People highlighting injustice and indiscriminate killing doesn't serve any agenda, jinxy.
I think everyone agrees that there are extremists in every large accumulation of people. It is not confined to religion or politics, these features can also be found in football stadiums, rock concerts and any other event where large numbers congregate.
Hesbollah and Hamas are not representative of Islam. Mossad is not reflective of Judaism. Each of the major religious groups have divisions and separate interpretations of their respective scriptures and a country's political leaders are not always representative of the popular vote.
Anyone who condones and endorses the systematic destruction of the Jewish population is only as evil as anyone who condones the systematic destruction of Muslims.
It is the acts of violence across the board that concern me and if there is any agenda to be served, then it is only to condemn any act of violence which results in the maiming, injury and death of unwilling participants and innocent civilians.
In saying that, every single person on the planet is subject to criticism and calling out a right-wing dictatorial regime is not an affront to Judaism or anti-semitic and it should not be used as an excuse to influence or impact upon political behaviours.
Many of the contributors in this thread have been supportive of Judaism, it is the political systems within Israel that are the subject of criticism, particularly those that support intense mortaring on the West Bank.
I don't believe anyone has condoned or endorsed the verbiage of Hamas and Hesbollah. These groups are also an affront to humanity, but violence begets violence and when hostilities are played out as they are in this environment, is it any wonder that the rhetoric becomes so pronounced?
Apparently if you give a feck about innocent children being bombed from their homes in gaza you are a supporter of Hamas, must have missed that post, and while some loonballs in Hamas go on about the destruction of the Jewish people, some people rightly condemn it but not a word said about the same language coming from right wing religious Jews in the Knesset.
Borderline imperialism cheerleaders.