Celtic’s Search For A Striker Will Involve Risk. But Two Candidates Are Known Enough.

James Forrest

The Emperor of Ice Cream
Staff member
It is a risk whenever a club buys a player. Any player. But especially a striker, because with a striker there really is no way to hide it if you’ve bought the wrong sort of footballer. You get strikers who can score regularly … except when it matters. You get strikers who don’t score at all, and yet somehow make a living in the game advertising themselves as forwards. You get forwards who do…


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We also have Oh, whom it appears isn't in Rodgers thoughts at this time but that hasn't stopped him being called up to the national side. Oh is only 23 and has only started 3 league games this season.
Which imo isn't enough to make a firm judgement for me who isn't Rodgers and I'll trust in his judgement.
I only mention him because he does bring something different to the side with his physicality which is sometimes a bit ott but that's just passion and eagerness to do well.
How much of a say will Oh have in our recruitment of another striker I wonder?
However , I am not torn between Idah and Miovski , why should I be ?
Idah is tried and tested with us.
Aye it would be great to get both but that brings us back to Oh.
He has talent if a little raw but it's still early days for him here.
Also , it's not only strikers that pose a risk in buying for Celtic, the same goes for all we sign.
Kyogo and Idah I'd settle for backed by a still learning Oh.
At this time I'm more concerned with the LB competition we must provide Taylor with and we could do with another top CB of CCV standard, granted Nawrocki might be the answer we already have.
There's also the elephant in the room , Joe Harts replacement, this is a position we cannot afford to get wrong and I don't mean in financial terms.
No projects , we require the real deal Celtic
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