those who are far away


Well-known member
hi folks in faraway lands who follow Celtic. It is amazing the loyalty and support that you give to our team. don't know if you understand they daily angst we undergo in this fair land of corruption,deceit and duplicity in this wee country. In you're countries this I would think would not be allowed, whether be Americas or southern hemisphere's. an aside England cricket team should be sine died, Effing atrocious what they did to
Smith Calculated he should be banned, he knew what he was doing short ball high bounce. disgraceful.
This thread is in context ie establishment against upstarts, cannot be allowed. check out Aussie batsman Bradman against England, cheating effers.
Australian cricketers Bill O’Reilly and Jack Fingleton could attest to Mr Bradman’s religious intolerance and Masonic ways.
Listening to Tom English ignoring the elephant in the room that there is clear evidence of Beaton and other refs being biased cheats. We need neutral refs in Scotland. We simply do not have them. Scottish refs need to follow the English system of declaring their allegiances. It is appalling.
The Boston Red Sox have been called out for years for their racist fanbase. It makes the national headlines when it peaks into an incident. Biased referees have a whole industry of blogs and sports reporters watching them. Americans love to complain about any slight on their chosen team and it's big business to be a talking head on a 24hr station. In that way no team is safe from mass ridicule.

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