Should Boli be binned?

100% spot on Winter
I've said the big Swede coming back to coach would be a great idea
He's already on record, as saying he'd welcome the opportunity once again
It's the lack of information coming forth from the top, that really frustrates us
Agreed D where is the leadership? Lenny cannot be responsible for everything. Also when will we see the faith weve putvinto the club returned? I am sick to death reading that we are linked with players only to read the footnote last sentence "Celtic face competition for the players signature from arsenal, spurs and Leicester " in other words forget it, players use us to get to that division so why wouldnt they simply bypass all that and head straight for the promised land? That is after all the target. Any player coming from outside the big 5 want to go straight to one of those clubs , doesnt matter which club as they are made for life as soon as they sign especially in England. I was impressed with our transfer dealings last season , no messing around, we wanted a player, we bid a decent amount and got him julien a a great example. What's happened this season ? If we are waiting on the English window to close before making moves we'll be out of europe and the rest doesnt bear thinking about. Only a club like Celtic can win trophy after trophy on the bounce , 9 league titles on the bounce yet still this board if they don't start moving quicker could well see protest marches soon along Celtic way HH
Bolingoli aside for a second , just wtf is going on at Celtic park? If Griffiths isnt breaking club and social distancing rules bolingoli is doing his own thing as well. After a super 5-1 win over Hamilton (in which during that game there was warning signs before we scored our third. Have always said only Celtic can beat Celtic but this lack of respect for the club, the manager and the supporters is leaving a bad taste in the mouth. SMSM are wetting themselves with excitement and of course weve only played 2 games. I'm not happy, embarrassed even by the lack of professionalism that's currently being shown by some players. We are the benchmark yet were acting like were only 8 yrs old. We have enough to deal with this season with no doubt every game giving us a handicap of minus 1 before we start as the penalties and red cards will come I'm sure. PL remains silent, DD remains the most invisible billionaire on gods green earth. Lenny must be going off his nut. Hes a leader a top one but he needs backing. Not just financially. We cant get into the stadium despite record season ticket sales, weve backed the club to the hilt and as yet I dont see any reciprocating. Every fan, their granny and their dug knows what positions are required to be filled. We seem more interested in making huge sums of money 500k for an international whose value will no doubt multiply by 5 as soon as we sell him. I feel for the rest of the players abiding strictly to regulations, rules and laws even only to see 2 of our so called "main men " are letting the group down. Every chain is only as strong as its weakest link ( or some bs like that) please bring back Johan Mhjallby to kick some serious arse around lennoxtow. 10 iar is not a formality still I have every confidence we'll return stronger, we must. We definately must stop giving SMSM exactly what they want by shooting ourselves in the foot at every opportunity. If ever , even for a minute the board thought we could win this 10 without any significant signings then they must be aware by now that we are standing still ...again and thats so fkn aggravating to put it mildly not to mention arrogant, Jozo shouldn't have been let go before a replacement was in place either. F*n sort it out my love , my Celtic HH
well said Winter, you are saying what tens of thousands of the best supporters in the world are thinking. Does Griff want to leave the club, well come and tell us. Boli has to go as his actions are a disgrace to our club. Every new season, the Board drag their heels in getting new players while other clubs get the players quickly have them bedded into their playing system.At times, I think our Board are not interested in achieving the TEN, only trying not to spend any money,but PL and Co for this Special season please give the Fans what they want and start buying the class players we need.HH
Bolingoli aside for a second , just wtf is going on at Celtic park? If Griffiths isnt breaking club and social distancing rules bolingoli is doing his own thing as well. After a super 5-1 win over Hamilton (in which during that game there was warning signs before we scored our third. Have always said only Celtic can beat Celtic but this lack of respect for the club, the manager and the supporters is leaving a bad taste in the mouth. SMSM are wetting themselves with excitement and of course weve only played 2 games. I'm not happy, embarrassed even by the lack of professionalism that's currently being shown by some players. We are the benchmark yet were acting like were only 8 yrs old. We have enough to deal with this season with no doubt every game giving us a handicap of minus 1 before we start as the penalties and red cards will come I'm sure. PL remains silent, DD remains the most invisible billionaire on gods green earth. Lenny must be going off his nut. Hes a leader a top one but he needs backing. Not just financially. We cant get into the stadium despite record season ticket sales, weve backed the club to the hilt and as yet I dont see any reciprocating. Every fan, their granny and their dug knows what positions are required to be filled. We seem more interested in making huge sums of money 500k for an international whose value will no doubt multiply by 5 as soon as we sell him. I feel for the rest of the players abiding strictly to regulations, rules and laws even only to see 2 of our so called "main men " are letting the group down. Every chain is only as strong as its weakest link ( or some bs like that) please bring back Johan Mhjallby to kick some serious arse around lennoxtow. 10 iar is not a formality still I have every confidence we'll return stronger, we must. We definately must stop giving SMSM exactly what they want by shooting ourselves in the foot at every opportunity. If ever , even for a minute the board thought we could win this 10 without any significant signings then they must be aware by now that we are standing still ...again and thats so fkn aggravating to put it mildly not to mention arrogant, Jozo shouldn't have been let go before a replacement was in place either. F*n sort it out my love , my Celtic HH

The only player according to Lennon to breach the lockdown was Bolingoli. He said in the presser that Griffiths hadn't breached the rules, so I guess his party must've been within whatever guidelines had been set.

