SANDMAN'S DEFINITIVE RATINGS: CELTIC v Living In A Box (A cardboard box)


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SANDMAN'S DEFINITIVE RATINGS: CELTIC v Living In A Box (A cardboard box)

"When I say I nearly signed for Rangers, whit I mean is that Watty and Big Dickie
Gough offered me a quickie in a car park as long as I signed an NDA. Eh, naw."


"I waaaant leeeev. I want no play heeeer for Hon no more. Fock you Chreesmas weesh.
My Chreesmas weesh, I go to fock from heeeer."

Alfredo Morelos Xmas message to the Zombies.

THE WALL - 7/10

Most notable first-half involvement for our purple monolith - steady girls... - was
his involvement in the opener - long ball to Eddy that broke for the eventual set-up.
A goal that would NEVER have been scored under The Snake.
Adacious keepy-uppie display in the face of their growling bull-dyke antagonist to
entertain himself and the crowd later on.


Spent a few anxious minutes at the start looking over his shoulder for Prince Andrew,
but once Broony assured him it was itty-bitty-titty-teenies the royal ponce was into
and Epstein was deid - though he didn't kill himself... - our wee dynamo settled into
what has become a pleasing norm: energised persistence up the right flank.
Bright as a button on his school blazer, early chance as he entertained us with his
skill, our Baby Yoda reprised his Mandalorian (watch it, spaghetti western sci-fi fans,
it's great) part to bamboozle their hired thugs all day.
Blitzed them with his pace and generally enjoyed himself as the stands quaked with angst
until the killer second. Was desperate to get a goal, but luckless. Next time, use the
force, young one, use the force...

AJER - 7/10

Viking time of year. Rain, cold, dreich, stadium heights rising around him like monumental
fijords - perfect storm for young Ironside to thunder into battle and wade in gore. Yet he
didn't need to; they were far from the hyped-up battling warriors they are on their own
melted-celebrity-implant pitch. He cruised, like a longship up the Clyde.


A frustrating day was had back in our miserable Explorerville defeat. This afternoon he
once again faced up to their troublesome gigantor lesbian forward. Drew a booking from
her/it/Ms/Mz/Zog before the end of the first 45. Skelped some lovely passes from deep
as he suaved-around magnificently superior, like a catwalk model at a Hun speed-dating

HAYES - 6.5/10

Last seen in the Celtic Xmas video demonstrating how he built actual planes from cardboard
back in his WW1 stint. Bravely took the field today despite being clipped by a sniper's
bullet yesterday/105 years ago as the battle of Ypres petered out into a muddy stalemate.
That arm fleshwound forced him off just into the second half today after a swashbuckling
45 in which our quantum-realm journeyman again displayed his worth.

BROON - 7.5/10

Considering a return to the Scotland squad just to invoke the biggest ironical calls of
glory-hunting ever known, from the entire Sevco support - none of whom had even heard
of Deidco until 1986 and the arrival of Robocop and The Beast.
Prowled about the middle looking for a revenge sacrifice. Found one in the most unlikely
of Broon manners by thrashing the ball off their big thunderheid centre-back into the net
and goading him on the way past to celebrate. Unable to resist picking up a late booking
for booting big militant feminist in the baws. Captain Marvel, job done again, vengeance
was his, lol.

CALMAC - 7/10

Set to it quickly, getting involved to establish his, and his team's, rythm early. Gave
us a platform to launch at them, let Oz wander to effect and Corpus romp about. Quiet but
effective control of the game.


It's his birthday next month, around the 25th, so he's feeling old (approx 2020 if the
fairytales are to be believed...). You wouldn't think so as the Son Of Man performed The
Miracle Of Returning To Action.
Playing more right-sided than usual, he did a fair amount of timeous floating through their
block without impact, waiting until the stars aligned. They didn't, as he poked one wide,
stealing a cert off wee pingpong, stung their keeper's gloves. Ultimately, no matter; save
them for December, Corpus.

FORREST - 7.5/10

The Prestwick Xmas lights go on tomorrow, with a flash no doubt, and we hope it's Jamesy
flicking the switch; Not with his finger though, ladies... Today, the Finest Celtic Player
Never To Have An Original Song Conjoured For Them was harrassing Livingston's own finest.
Linking with Eddy to rip them up, everything he produced was threatening (Ladies...), only
the finish lacked. Then he pounced, and fairly slapped in a deserved third then our fourth
to gild the lily. Did he use his boot? Fill in your own, oo-ers.

ROGIC - 7/10

Ah, a year gone by without the swaggering guile of Oz really on show. Then he shows up on a
dreich Scottish day during the Aussie summer to remind us he's just been in the wings tuning
up, waiting til his billy boiled and looking like he's ready to come back and boil some Billies
on his own next month.
What an asset if we can maintain his fitness and form through December. Showed his class with
his opposing choice of big kangaroo foot to set up Eddy. Sharper, he might have had another
for us before half-time. Promising shift.

FRENCH EDDY - 7.5/10

Dear Santa, please stop the Gallic Wunderkind scoring at international level. But keep doing
this against SPL chain-gangs! They dug their hole, Eddy filled it, playing on their line,
sneaked behind onto the Wizard's defence-splitter to burst the Newtown Knobs' gameplan wide
open on twenty minutes with a deft finish that was pure striker porn. Annnd, rest.


