The only amusing aspect of KT leaving.


Well-known member
While there is nothing funny about losing KT, if he goes, there will be ruptions in sevconia.
"Twenty five mullions furra full back !!!!!!!!!!."
" that must mean Tav is worth at least 20 as well. If they can get 25furra full back so can we"
This is the funny part. They think dross is marketable because it wears a zombie shirt. It's a fitba tap. It cannae dae magic. It cannae turn shite intae steak. However, I don't want to lose KT no matter how much grief it gives the zombies. They are more fun alive than dead.
What kind of intergalactic mindfuck would affect the Sevconian psyche if KT stayed even after £25 million had been bid?

While there is nothing funny about losing KT, if he goes, there will be ruptions in sevconia.
"Twenty five mullions furra full back !!!!!!!!!!."
" that must mean Tav is worth at least 20 as well. If they can get 25furra full back so can we"
This is the funny part. They think dross is marketable because it wears a zombie shirt. It's a fitba tap. It cannae dae magic. It cannae turn shite intae steak. However, I don't want to lose KT no matter how much grief it gives the zombies. They are more fun alive than dead.

Shite intae Steak, Superb ?????

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