Tony Blair on TV defending his record on human rights, as a socialist, I sadly cannot hang him from the nearest lamppost, so what do we do with this

The more I read about the life of christ from birth to death the more i love the story and the man and the Divinity in him.

Born homeless in the city of the KIng he was descended (David), so poor that his mother wrapped him in rags and placed him in a sheep trough (wrapped in swaddling clothes placed in a manger).

He was full of dignity, charity, truth, light and life. He served the poorest of the poor with real wealth (grace), he taught the uneducated morality, and he stood firm in the face of immorality and wordly flesh subservient power idols.

He died without error and thus became the gate and guide out of the depravity of the worlds errors.

I give glory to God for showing me the truth even when i was blinded by my own selfish mind. And all the glory is his for despite his guiding hand i fall into the same errors as everybody else in this mad world from time to time, maybe even more often than rest of humanity. Yet, despite that, I am confident that he will set me free eventually from my self.

For there is no evil wosre than selfish evil and thats why the only way to life is to die to self.

When i work out how its done ill tell the tale. But i think thats the point. Only grace can release self from self. Self never could do it alone. And thats why self mastery is not enough and grace is more necessary the more you know self.

Because self deception is the skill of the evil one, and he will tell you self can do anything. I did it my way. Which is the highway to hell. Don't listen to the My way. Watch and study the divine way which is truning from self to perfect charity which is the way of divine grace.


I bet i have some haters on here now.

Ill be sticking to my way TET.

Its the natural way.

Thats right the order of grace is supernatural

The order of Glory is above the supernatural, the thrid heaven the holy of holies the glorified city of God the place at the end of the way of divine grace.

The natural realm has its visible heavens

The realm of Divine Grace is beyond the sense but very very real, intangible but experiential and consists of both the preternatural (hellish and evil dark dominions) and the supernatural (glorious radiant pure kingdoms) occult.

The realm of divine glory is Beyond all experiential understanding, eternal and unbegotten, the source of all light, the unblemished realm that creates all creation, visible and invisble in time and beyond our dimensional and wisdom, knowledge potential, in short the cloud of unknowing, the great throne of brilliant light. The home we were made to reach in our heart. home of beauty joy and love.

The only way we cant get there is if we reject it for selfish determination or sin.

We were made to love, nothing less.
We were made to stand up for truth and love and grace.
Which requires grace and truth and love which is God.


If you read this far I thank you kindly for listening to my version of christianity. I hope its catholic for I beileve they are the mystical body of christ.

If you wholeheartedly disagree with me or think i'm a fruitcake then don't worry so much I tend to think I might be fruitcake myself at times.

But somehow something of the christ Gospel compels me to share the good news from time to time.

So forgive me if you are bored already.

I am never bored reading your posts TET. I thank you for giving a us a part of your life experience (first post) and also for sharing your strong faith that you llive by in this post.

Much food for thought TET but in my simplistic view it’s greed and the ‘every man for himself’ attitude today along with the Elite who are pulling the strings on the Unequal distribution of wealth and in the end ‘Self’ that keeps the status quo imo.

Too simplistic I know but the best I can do for my input to the thread.
George Monbiot, a journalist with the Guardian, offered a £5000 reward to anyone who would carry oot a citizens arrest on war criminal Tony Bliar.
Before the rape of Iraq, Bliar asked the Security Services what would happen if they attacked Iraq, he was told that it would enrage Muslims and undoubtedly lead to terrorist attacks in the UK. He was also told by the attorney general (Labour MP Keir Starmer) that the war against Iraq was illegal under international law. The attorney general then performed a complete about turn within 24 hours and stated it is not illegal to attack Iraq.
When asked what happened in the 24 hours that caused him to change his legal advice given to the Bliar government Starmer said, I can't tell you because of Lawyer and Client confidentiality. ( the government being his client). Starmer, Bliar and Jack Straw should be in prison. They are partly responsible for over a million deaths. They have killed more children than the worst paedophiles. That those men and women who voted for an illegal war are still walking about free tells you all you need to know about so called British democracy, murderers and war criminals.
Hail Hail Rich
...and how many of the Parliamentary Labour Party voted to support Bliar ?
Robin Cook was in the Cabinet , heard all the arguments , saw all the documents that the rest saw ( including the ''dodgy dossier'' ) and was not convinced - so resigned . How many others followed his lead ? None ! They followed blindly like sheep , supporting a man who makes Fagin look like Mother Theresa .
They are all as guilty as Bliar and Brown and Straw ... few members of the public would have been convinced by the fake evidence that Bliar presented to Parliament , but our honourable members were looking at the bigger picture ... their own careers .

