Agree but historically its the Summer window that gets better players as there contracts end
at that time. Or are running down
Our problem is Brendan will have a certain type of player he wants stronger more powerful players more athletic.
When Ange got the players he wanted it was to fit his type of fast paced non stop fitba plus he knew the players we got.
Our biggest concern is the Project system we have,we buy in bulk
When we know its Quality that we need
We’re guaranteed more cash if we qualify for the CL we should be buying better players I know not always easy but Jota And CCV were worth the money we spent
We need to trim the squad to free up cash to buy so we speculate on the CL money.
But as we ken our Board are hoarding money
Whilst our club/team are now the whipping/laughing stock Bhoys of Europe.
Whilst our absentee landlord works on his backswing.
The changes we need run deeper than the cash in the bank.