We can all use a laugh

An old Irishman shuffles into a bar at sundown with his eyes low and his head down. The bartender says "ay, Billy! What's the matter? You seem troubled". Billy responds with "you see this bar we're standing in? I built it with me own hands!

But they don't call me the bar builder, no! And the bridge everyone uses to cross the river to get to the market,

I built that that with me own hands too! But do the call me the bridge builder? No, they do not.

And the wall that protects our city, I built that with me own hands too! And they don't call me the wall builder neither.

Pretty sure MD was a Bairn when that joke was made.

HH 😂
the town meeting to come up with a name must have been hilarious
Townsman 1: "aboot this toon, I think we should call it Vibrator, because it's mellow and has a great feel to it and it's founded upon a fault-line"

Townsman 2: "I think we should call it prawntickler, because it just lies off the sea and good for catching big shrimp"

Townsman 3: "well I think we should call it Happy Fanny, because my wife loves it here and her name is fanny"

Townsman 4: "I feel we should call it Rampant Rabbit, coz these pesky varmits are eating up my dandelion fields"

Townsman 5: "I opt for DILDO, because DILligaf lives here and he loves to DO things for the townfolk (especially the spinsters)"
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A gallus 14 year-old boy walks into a pub and asks the barmaid for a half of their finest whisky and a large cigar. The barmaid thinks to herself that this boy is nowhere near old enough so she says to him "You'll get me into trouble" to which he replied, "Well maybe after I've had my drink I could sort you out hen".