To paraphrase the EU President recently '' There is a special corner of Hell reserved for those who took us to war in Iraq without evidence and with no thought as to the consequences .''
My credentials: The son of a poor alcoholic miner in a family of 7, brought up catholic in a protestant mining community, my mother a saint, picking tatties in a field to feed her 7 bairns while my da got drunk spending his wages in the pub. From the age of 15 I've been homeless, taken drugs and became a heavy drinker, but I still managed to fight my demons. I became a relatively successful businessman in IT, owned a large house on the posh west end of Glasgow, have worked in America, Spain, Holland and Germany. Retired from the rat race at the age of 47 at the peak of my earning power to study people, religions, philosophies, political systems and mass deceptions. What I have learned is the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know. For every revelation there are one hundred new questions.

If an alien were to observe the human race I wouldn't be surprised if we were named "The Deceivers". People believe what they want to believe, facts only get in the way. Labels such as socialism, communism, conservative, liberal, national socialism, democratic, republic, dictatorships, benevolent dictatorships, social democrats, Marxists, Stalinist, Nazis, Fascist, social democrats etc. etc. are all nothing more than labels that people use try to describe their ideal way to run a society. No matter the label, whoever is in charge has power and power corrupts, indeed in order to achieve the position of power, corruption is necessary.

In my opinion there will be never be any utopia based on how well a government is run. Creating a socialist government based on the promise that none of its citizens shall pay for education or health services, a welfare system where no citizen has to go hungry and can live a life with dignity, university is free to the poor and state pensions are able to deliver enjoyable end of life experiences without financial worry are very worthwhile and noble targets. In order to achieve such a socialist utopia, the entrepreneurial rich must be heavily taxed to the point they are dis-encouraged to succeed, and governments need to grow into big brother like departments, bringing with it masses of red tape farcical bureaucracy, imposing rules and regulations that stifle the free human spirit. Laziness, idleness and lethargy takes hold in a welfare state that grows beyond that which it was set out to do. Society deteriorates. Education becomes nothing more than government approved propaganda dogma (similar to how it is at present). The wealth of the nation suffers, schools and hospitals close, teachers and nurses can't be paid, the only wealthy people on good salaries are government officials and society breaks down into alcoholism, drug addiction, social degradation and extreme poverty (the very thing that the socialist government was trying to improve).

The western world is heading towards a New World Order globalization to be achieved using deceptive Global Warming (problem reaction, solution dialect), Open Borders to destroy any feeling of patriotism of national identity (your racist if your against foreign invasion of dogmatic cultures). We are being poisoned in mind and body. Anything to help with depopulation is approved and promoted. Our drinking water is medicated with poison, our skies are being sprayed using toxins, our food is GMO and pesticide, babies are being vaccinated at alarming rates and we are brainwashed into thinking its all being done for our own good. We are in the middle of a major war against humanity. Anyone who tries to defeat the globalist agenda are demonized by the 100% globalist owned media.

Look what is happening with the yellow shirts in France. Two solid months of violent protests against the New World Order globalists agenda but this news is stifled by the real globalist run media...

"FAKE NEWS attempting to 'CONTROL' the narrative by not providing coverage? Do the protests in EU go against the narrative that majority of people are for globalism, open borders, and mass immigration? Police in France have turned against its own citizens and the French citizens have turned against its own police. Our controlled media prevents mass awareness. There is an info wars going on. Youtube "conspiracy" videos and sites are being deleted, google algorithms changed to suit the mainstream narrative, If the news doesn't report the facts (ie, truth) - how do people get informed in order to be heard? Silence the people. Localize disruption. Target leaders of disruption (quietly take action). Deploy scare tactics & political cross-talk. Control volume. The media no longer represents the will of the people. Think for yourself. Research for yourself. Trust yourself. Sheep no more" Qanon

Quotes from a great Irish man I greatly admire:

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

Youth is wasted on the young.

