I know its early......

I'm a big supporter of giving youth a chance, but the fall off can be quite dramatic when a young player hits 'the wall'.

Multiply that by 4 or 5 young players and that may present an issue. The guy that took his leave last week pointed out that Celtic had difficulty developing young players and integrating them into the first-team squad.

Looks like he had a genuine point.

It seems as if Ange is the type of guy better suited to working with young minds that are open to persuasion. I hope he does ease a few of the young lads into his reckoning, but we have to be prepared to expect that inevitable drop off in their performances at some point.

Still rather have three hungry, enthusiastic and motivated players than three overpaid, huffy-puffy, egotists who are spoiling for a move.
The SPFL is not for the faint of heart and I hope that the young Bhoys coming in have their wits about them and don't get bullied off the park
That's where the experienced heads have to back them up and make sure they are allowed to showcase what they are bringing to the table
As in any sport, once you make the step up to the big show, you're playing against men, with families, mortgages etc and they will do whatever they can to gain an advantage
Broony will be a miss this season for this alone
Time for the Bhoys to come together and get this drilled into them from the 'off'