What is success?

I really want us to start by downsizing. Preferably getting rid of our best players for massive fees. Hopefully O'Riley will be off soon. I'd be buzzing if Kyogo and AJ were also sold for decent money. Perfect treble in my eyes...I really love being the richest team in Scotland.
I then hope we sign a few project players on the cheap. Maybe a few, over the hill, last day loans, in the mould of McCarthy...extra credit to the board if he happens to be Irish...cause of the history and all that. Up the RA!!
Propping up the new league table in the champions league will be nice as we'd have already banked the £60 million and it's the taking part that counts. Don't care about the cups...as long as we have regressed enough that sky get their exciting, toxic "old firm" title race.
Throw in a few public "arguments" between the Glasgow business partners to spice things up a bit in the media would also be nice.
Now that's what I call a successful season


Peter Lawwell.
Thurs folks oan here think yir kidding Peters left baw sack.

Has anyone ever taken what Frank McAvennue seriously about any subject? He was a fantastic striker who descended into a joke character. I'm sure he is a lovely guy and probably a great laugh on a night out, but his views on football are as relevant as Kris Boyd's, Alex Rae, Andy Walker or my dog. Why do the media pay money to these gobshites to spout their nonsensical crap that nobody cares about? No wonder this industry has gone down the tubes.
Docco loves Frankie bhoy so
Go fur it
