lenny "we were playing against 12 men"

michael duffy

Well-known member
went down in my estimation big time,after everything that man suffered,before,during and after his time at celtic,to make that insinuation that celtic are being given preferential treatment!!!! ffs the best team won.the woodwork was yer star man. retraction required lenny or reputation with us is stained!
Your right in what your saying and I agree there was no need for that comment from him. But Lenny is Lenny and he has always been hot headed and maybe not really thought things through before answering. Definitely a man who gets caught up in the heat of the moment as we all know and I’m sure he’ll look back at his comments and regret it.
I have no doubt that Brendan Rogers has private thoughts that he chooses not to utter. Neil Lennon would be well served by following suit.

There's a lot of truth in what you write but I don't see NL changing any time soon.
I don't understand Lennon coming out with all this crap? To think of all the people I fell out with defending this man and I'm sure most people on here did too, I've no time for him anymore he's finished for me...
I used to love it when Lenny spoke his mind, to be honest, and it was a refreshing change from big Mowbray suffering in silence each time some perfidious swine in black robbed us of another result. He said what we were all feeling, even if that is not necessarily what he was paid to do (Brendan, for example, is a master at interviews - he is dignified without ever becoming a victim).

Lenny has lost the plot, though, if he thinks Hibs were cheated. It was a great game between two good, attack-minded teams. We won because we were notably better and because we rose above the referee's very inconsistent performance.
I don't understand Lennon coming out with all this crap? To think of all the people I fell out with defending this man and I'm sure most people on here did too, I've no time for him anymore he's finished for me...

I think there's more to this.

Neil Lennon imo loves Celtic. It may just be he doesn't love everyone connected to us though........for reasons we will probably never know.
Lennon deserves any fine or ban coming to him for such idiotic comments. His team were given a lesson in football and got off very lightly indeed. His moronic comment about a red card not being given (at worst it was a yellow) while ignoring his own teams leniency shows how ridiculous his ranting really is. Denial, deflection just typical of the crap I'd expect from the Govan cheats. Should have shown some class and respect for better opponents, but chose the easy way out to hide Hibs many short comings. Get used to the thrashings as heavier defeats are ahead.
Lennon deserves any fine or ban coming to him for such idiotic comments. His team were given a lesson in football and got off very lightly indeed. His moronic comment about a red card not being given (at worst it was a yellow) while ignoring his own teams leniency shows how ridiculous his ranting really is. Denial, deflection just typical of the crap I'd expect from the Govan cheats. Should have shown some class and respect for better opponents, but chose the easy way out to hide Hibs many short comings. Get used to the thrashings as heavier defeats are ahead.

He made a complete arse of himself going down that road and up until he uttered them I was open to him replacing Rogers eventually. Not anymore.

The Sevconians love this type of shit against us. His team should have had at least one sent off for two bootable offences. Maybe focus on that Neil and give credit where it’s due.

You were lucky not to have gone down 9.2.

You have crossed a line saying we had 12 men, so, as I already said, go fuck yourself and enjoy your time at Hibs.
Couldn't believe the 12 th man comment...and the Benkovic stuff....yes... He wears his heart on his sleeve but ffs... He,s got a short memory...we have fought the masonic refereeing establishment since birth. He effing knows that...he fought them himself...he has just given them ammo...still very angry at his comments and so disappointed with him.
The Press are lapping it up. Rather going with our performance they focus on Lenny making a cunt of himself.

One good thing about that, it shows how much the bastards are shutting themselves about us blowing that delusional Gerrard 55 Express to Fucking smitherines.

Still shouldn’t have said it. Disgusted with him.
Lenny has a short memory, to hear him moaning that Celtic are getting any kind of favours beggers belief. He of all people should know better.
The ref was frustratingly inconsistent yesterday he got off on the wrong foot by booking Brown so early, then had no option but to book the Hibs player a few mins later. A few mins after that Jamsie copped the worst challenge of them all but this time he kept his card in his pocket. He must have thought if carried on the way he started there will be 8 a side by the end. It was by no means a dirty game. Surprised at Lenny calling for a player to get sent off. What he didnt say was Benkovic was having a great game so he wanted him off.
He knew when he managed Celtic that was not the case and he still knows it.In view to what happened to him on and off the park his mindset
is that everyone has an agenda against him.
Lenny jus being Lenny wears his heart very much on his sleeve.