Arlene Foster hypocrisy - alleged sex scandal

Twitter is abuzz with rumours of sanctimonious Arlene having allegedly been caught out having a 2 year affair with her driver. Her lawyer is already threatening some media / presenter type who retweeted the rumour. I so hope this is true as it would be so ironic given her party's stance on 'traditional marriage values' etc.
Tweet in question can be found here
Whit🤔 a blind driver yer fuckin makin it up ffs😂😂
It's the hypocrisy of it all. Her and her extreme religious views, meanwhile she's humpin the poor unfortunate driver.
Speaking of her hole, I'd say it's more akin to stickin your tool into a bucket of warm water!
I have more issues with the utter fairytales she believes in rather than her being human. At least she's right about that.