There is no love sincerer than the love of food.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

When you are young, If You Are Not a Socialist You Have No Heart. When you are older, If You Are Not a Conservative You Have No Brain - anon
phuqin depressed noo g'night bhoys and ghirls HH.

Theres a mock Latin phrase that my father used to have on a plaque on his office wall that said, "Illegitimi non carborundum" -- "Don't let the bastards grind you down." Those are essentially words to live by.

Also, a hat tip to TET's last post -- there is definitely a connection between spirituality and social justice which is often eclipsed by the attention given to the charlatans in their mega-churches (at least here in the States).

Something that occured to me, as I race out the door to work, is that something that is often not mentioned is that the elite have the luxury of being politically active, where as we working people are stuck with having to put in 40+ hours (if we can get that many) of work, then other things like worrying about how to pay bills on meager salaries, etc. It's definitely something to consider and something to keep in mind.

So one of the things I tell people who want to be politically active (or at least, politically conscious) is to keep in mind that your contributions to the greater good should be offered to the capacity you can contribute (sort of part of what Marx said in "from each according to their ability, and to each according to their need"). Do what you can, but don't burn yourself out.

Hang in there, Michael.
...and how many of the Parliamentary Labour Party voted to support Bliar ?
Robin Cook was in the Cabinet , heard all the arguments , saw all the documents that the rest saw ( including the ''dodgy dossier'' ) and was not convinced - so resigned . How many others followed his lead ? None ! They followed blindly like sheep , supporting a man who makes Fagin look like Mother Theresa .
They are all as guilty as Bliar and Brown and Straw ... few members of the public would have been convinced by the fake evidence that Bliar presented to Parliament , but our honourable members were looking at the bigger picture ... their own careers .

To paraphrase the EU President recently '' There is a special corner of Hell reserved for those who took us to war in Iraq without evidence and with no thought as to the consequences .''
QUOTE Osama bin Laden is no more a true representative of Islam than General Mladic, who commanded the Serbian forces, could be held up as an example of Christianity. Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies.Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. AL-QAIDA, LITERALLY “THE DATABASE”, WAS ORIGINALLY THE COMPUTER FILE OF THE THOUSANDS OF MUJAHIDEEN who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden’s organisation would turn its attention to the west.END QUOTE - FOUR WEEKS LATER ROBIN COOK WAS DEAD IN SCOTLAND
as a socialist, I sadly cannot hang him from the nearest lamppost, so what do we do with this
You could hang him from

I stopped waiting a while back. I think we have the power ourselves to champion justice and we have to work toward that aim. It's in our hands.

Very funny. :D

I stopped waiting a while back. I think we have the power ourselves to champion justice and we have to work toward that aim. It's in our hands.
as a socialist, I sadly cannot hang him from the nearest lamppost, so what do we do with this
You could hang him from

I stopped waiting a while back. I think we have the power ourselves to champion justice and we have to work toward that aim. It's in our hands.
I enjoyed that wee Tressell doc cheers! Its a great book and I might read it again now you have brought it to my attention. I'm socialist in heart but I despise and fear large socialist government (the term "socialist government" is in my opinion an oxymoron). A government that allows people to manage their own affairs and communities is far more appealing than a Big Brother welfare state.
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I have always been a poor Glasgow lad with below subsistence (below National poverty line) income. I was brought up as a Catholic in East end of Glasgow Ice cream van culture surrounded by a majority of protestant poor families. The east end notorious of poverty and hard, hard humanity and to a certain extent the discarded part of society, full of Dickensian ignorance and want.

I was taught right and wrong and most of my wee pals were protestant. Poverty knows no religion. I remember the early 1980s with extreme prejudice. I starved 2 or 3 days per week literally and I could only understand that it was Mrs Thatcher who made me and all my wee pals, who were mostly Rangers fans, starve in a country that was at the time 4th Richest country in a world thats rich enough to feed every human being many times over and still have enough wealth for creative capitalistic ventures.

The present state of capitalism, where less than 1 percent of the humanity owns over 50 per cent of the wealth, and more than 20 percent of the planet starve on a perpetual basis is a terrible indictment of tooth and claw militarised elite capitalism.

Capitalism without insurance for the poorest end of the spectrum of humanity.

Now I grew up in the East End believeing in James Connolly type Socialism, the Neil Kinnock promises and the Tony Benn vision. But it was dismissed as Loony left Communism.

