This nonce

The alternative for the "dumb English cunts" was to vote for Jeremy Corbin and relive the 1970's , although some of you comrades probably remember that era with red tinted glasses.

Slightly political, sorry Stevie.
So how has voting tory gone? Looks like your starting to relive the 70's.
Since the Tories came to power 12 years ago, on average the value of your wage is down around 20%.
Taxes are at a 70 year high.
Growth in the economy is the worst in the G7. Only Russia with all the sections on them are worst when it comes to Growth.
Fuck the Tories and all they stand for.
Boris getting asked how much a loaf of bread costs answers I don't know, I can tell you how much a bottle of champagne cost though.
Fuck the fat arsehole
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Great to Arthur Scargill back on a picket line again. Said a long time ago that national strikes and working people would start to realise they’re being treated like 💩
By there Governments and bosses.
Boris and the old Etonian network want to Erode all workers rights. Remember the P&O sack and rehire on lower terms and conditions that’s what they want for all UK workers. No rights at all
Now the Right in the Medja are going for Mick Lynch the Next group to strike will be targeted as well. All the groups who worked through Covid19 are threatening to strike for a decent cost of living pay rise.
I’ve voted to strike and will stand on the picket line not for me but for the People worse off who are struggling to make ends meet. For the first time at my workplace they’re all talking strike action all saying enough is enough.
Mon the Workers

HH 🚩
See how compliant the media are?

Mick Lynch has wiped the floor with all of the pretendy journalists and every politician he's come across. Those he ragdolled really have to have a good look at themselves only they can't because if they were chocolate they'd eat themselves.
Shamrock, the Media are the propaganda arm of the Government both Tory and the Labour Party as the opposition.
In the US the Washington Post gets all its stories from the CIA and the New York Times gets its news items from the same and so they are one and the same and part of the whole political neo liberal elite and will never bite the hand that feeds them.
The main reason the tories wanted Brexit was to escape the European employment laws and rights for the workers, now they are slowly trying to erode them. Only last week they sneaked a law change through to allow companies to use agency staff to replace striking workers. That alone is one of the major no no’s under European employment law 🤬🤬
Mick Lynch has been a breath of fresh air this week and renewed my faith in workers of Britain. For a long time the seemed to be down trodden and accepting every piece of shit the greedy employers forced on them, but now they have decided enough is enough and are fighting back 👍
The main reason the tories wanted Brexit was to escape the European employment laws and rights for the workers, now they are slowly trying to erode them. Only last week they sneaked a law change through to allow companies to use agency staff to replace striking workers. That alone is one of the major no no’s under European employment law 🤬🤬
Before the Brexit vote some of the articles written by Tory brexiteers was shocking. Their target was not just EU employment law but British workers. They said workers were, lazy, feckless and spoiled. Once out the EU they would target workers rights. Sick pay, Paid Holidays, maternity leave, shift allowance, the right to organise and every other right the trade union movement won for workers.
When I hear people bad mouthing unions I ask them if they get Holiday Pay, Sick Pay and shift allowance. They think these things have always been not knowing people fought long and hard for these rights.
Before the Brexit vote some of the articles written by Tory brexiteers was shocking. Their target was not just EU employment law but British workers. They said workers were, lazy, feckless and spoiled. Once out the EU they would target workers rights. Sick pay, Paid Holidays, maternity leave, shift allowance, the right to organise and every other right the trade union movement won for workers.
When I hear people bad mouthing unions I ask them if they get Holiday Pay, Sick Pay and shift allowance. They think these things have always been not knowing people fought long and hard for these rights.
Spot on Richy 👍
Carlsberg don't do creepy-looking, obese men you definitely don't want driving a school bus but if they did............

Morgan had limited moments in the spotlight, edgy , combative etc - he then got signed up to host tv in the US which due to his ego and mannerisms led him to believe he is a bit smarter than he is. There will be some yank nuggets that love him with nothing to compare to v the slugs they watch and adore. High bar
Glad to see him get firmly slapped ... with a polite soft calm leather glove. And shown he is not worthy of a conversation past a petty caricature likeness.
Horrendously embarrassing for a guy that has painted a picture of himself such as PM has.
"Run through molar to tale old boy...quite" (toff adder voice)
Lynch ain't no mug
Aussie comedian Jim Jefferies gave it tight to him on US TV
Told him what he thought of him and told him to "Fuck off"
Morgan will do/say whatever his Tory and Republican pals tell him to, as long as there's a cheque at the end of the day for him
Always looking to be in the spotlight
Cunt would be at the opening of an envelope

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