January Transfer Window Thread

Same team on Sunday Lenny or they ll be uproar!Soro ,Turnbull,Ajer been different class tonight!and the big goalies not let himself down either.Play these guys week in week out and i doubt they ll let us down.First real fight ive seen in the team for weeks!HH
That's fuckin better turnbull,soro have got to start at the weekend this might just get our season going we were comfy tonite the only thing is Duffy hes a fuckin bombscare hes challenging his team mates for the baw when his team mates are in a better position to clear it he brings a nervousness into the back line he canny play goin forward infact just send him back doon the road the noo...am really proud of the players tonite it wid have been easy to hide but they all(except the duffster)were brilliant tonite HH