And there in is the problem.

The Soviet style Command government if pure slavery, nothing more nothing less and is known by Capitalism as Socialism.

So when you say I am a socialist in UK you usually mean one thing- usually a social being who cares enough about humanity to promote a national security system of dignity for human beings, so that they cannot fall into such deprived states of poverty that they cannot get themselevs out without some kind of criminal behaviour or extreme luck.

But that not what the wealthy see as Socialism, they think Soviet control of their wealth for an elite police state at expense of creativity, trust, and totalitarian wealth for the police controlled elite, is what Socialism actually is.

Now Ive never once met a Socialist with those parameters as their manifesto.

But sadly the record in the world of socialism is not great.

Even when we had socialist UK governments in Glasgow the east end especially was still; always the starvation and crime pit. The labour party did very little to end the poverty traps. The tory government s did even less.

But the UK as a whole have been convinced to vote evil tory wealth manipulation due to the missaplied fear factor of the socialist principles.

The moral hazard that comes with true marxist socialism always leads to death by state for non compliance with authority.

The moral hazard of tory state politics of tooth claw capitalist nature leads to culture of blame the poor for being poor.

And the lack of a coherrent alternative to marxism and tooth and claw (fascist sympathy) politics allows both the extreme ends of government to frighten people into voting for least evil morally.

Not best virtuous party.

The socialist inbetween party needs to redefine the word socialist before moral wealth holders can be convinced to vote for state theft of wealth.

And i grew up in East end of glasgow not being aware of the difference between immoral (atheistic) capitalism, capitalism (faith based) with minimum national insurance and low taxes, mixed economy with healthy national insurance and nationalised essential industry (which i think is what i assumed was socialism through lack of education, Socialism (faith based) where moral duty is placed on institutions to pay tax at expense of wealth growth, And communist Socialism (atheistic) where an elite decide what you are worth to state and you must comply or die.

There are probably even more dimensions to the political spectrum but i see a need for at least 5 categories, maybe more unless you enforce laws that forbid both the extreme versions of atheistic capitalist thought and atheistic communist thought. But Im now a reasonably well read Catholic and understand the nuances of faith system better than i did when i was uneducated east end child. I understand the nuances of the emotions in a label like Capitalism and Socialism to different minds and how propaganda fills people with fear through misunderstanding and lack of trust.

And i see all the problems manifest in Poor mixed faith communities exploited by ruthless minds to destroy open debate and propagate hatred among societies poor by blaming faith systems.

And that subconscious barrier against faith allows the real manipulation of wealth while the atheist systems fill disenfranchised youth with extreme mindsets capable of blowing other human beings up and missing the whole point of their anger.

The poor people without proper insurance starve and get trapped in skid row.

The poor people who subscribe to politics get caught into extremes.

The poor people find it easier to blame other faith systems for poverty than the non faith systems which was the reason non faith systems came into existence and are usually extremely biased in one direction or the other.

And to top it all off any kind of moderate system of scoailsit reform is now paraded by the MSM propaganda system as loony left even when its purely about sensible insurance policies for all society and hence help to grow the economy without people in the 4th richest country in world starving to hatred 2 or 3 days per week.
Top post TET
The more I read about the life of christ from birth to death the more i love the story and the man and the Divinity in him.

Born homeless in the city of the KIng he was descended (David), so poor that his mother wrapped him in rags and placed him in a sheep trough (wrapped in swaddling clothes placed in a manger).

He was full of dignity, charity, truth, light and life. He served the poorest of the poor with real wealth (grace), he taught the uneducated morality, and he stood firm in the face of immorality and wordly flesh subservient power idols.

He died without error and thus became the gate and guide out of the depravity of the worlds errors.

I give glory to God for showing me the truth even when i was blinded by my own selfish mind. And all the glory is his for despite his guiding hand i fall into the same errors as everybody else in this mad world from time to time, maybe even more often than rest of humanity. Yet, despite that, I am confident that he will set me free eventually from my self.

For there is no evil wosre than selfish evil and thats why the only way to life is to die to self.

When i work out how its done ill tell the tale. But i think thats the point. Only grace can release self from self. Self never could do it alone. And thats why self mastery is not enough and grace is more necessary the more you know self.

