Celtic Pets

I got pulled over on the highway a few years back by a female RCMP officer...Mid morning on my way into town, all the bells and whistles going off Her: "I pulled you over because you're doing 10 kmh under the posted speed limit" Me: "So ?" Her: Have you been drinking ?" Me: "No" Her: "Why are you driving so slow (I was doing 90 in a 100 zone...) insert fucking eye roll Me: "The posted speed limit is a guideline, and I was keeping up with traffic, then I moved into the slower lane" Her: "Yes, I noticed everyone passing you" Me: "Well, why not pull them over for going more than the posted ? Besides, I watch my speed when I've got my dog in the car, cos he likes to sit up front, and 90 kmh is still a good clip" Her looking across at Beau who's watching intently, : OK, fair enough" Then she tried to get Beau to look at her..."Hey boy !!...: Beau turned and looked out the other window...LOL, it was perfect, as if to say "Why don't you fuck off and annoy someone else" Good boy Beau :cool:🐕🐶
Doony splash yesterday with the wee yin, and she loved this castle house by the beach