The Flat Earth For Beginners

Well he and his holy friends have taken a holiday on helping the disadvantage and mentally ill. What we do to the most disadvantaged because their mental illness doesn't allow them to organise to fight for better living standards. In all the westerrn countries we closed the mental hospitals but we didn't do the other part of the plan. To make sure their was enough carers and beds for them on the outside. We managed to do the part that saved govt money but not the other. If I sound very anti Catholic its because I had so much respect for it, and I know their is a lot of good people still in that church. but when you see them and the Anglicans spend more than a $1million dollars to vote no for gays ect to get married, they have totally lost the plot and if their ever was a JC he would be the first to tell them.
I hear what your saying and agree the good people aren't getting their message across

But they were voted out of having a voice in secular world.

The marriage thing requires lot of research to get a better understanding. Its not my place to explain it. But you can research it if it bothers you.

Mental health issues are needing addressed

And I think it would create even more hatred if popes were giving messages on secular tv

They issue encyclicals and they address most of your concerns but the wider audience will never get to hear it.

I can assure you there are many good people trying to help the poor/ill/lonely
Where on (flat earth ) did you drag this nonsense from ?1977 you say? And yet ancient tribes and peoples on this planet have been able to see the moon glow through reflection light from the sun..honestly TT I think you just post this stuff to get a reaction from others. I gave you an example of evidence of a spherical earth , twice you've given none to support a flat stationary earth with a dome whatsoever.....waiting ...still waiting. Also dont send a YouTube video as youtube works thanks to gps satellites in orbit around a spherical planet so more YouTube videos the more you're debunking yourself.
Where on (flat earth ) did you drag this nonsense from ?1977 you say? And yet ancient tribes and peoples on this planet have been able to see the moon glow through reflection light from the sun..honestly TT I think you just post this stuff to get a reaction from others. I gave you an example of evidence of a spherical earth , twice you've given none to support a flat stationary earth with a dome whatsoever.....waiting ...still waiting. Also dont send a YouTube video as youtube works thanks to gps satellites in orbit around a spherical planet so more YouTube videos the more you're debunking yourself.
Please stop this pish! Is there a flat mars? Fucking juniper? Ma rountutred head can't get round it! 🙄😉