Because self deception is the skill of the evil one, and he will tell you self can do anything. I did it my way. Which is the highway to hell. Don't listen to the My way. Watch and study the divine way which is truning from self to perfect charity which is the way of divine grace.


I bet i have some haters on here now.

Ill be sticking to my way TET.

Its the natural way.

Thats right the order of grace is supernatural

The order of Glory is above the supernatural, the thrid heaven the holy of holies the glorified city of God the place at the end of the way of divine grace.

The natural realm has its visible heavens

The realm of Divine Grace is beyond the sense but very very real, intangible but experiential and consists of both the preternatural (hellish and evil dark dominions) and the supernatural (glorious radiant pure kingdoms) occult.

The realm of divine glory is Beyond all experiential understanding, eternal and unbegotten, the source of all light, the unblemished realm that creates all creation, visible and invisble in time and beyond our dimensional and wisdom, knowledge potential, in short the cloud of unknowing, the great throne of brilliant light. The home we were made to reach in our heart. home of beauty joy and love.

The only way we cant get there is if we reject it for selfish determination or sin.

We were made to love, nothing less.
We were made to stand up for truth and love and grace.
Which requires grace and truth and love which is God.


If you read this far I thank you kindly for listening to my version of christianity. I hope its catholic for I beileve they are the mystical body of christ.

If you wholeheartedly disagree with me or think i'm a fruitcake then don't worry so much I tend to think I might be fruitcake myself at times.

But somehow something of the christ Gospel compels me to share the good news from time to time.

So forgive me if you are bored already.

I admire and respect the strength of your faith TET, I was brought up in the same church as yourself and I'm sure a large percentage of people who are on this forum, I am now lapsed and have been for many years for reasons I'll keep to myself as I have total respect for anybody who follows the faith, it's nothing serious more political than any other reason.
One of the many important points you made in your post was about not giving up hope, I can't stress enough how true that is, I have to give myself a shake everyday when confronted with the reality of the world we live in, the way the monsters who rule the world have twisted religion to suit them and give them a green light for warfare puts a knot in my stomach.
Matt Johnson is a favourite musician of mine, one of his tunes is called Armageddon days are here again, he's singing about different religions and how peace seems to be the furthest thing fromanybodies mind. One of the lines in this song says ' if the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today, he'd be gunned down cold by the CIA,' don't know if he ripped it off from anyone but I think there's a lot of truth in it..
Getting back to my point, the thing that keeps me going is the signs I see in the youth around the world, they are much smarter than myself at that age, (not hard when i wasted most of my secondary education staring out a window) these youngsters aren't going to take the same shit I did.
They are watching the worlds leaders doing nothing or very little about saving the planet, they see them as selfish in the extreme, I think we should be giving them as much encouragement as we can.
I posted my wee rant before having an early night last night and before work this morning I noticed there was a few replies, its good to know people have opinions on such matters, your post certainly gave me food for thought today and for that I thank you, heres to living in hope mate.
I admire and respect the strength of your faith TET, I was brought up in the same church as yourself and I'm sure a large percentage of people who are on this forum, I am now lapsed and have been for many years for reasons I'll keep to myself as I have total respect for anybody who follows the faith, it's nothing serious more political than any other reason.
One of the many important points you made in your post was about not giving up hope, I can't stress enough how true that is, I have to give myself a shake everyday when confronted with the reality of the world we live in, the way the monsters who rule the world have twisted religion to suit them and give them a green light for warfare puts a knot in my stomach.
Matt Johnson is a favourite musician of mine, one of his tunes is called Armageddon days are here again, he's singing about different religions and how peace seems to be the furthest thing fromanybodies mind. One of the lines in this song says ' if the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today, he'd be gunned down cold by the CIA,' don't know if he ripped it off from anyone but I think there's a lot of truth in it..
Getting back to my point, the thing that keeps me going is the signs I see in the youth around the world, they are much smarter than myself at that age, (not hard when i wasted most of my secondary education staring out a window) these youngsters aren't going to take the same shit I did.
They are watching the worlds leaders doing nothing or very little about saving the planet, they see them as selfish in the extreme, I think we should be giving them as much encouragement as we can.
I posted my wee rant before having an early night last night and before work this morning I noticed there was a few replies, its good to know people have opinions on such matters, your post certainly gave me food for thought today and for that I thank you, heres to living in hope mate.

