Prize time.

14 bhoys and ghirls out of 2,600 members,ah know money's tight fur some folk's, but a fiver, c'mon good people, wan last surge, it's furra good cause and the prize is definitely worth it!!!!!, Hail Hail ☘
MD too true. It ma be that members have already contributed themselves in an other way. Sleep out, taking part in other crowd funding. There are a few events going on.
All we can ask if possible to contribute if they are financily able.
Really peeps you are all so greedy. and offering bribes is so wrong.
Stevie, I hear that there maybe a strip out of electrical wiring and assorted machinery at a venue in the south side of Glasgow. Brown envelope at the ready.
Precious, where is my precious you're mine not that bad Artorius (sorry KA, alls fair) be yer pal later.😊😊😧😧😧