time he was here is a Jew and he has performed miracles more spectacular than his first tour!
Jesus raised Lazurus from the dead but Charles raised a whole Lazarus club from the dead.
Jesus fed 5,000 with loaves and fishes but Charles pacified 10,000 orcs with tea and bickies.
Jesus healed the leper, Charles gave Richard Gough a job.
Jesus wept in the Garden Of Gethsemane, Charles fucked off to France while Fat Swally went on gardening leave.
Behold the good news. The truth will set you free.

Next he'll be selling fish outside ibrokes every Friday

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