60SecondCelts.com - Your new home for Celtic news and opinion

I’ll 19th that

HH 😂🙄
First thought I had when I seen 60second Celts was our resident lothario had changed his nom de plume. 😂

But wrong again my bad 😅.

Anyhoo welcome to the Noise 60 sec and I will check out your site l8r.
60 second Celts 🤔 sounds like an insight into some of our love lives
Not mine of course...but hey ho...first impressions and all that
WECLOME to the Noise '60'
Stick around, get involved and who knows, maybe some of the miscreants who inhabit this site will have a'gander' at your new venture
We had one rocket surgeon come on a while back, his first post was something along the lines of "Hail Hail Bhoys, come check out my new website, LED lights, had a link...
Click on the link he supplied...Landing page, first thing we see a Blue LED light thingy, which stated 'WATP'...
Obviously the elevator in his head, didn't go all the way to the top, and he was duly slated and got the 'welcome' he deserved...hasn't shown his wee pointy head since
Anyway, just a wee bit of why your first foray into the noise was met at the door, with a soupçon of sarcasm
We are nothing, if not consistent, so stick around, get involved, you might like it here

Appreciate it mate. I'm a one man band at the moment. I built the site on my own during lockdown last year and currently run the twitter and produce all the content. Keen to get some extra contributors and will be looking into that in the next few months (y)
What FTP and software you running in the background and are you sponsored for your hits. can be time consuming been a one man band, administrator and editor not to mention finance and IT skills .
60 second Celts 🤔 sounds like an insight into some of our love lives
Not mine of course...but hey ho...first impressions and all that
WECLOME to the Noise '60'
Stick around, get involved and who knows, maybe some of the miscreants who inhabit this site will have a'gander' at your new venture
We had one rocket surgeon come on a while back, his first post was something along the lines of "Hail Hail Bhoys, come check out my new website, LED lights, had a link...
Click on the link he supplied...Landing page, first thing we see a Blue LED light thingy, which stated 'WATP'...
Obviously the elevator in his head, didn't go all the way to the top, and he was duly slated and got the 'welcome' he deserved...hasn't shown his wee pointy head since
Anyway, just a wee bit of why your first foray into the noise was met at the door, with a soupçon of sarcasm
We are nothing, if not consistent, so stick around, get involved, you might like it here

Haha cheers mate. None of that nonsense from me and hope you enjoy what you see if you decide to check it out (y)
What FTP and software you running in the background and are you sponsored for your hits. can be time consuming been a one man band, administrator and editor not to mention finance and IT skills .
I was initially on Wix but transferred across to WordPress connected with Filezilla to allow for the ads on there in partnership with Snack Media. Absolutely time consuming and a test of patience at times but also enjoyable. Do you have experience of this yourself?
I've read some of your material via Celtic News Now and found it to be among the legit and decent fan media as opposed to the clickbait shite also found on there. I'm adblockereduptafuck so no revenue from my views I'm afraid :ROFLMAO:
Out of interest mate what other fan media sites do you rate and get your info from?
I was initially on Wix but transferred across to WordPress connected with Filezilla to allow for the ads on there in partnership with Snack Media. Absolutely time consuming and a test of patience at times but also enjoyable. Do you have experience of this yourself?
Snack media is also the Celtic Blog sponsor and wordpress also is the platform of choice now on most sites is it not, remember a wee weasel named John James used this site as a ruse to garner support before ripping of fans with tarted up yarns about mainstream stories and aye pretty clued up on technology mate.
Snack media is also the Celtic Blog sponsor and wordpress also is the platform of choice now on most sites is it not, remember a wee weasel named John James used this site as a ruse to garner support before ripping of fans with tarted up yarns about mainstream stories and aye pretty clued up on technology mate.
That's right, and a few other Celtic sites too. I much preferred Wix tbh and will be checking our Webflow for my future ventures
Snack media is also the Celtic Blog sponsor and wordpress also is the platform of choice now on most sites is it not, remember a wee weasel named John James used this site as a ruse to garner support before ripping of fans with tarted up yarns about mainstream stories and aye pretty clued up on technology mate.
Ah JJ the PPV exile now there’s a cunt that would have given Hans Christian Anderson a run for his money
Did he not solve the Madeline McCann case 3 or 4 times too?
He must have been right scunnered when the Portuguese polis named the German fella as an arguido. He's been bumping his gums for years now about how the McCann's killed their own child backed up with silly assumptions that obviously wouldn't stand up in a court of law. He's a great one for the conspiracy theories is JJ. Folk pay good money to read shit that he's gathered from other sites and buy into his conspiracies as well. They aw need their bumps felt.
He must have been right scunnered when the Portuguese polis named the German fella as an arguido. He's been bumping his gums for years now about how the McCann's killed their own child backed up with silly assumptions that obviously wouldn't stand up in a court of law. He's a great one for the conspiracy theories is JJ. Folk pay good money to read shit that he's gathered from other sites and buy into his conspiracies as well. They aw need their bumps felt.
He did a lot of ranting about Phil Mac too; I think they both accused each other of plagiarism. I still read Phil's articles but I lost all respect for him when he stated that only 'plastic revolutionaries' took their seats in Westminster; using this as another opportunity to have a go at Mhari Black. I know very little about Ms Black but I do know there was nothing plastic about Bernadette Devlin McAliskey. I sent him a comment to that effect but he didn't have the integrity to publish it.