I couldn't agree more about the transfer activity though. Yes we eventually get things done (current trophies attest to that) but it's the barrow-boy haggling by PL that does my nut in! We should be getting things done, and mean ALL transfers, by the end of the second week of the window.

New players need the time to bed in with the group and become 100% comfortable with the new style of play they're being asked to assimilate into. That said, I'm guessing that some players and agents will be way more difficult to deal with than others. Ajeti though appears to be extracting gallons of the yellow liquid out of us. Even before he arrives (if he ever does) I get the feeling he's a fcuking prima donna. He should've been given a cut off date to say he's either coming or not!

We're Celtic ffs and we shouldn't be held to ransom by some failed EPL nob-end who can't hold down a place at West Ham!!

We need 2 CB's a LB and a striker and we need them YESTERDAY! If we sign another midfielder before we get those positions sorted I think I'll just throw myself off a fcuking cliff...
After all the dust has settled from yesterday, time to reflect into what has actually happened .??,ok start with Celtic ,Boli fecked off to Spain ,did not inform and when found out ,caused this sham ,according to rules set out by snp, if you are in the contamination area ,ie ,close contact with someone ,even who has NOT been diagnosed as infected,then you also should isolate ,ok, how come Kily play tonight ,?.Aberdeen already in lockdown ,players went on a night out amongst a mass of people and had to self isolate ,are a ny of the six been diagnosed as infected ,?????,
the snp are 💩 scared of their own shadow,bringing in all sort of restrictive practices,now not saying we should be running about willy-nilly,but a bit of common sense used ,Celtic have we are told have their own equipment for testing ,don’t know much about it ,as am not an expert ,but are told at some cost ,seems Ross county also am told !,before the start of the season ,have the sfa/spfl, put any rules in place ,from what I have been reading NO,!this will not be the only disruption to footballup here,just wait for the coming months ?In England in all fairness they have complied getting league finished ,ok,one or two clubs have had players infected ,but it did not stop games ? So question up her is what the feck is going on ,?celtic are NOT the big bad wolf here’s?.... the snp got out of jail here ,re the fuck up with exam results ,fully expecting to be dragged over the coals ,but hey ,Boli turned up and got then out of a hole big style ,time to move on here ,what is done can’t be changed! my views ,hh
On Celtic forum ,this morning seems they are trying to send him out on loan ! Now am not an employment lawyer ,but can’t see how the can tear up contract ,any disputes of this nature ,have to be dealt with ‘citation’ Company versed in all employm legalities?it is not as easy as ‘get to feck ,your fired’,hh
On Celtic forum ,this morning seems they are trying to send him out on loan ! Now am not an employment lawyer ,but can’t see how the can tear up contract ,any disputes of this nature ,have to be dealt with ‘citation’ Company versed in all employm legalities?it is not as easy as ‘get to feck ,your fired’,hh
What dispute Ray? It's Gross miss conduct! He blatantly broke Club protocols and then went back to training with colleagues and staff without any disclosure putting them at risk. And further more travels to Kilmarnock and puts them at risk because of his selfish fuckin stupidity! FUCKIN SACK THE ARSEHOLE! it's not even a discussion, He has no defence for his actions absolutely none.
After all the dust has settled from yesterday, time to reflect into what has actually happened .??,ok start with Celtic ,Boli fecked off to Spain ,did not inform and when found out ,caused this sham ,according to rules set out by snp, if you are in the contamination area ,ie ,close contact with someone ,even who has NOT been diagnosed as infected,then you also should isolate ,ok, how come Kily play tonight ,?.Aberdeen already in lockdown ,players went on a night out amongst a mass of people and had to self isolate ,are a ny of the six been diagnosed as infected ,?????,
the snp are 💩 scared of their own shadow,bringing in all sort of restrictive practices,now not saying we should be running about willy-nilly,but a bit of common sense used ,Celtic have we are told have their own equipment for testing ,don’t know much about it ,as am not an expert ,but are told at some cost ,seems Ross county also am told !,before the start of the season ,have the sfa/spfl, put any rules in place ,from what I have been reading NO,!this will not be the only disruption to footballup here,just wait for the coming months ?In England in all fairness they have complied getting league finished ,ok,one or two clubs have had players infected ,but it did not stop games ? So question up her is what the feck is going on ,?celtic are NOT the big bad wolf here’s?.... the snp got out of jail here ,re the fuck up with exam results ,fully expecting to be dragged over the coals ,but hey ,Boli turned up and got then out of a hole big style ,time to move on here ,what is done can’t be changed! my views ,hh
The problem is ,bolingoli didnt use common sense and did go running about willy nilly,no other words for it,a one day trip to spain is crazy.