Reminded me of the famous poem by G A Stuttert Kennedy

about what would happen to jesus if he came to modern Birmingham, suggesting getting nailed to cross is more kind than modern compassion.

When Jesus Came to Birmingham

When Jesus came to Golgotha, they hanged Him on a tree,
They drove great nails through hands and feet, and made a Calvary;
They crowned Him with a crown of thorns, red were His wounds and deep,
For those were crude and cruel days, and human flesh was cheap.

When Jesus came to Birmingham, they simply passed Him by.
They would not hurt a hair of Him, they only let Him die;
For men had grown more tender, and they would not give Him pain,
They only just passed down the street, and left Him in the rain.

Still Jesus cried, 'Forgive them, for they know not what they do, '
And still it rained the winter rain that drenched Him through and through;
The crowds went home and left the streets without a soul to see,
And Jesus crouched against a wall, and cried for Calvary.

G. A. Studdert-Kennedy
A genocidal maniac educated in one of Scotlands most Expensive Schools, defending his record tonight, he won't appear in the Hague for Crimes against Humanity for war crimes against Iraq, Afghanistan and Serbia, so what do we do against a State Sponsored Terrorist. Sorry for being angry but answers on a fucking postcard please.
PS Thanks for the GFA and your fucking veto and your petition of concern in Stormont which has only kicked the can down the road for years you Thatcherite Bastard, rant over

Bravo ???? Unfortunately Blair is a lying warmongering cvnt, socialist naw, Tony the red Tory. Sadly politicians as soon as they get power become total fvckwits,

I was brought up in a family who's political views were Nationalist/Republican with some Socialist & Liberal thinking thrown in.

Personally I'm a Scottish Nationalist, I spent a lot of time with my Granny due to my parents both working. My Granny called me her "Scottish Rebel"

55 & still fighting for the cause "FRRREEEDOM" FUCK YER UNION
Blair won't get away without judgement on his record. Not 8n this world but the next God will be judge and jury when it becomes Blairs time. Why hasn't anyone made citizens arrest? Imo waste of time Blair would not be prosecuted for his crimes against humanity. Maybe someday someone somewhere will assainate him when they are ready. Blair Churchill Thatcher are all war criminals and former PMs couldn't make it up. Britain's history of sending men to there deaths is sadly nothing new. Unfortunately Scotland has been involved in the crimes through no fault of her own, following Westminsters orders. Let's all pray and hope we become a Republic Scotland.
Just went to see vice about Dick cheney.
Fuckin scary man he's a complete animal.
Highly recommended, this is what Blair jumped into bed with and has no shame a sad indictment of a so called socialist.600,000 Iraqi civilians slaughtered for what? And they have the audacity to call Muslims terrorists. ?

Aye TGS, him and George Snr were the puppet masters of the George W. administration. The definition of War Incorporated as Cheney's companies made fortunes out of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan :devilish:

As for Blair don't even get me started! The mere mention of the man's name makes me sick :sick:
Blair, Brown , Darling and all those other red Tories simply continued Thatcherism and paved the way for Cameron and May and Brexit .
All the things they were going to do when they got in to power ... help the poor , help the weak , help the working man , help the Trade Unions ... the only people they really helped were themselves .

The House of ' Lords' is stuffed full with 'socialists ' ( Lord Kinnock ) and ex-communists ( Lord Reid ) and so many good 'Labour' people who fought the good fight to help the poor and the downtrodden - don't laugh at the back !
You couldn't mark their necks with a blowtorch !

When Thatcher was asked what her greatest achievement was her response was 'Tony Blair and New Labour'.

Those 5 words tell you everything you need to know about Blair, Brown et al and what they turned Labour into Millsy.


Thought id research that and right enough!!!! Wow

Late in 2002 Lady Thatcher came to Hampshire to speak at a dinner for me. Taking her round at the reception one of the guests asked her what was her greatest achievement. She replied, "Tony Blair and New Labour. We forced our opponents to change their minds." But in a very real sense that only happened between 1992 and 1997. The 1992 Labour proposition to the country was very different from the 1997 offering. And that was due to the defeat of 1992. The Conservative government of 1992-1997 by simply sitting there and existing forced Labour to change.

from source

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