Kyogo had/has a style of playing, its effective and fantastic to watch.
Brendan has a style of play he wants Celtic to play, and yes its a good bit different from his first spell at us, its effective and when executed properly is also fantastic to watch..
Now Kyogos style according to some doesn't suit Brendans style (why does Brendan play him then??)... So if the 2 styles clash... Surely to goodness the striker can adapt or do you want the rest of the team to adapt to him...
Now I think the style clash is a load of pish, Kyogo has his eye on the world Cup for Japan, and has been told to produce at a higher level than the Spl or risk his place.. And that to me is fine, move on with thanks and my best wishes wee mhan..
But for Celtic fans to blame the manager.. You know the one who has managed us to the LC top of the league, knockout stages of the CL, Yea that one... To blame him for Kyogo leaving is nuts.. Truth be told he probably kept the wee mhan here 6months longer than he wanted...
So to summarise... Its not Brendans fault... Get off his fookin back..
Sun is shining in Glesga and I've had my 2rolls n square... Now it's game time (after my wee morning nap that is)