The Michael Duffy SPFL predictor 24/25

One midweek game (Tues) this week folks.... Bottlemerchants v Sheep - - msm in a quandary with this one, if the sheep win they knock Celtic off the top, but they will pull further away from the huns 😎🤔😎.

O aye... Get yir score in... 😂 😂 😂
The sheep would need to win 19 nil to knock the Celts off the top 50 ...but I hope they pull away further from the huns 👍
Just minutes to go, I had Aberdeen winning 2-1, then the HIV's tie it up, then go behind again to an absolute world class goal. 3-2 and the fans are going mental. Hibs take it upfield and Efe Ambrose twin brother Rocky Bashiri, bundles it in to tie the game up at 3-3. The SPFL, full of thrills, spills, and absolutely shite fitba at times, but this was a good watch second half. Couldn't get any UCL games on the stick, so was jolly exciting to watch ;-)