Ashley wins in court against Sevco

Been reading a thread on FF and many of the hun hordes are in meltdown, they’re even discussing stink bombing Sports Direct and some sort of protests in Hiuse of Fraser during the Christmas shopping period haha

Yesterday’s ruling...

1. confirms they are stuck with SD for at least until 2020

2. They must instruct Elite (the company selling their strips in line and in JD stores) to stop

3. they will be due compensation to Elite for breach of contract

4. Any compensation claim made against Elite by SD will be their responsibility

5. Court costs to be paid by them (around 350k for yesterday)
Big Mike puts the boot in ...again !
Surely some in the Sevco camp must be wondering how much of their cash is being frittered away by the GASL on these pointless court cases , which of course are just a distraction used by the GASL to keep the masses on side .
But are they really that stupid ? ( rhetorical question - we all know the answer ! )

The reason ,IMO that Sevco keep ending up in these pointless cases is the fact they are being ajuducated in English courts . They have not worked out yet that, unlike up here in Scottish courts, where because it's Sevco , deals will be done within the upper echelons of the masonic organisations (which also infect the Scottish courts)to ensure they do not have to face the full consequences or even comply with the laws .
In Scottish court this would be effected by some unrealistic challenge by their defence to the legal interpretation of a word or assumption in the proceedings which the "loyal" Scottish Court would accept .However down South they will have none of this nonsense from them and apply the law fully as it should be .
In some ways I can understand them having difficulty in getting to grips with having to deal with the law being applied rightly and fairly to their affairs ,it must be a harsh and difficult concept for them to grasp .Especially given the contempt the glib and shameless liar has got away with regards the TAP.
Don't tell anyone ...but I hear that Sevco have a new outlet for their merchandise .
You know The Barras , yes ? Well round the back there is a wee Kebab shop ... go down the alley at the back and you'll see an orange door . Give your usual secret masonic knock and say that slippery Dave sent you . But ffs ...don't mention Big Mike Ashley or they'll rip you a new one !
There are "dirty" businessmen and then there is King. Big Mike has just given King the finger and although he's no saint himself he's proven that he's more than a match for the glib one. The klan won't descend upon the House of Fraser as they would have to pass the Celtic shop first. Mon big Mike.
There are "dirty" businessmen and then there is King. Big Mike has just given King the finger and although he's no saint himself he's proven that he's more than a match for the glib one. The klan won't descend upon the House of Fraser as they would have to pass the Celtic shop first. Mon big Mike.
You're correct. Big Mike most likely hasn't got to where he is without learning a few tricks along the way and they are obviously much better tricks than GASL has managed to learn. BM is just a lot too smart for GASL.
The big difference between Big Mike and the GASL can be seen in the lawyers fees . Ashley has the best of the best on his team , whereas the GASL is , like his team , getting by with second-raters . Just look at Ashley's fees ( which the GASL is having to pay -lol )
It's just typical of Glibby to fire ahead doing whatever he wants even when it's outwith the parameters of the law and we have the TOP as a reference to his teflon coating but big Mike isn't the soft, soapy TOP and he'll make the bastard pay, or rather he'll make the gullibillies pay.
I really don’t think big Mike is interested in making money from the Sevco deal, it’s hardly going to be noticeable alongside his billions

Nope... King has pissed him off big time for a long time now and it’s got personal.!

There is only going to be one winner and they’ve never been called a Glib and Shameless Liar
It's just typical of Glibby to fire ahead doing whatever he wants even when it's outwith the parameters of the law and we have the TOP as a reference to his teflon coating but big Mike isn't the soft, soapy TOP and he'll make the bastard pay, or rather he'll make the gullibillies pay.

The Gullibles ... was that a movie starring the Union Bears who were taken in by a conman who promised them 55 presents .. then buggered off with their cash ?

Then there was the Gullibles 2 starring members of Club 1690 who gave all their cash to the same conman who sold their own club back to them ...only to find that it was worthless as all the best bits had already been sold to a charity called The Close Bros.

There is talk of a Gullibles 3 where the conman returns , calling himself the emperor and sells them all new clothes , only for them to discover that the orange clothes that they thought they had bought belong to a terrible Giant , called Mike , who lives in a Castle , a new one , which he has built using all the money the conman has taken from the little people who call themselves Sevconians .
Glibby is already spending the money from Gullibles 3 even though it hasn't been made yet. Magic Mike is the bollocks of the dog.