The problem is ,bolingoli didnt use common sense and did go running about willy nilly,no other words for it,a one day trip to spain is crazy.
True but you are not picking up the whole point of my statement , you are allowing boli to cloud the real issue here,the issue amongst many is the law states if you come from a place on the banned list ,or a place where no observing of the rules, then you to have to isolate, boli and Celtic are being picked on ,Killy were in contact also ,so by rights they have to isolate , what is this one rule for them ,one for us ,the snp have fucked this up !!!!!hh
What dispute Ray? It's Gross miss conduct! He blatantly broke Club protocols and then went back to training with colleagues and staff without any disclosure putting them at risk. And further more travels to Kilmarnock and puts them at risk because of his selfish fuckin stupidity! FUCKIN SACK THE ARSEHOLE! it's not even a discussion, He has no defence for his actions absolutely none.
I agree what you are saying ,but won’t work that way ,I am not against getting rid ,wish they would just sell him !with all due respect this is not a life or death scenario ,well not yet anyway ,and hope not in the future ,hh
Correct ,Celtic will not fire him, there are employment laws , ffs his agent would be going crazy if that was to happen .maybe even UEFA ,or euro courts,,hh
UEFA, Euro courts? His contract can and should be terminated, it's nothing to do with the SNP he recklessly disregards measures put in place for a jolly to Spain for a day!
Celtic aren't being vilified it's the actions of one clown thats are under fire here.
A total betrayal of his managers trust, if his agent wants to go crazy then look to his client because nobody else is to blame but him.
Sack him

yep but were still paying for him

do you actually think we'll write off £3.5m

He's a dumb cnt were all agreed on that

but he will be dropped from the first team left to stew in his own pish and his agent told he can find him a new club ,,,that's how i see it

on the yearly transfer saga of never getting in players

Celtic have never ever built on success they have always dragged there feet and ignored the obvious ,we were in for 2 full backs in perrued and melling ,the board opted for the cheaper option of bolingoli who is like a wean chasing a ballon

The fans backed the club in huge numbers

The board ignored it's customers as it has done every year
The nagging thought i have is,when and how did Celtic become aware of it?🍺🥳
Lenny has maintained that he only found out on Monday. Did Boli approach him or was lenny tipped 🤔?

So the gov actions seem to differ so far regardless of testing.

- Aberdeen test positive. Games postponed. Negative players enter isolation. Ban from domestic fixtures for positive players and isolation for players attending hot spots regardless of test results.
- Celtic test negative. Games postponed. No cases. Punishment of breach of regulations by ban from domestic fixtures.
- Rangers play without results. Punishment of breach of regulations. No further action.
- Kilmarnock test negative but come in contact with someone that should be quarantined. No positive testing so fixtures continue.

There have been individual and club failings listed above.
It seems Sturgeon for the most part is focused on punishing clubs for players actions regardless of testing.

I'm aware clubs are trying to create football bubbles. Are footballers therefore not allowed to go out for dinner or a drink like the general public by law?
It seems Sturgeon would rather this to be the case.
As a restaurant manager belive me every place is a ticking time bomb but the government have actively encouraged people to go out.

My company have an isolate till tested negative policy. You can then resume work.

Going forward this must be applied to footballers or even innocent contractions of covid will result in multiple games being cancelled regardless of other fit squad members being negative.
Lenny has maintained that he only found out on Monday. Did Boli approach him or was lenny tipped 🤔?

So the gov actions seem to differ so far regardless of testing.

- Aberdeen test positive. Games postponed. Negative players enter isolation. Ban from domestic fixtures for positive players and isolation for players attending hot spots regardless of test results.
- Celtic test negative. Games postponed. No cases. Punishment of breach of regulations by ban from domestic fixtures.
- Rangers play without results. Punishment of breach of regulations. No further action.
- Kilmarnock test negative but come in contact with someone that should be quarantined. No positive testing so fixtures continue.

There have been individual and club failings listed above.
It seems Sturgeon for the most part is focused on punishing clubs for players actions regardless of testing.

I'm aware clubs are trying to create football bubbles. Are footballers therefore not allowed to go out for dinner or a drink like the general public by law?
It seems Sturgeon would rather this to be the case.
As a restaurant manager belive me every place is a ticking time bomb but the government have actively encouraged people to go out.

My company have an isolate till tested negative policy. You can then resume work.

Going forward this must be applied to footballers or even innocent contractions of covid will result in multiple games being cancelled regardless of other fit squad members being negative.

Boli was away to secretly meet with his agent to press for a move away.
UEFA, Euro courts? His contract can and should be terminated, it's nothing to do with the SNP he recklessly disregards measures put in place for a jolly to Spain for a day!
Celtic aren't being vilified it's the actions of one clown thats are under fire here.
A total betrayal of his managers trust, if his agent wants to go crazy then look to his client because nobody else is to blame but him.
All am gonna say is will Lawwell Chuck £3.5 mill down the drain ?we can’t get them to spend money on replacement / improvement players,e
He fucked up,should be moved on either permanently or loan... witch-hunt should stop now..
Yes docco ,100% agree ,enough is enough ,we move on from this ,!!!!

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