The Flat Earth For Beginners

no you don't

you hate catholics

the proof is there in your plethora of posts

not seen one about any other religion

other than paganism and the druid magic mushrooms are wonderful


everything you write is hatred

you are a man of hate
What about the post you just quoted? Are you really that stupid or is it just part of the generally deceitful disposition? Either way I'd get more sense out of the washing machine.
If this was the case I would hate everyone in my immediate family and everyone I went to school with, most of my neighbours and all of my friends (apart from those like me who no longer identify as Catholic or indeed Christian).
I hate the Catholic church, the many Protestant churches, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism and every other form of spiritual poison which holds back the human race.
You are a prime example of the effect of spiritual poison on a human being.
A delusionally obsessive Gollum-type creature. You've probably had your ring destroyed too.
now that is funny

when you self reflect

it becomes a projection onto me


it was him who did it daddy

no me


tiny tot
What about the post you just quoted? Are you really that stupid or is it just part of the generally deceitful disposition? Either way I'd get more sense out of the washing machine.
You are a liar

you are full go hate

and you cant admit your failures in life


project some vomit onto me

He died with his moon boots on..........

Requiescat in Pace, Thai Tim. I hope Hubbard greets you on the spaceship well.
Hubbard admitted his book was fiction they told him no it is not,
yes it is,
millions of dollars and buyers tells you, you are onto a good thing here,
yes as i was saying it is not a book it is in fact a bible from another planet.
Good man Hubbard, i knew you would come through.
Hubbard admitted his book was fiction they told him no it is not,
yes it is,
millions of dollars and buyers tells you, you are onto a good thing here,
yes as i was saying it is not a book it is in fact a bible from another planet.
Good man Hubbard, i knew you would come through.
But where is Shelly Miscavige?

Thai Toon has left us on a cliffhanger wie that one.
Thetan'll be right, Boab.........they feckin aliens abducted her and took her up to Thai Chi's moon base.
Aliens what with all the probing surely they know that humans consist of the same parts by now, but nope, its bum probe time, love when they interview a hill billy, yep they took me away with big bright. lights could not see their faces, keep probing my bum, all of them, told me not to tell or they will abduct me again, so i told on them.
Thank you for all your efforts to enlighten us uneducated plebs, my sincere hope is that once you fuck off you stay fucked off. Tata

probably come back as mudman or some name you use to make pottery or after a boxer who stung like a bee. Randall and hopkirk one always signs off before putting on his new costume and wig and coming on again, tonight Celtic Noise i am gonna be...................... .
You are a liar

you are full go hate

and you cant admit your failures in life


project some vomit onto me

No again you have taken my words and turned into your understanding just like tt

your both identical in principle

if you have a position you cant understand you say prove it

but you cant understand the proof

ill make it so simple and its not open to your opinion

its sound mathematically and scientifically


dont reinterpret it

try and understand it

life in our understanding has a start

it was created

because science proves nothing can materially come into existence from nothing

So simple

so before time began

god is

God is truth

creation cannot understand the creative force of life before time

even in evolution you need something for it to evolve

evolution requires time

but time once did not exist and outside the dimension of time things must exist

physics proves this by mathematical theory

what those things are and how they function are preternatural and supernatural

if biological life requires time to exist/evolve then before time began biological life did not exist

but we know biological life exists
e know time exists

and nothing can evolve from nothing

then something created time and biological life

its so easy to follow

but you will try twist it like tt

and then say thats what it means really

no no no


life is proof of god

if you dont agree what's your alternative theory

not some made up calumnious crap that you have decided I really mean

your theory of life is?

reconcile it to before time existed
your ability to understand simple is on the tt level of abstract

yet despite knowing you didn't create your own existence

you claim to be creative while being the least bit unique in your reasoning

its a bit like

water turns to ice at certain temperature

conclusion bacon tastes good


you are a proven liar


your proofs are worthless

its simple

life proves creation took place

proves time exists

because it had a start

from nothing expanding into nothing

yet has incredible depth of dimensions in relativity but still must have begun

unless you have an alternative proof that doesn't require bacon

what's that got to do with God?

your now making up stuff that you believe again

then projecting your imagination onto me in satirical nonsense

keep it

TET aka Ian Paisley
Do you?

Out of curiosity why are you collecting pictures of bibles and funny pictures of biblical stories to share on the flat earth thread?

You into the bible now?

or just like tt

do you take snippets and distort the story to suit a preconceived agenda?

Why no share the full story verbatim

then give us a sermon on the subject having studied the masters of the meaning of the stories

Authorised and doctoral theological commentaries would be an interesting pursuit for you.

that way you might learn what the church teaches rather than what satyrical comedians project into the story

You still praying for me?