TAYLOR - 7/10

On as a sub for the guy who might just be his great, great grandfather, young Greg did his
great, great grandma's multi-war-hero wartime shag proud... On that note, almost opened his
own scoring record but denied by witchcraft and post. Fits in smartly.

GRIFF - 5.5/10

On came Sparky to salvage his Celtic career. Movement and enthusiasm on-point, just forgot
to re-acquaint himself with the moving white sphere, as chances came and went and we all
hoped he'd get a confidence-booster. Maybe Thursday, Leigh.


Muthufucka Lennnoy interrupted this Muthufucka chompin' on his muthufuckin' Big Kahuna
burger and dragged him off the God-Daym! comfortable muthufuckin bench for a fifteen-minute
stroll. Ran around quoting Ezekiel 25:17 at those yellow-assed Muthufuckas because it's
the only God-Daym! muthufuckin English he knows.

LENNONY - 7.5/10

A sigh of relief. If he's got a jinx team, it's Livi. Sorted that. Shuffled the formation
a bit which left Corpus somewhat alienated. But if the desired effect was to unsettle
Livingston and offset their gameplan, it worked. He's had two weeks to plan the winning
start to a critical run of matches and the result was everything we wanted and required.

OVERALL - 7.5/10

Caught Livingston on the counter, basically, for the first goal, lol, the irony... Spent
the rest of the first period anxiously awaiting a second, maybe third to kill it off and
rack up the goal difference. Never came. Tensions rose.
But these Bhoys know what's needed. Clinical and efficient second-half, deflating Omenchild
Damien Dallas' hopes and negating his concept of injury time which seemed fluid and
determined by a masonic algorithm based on Tim winning-margins.
However, we played well, looked inventive, and got the unnecessary evil out the way unscathed.
Notch up another scalp on the quest for NINE.

Go away Now.

Sandman, returned.
Last edited:
SANDMAN'S DEFINITIVE RATINGS: CELTIC v Living In A Box (A cardboard box)

"When I say I nearly signed for Rangers, whit I mean is that Watty and Big Dickie
Gough offered me a quickie in a car park as long as I signed an NDA. Eh, naw."


"I waaaant leeeev. I want no play heeeer for Hon no more. Fock you Chreesmas weesh.
My Chreesmas weesh, I go to fock from heeeer."

Alfredo Morelos Xmas message to the Zombies.

THE WALL - 7/10

Most notable first-half involvement for our purple monolith - steady girls... - was
his involvement in the opener - long ball to Eddy that broke for the eventual set-up.
A goal that would NEVER have been scored under The Snake.
Adacious keepy-uppie display in the face of their growling bull-dyke antagonist to
entertain himself and the crowd later on.


Spent a few anxious minutes at the start looking over his shoulder for Prince Andrew,
but once Broony assured him it was itty-bitty-titty-teenies the royal ponce was into
and Epstein was deid - though he didn't kill himself... - our wee dynamo settled into
what has become a pleasing norm: energised persistence up the right flank.
Bright as a button on his school blazer, early chance as he entertained us with his
skill, our Baby Yoda reprised his Mandalorian (watch it, spaghetti western sci-fi fans,
it's great) part to bamboozle their hired thugs all day.
Blitzed them with his pace and generally enjoyed himself as the stands quaked with angst
until the killer second. Was desperate to get a goal, but luckless. Next time, use the
force, young one, use the force...

AJER - 7/10

Viking time of year. Rain, cold, dreich, stadium heights rising around him like monumental
fijords - perfect storm for young Ironside to thunder into battle and wade in gore. Yet he
didn't need to; they were far from the hyped-up battling warriors they are on their own
melted-celebrity-implant pitch. He cruised, like a longship up the Clyde.


A frustrating day was had back in our miserable Explorerville defeat. This afternoon he
once again faced up to their troublesome gigantor lesbian forward. Drew a booking from
her/it/Ms/Mz/Zog before the end of the first 45. Skelped some lovely passes from deep
as he suaved-around magnificently superior, like a catwalk model at a Hun speed-dating

HAYES - 6.5/10

Last seen in the Celtic Xmas video demonstrating how he built actual planes from cardboard
back in his WW1 stint. Bravely took the field today despite being clipped by a sniper's
bullet yesterday/105 years ago as the battle of Ypres petered out into a muddy stalemate.
That arm fleshwound forced him off just into the second half today after a swashbuckling
45 in which our quantum-realm journeyman again displayed his worth.

BROON - 7.5/10

Considering a return to the Scotland squad just to invoke the biggest ironical calls of
glory-hunting ever known, from the entire Sevco support - none of whom had even heard
of Deidco until 1986 and the arrival of Robocop and The Beast.
Prowled about the middle looking for a revenge sacrifice. Found one in the most unlikely
of Broon manners by thrashing the ball off their big thunderheid centre-back into the net
and goading him on the way past to celebrate. Unable to resist picking up a late booking
for booting big militant feminist in the baws. Captain Marvel, job done again, vengeance
was his, lol.

CALMAC - 7/10

Set to it quickly, getting involved to establish his, and his team's, rythm early. Gave
us a platform to launch at them, let Oz wander to effect and Corpus romp about. Quiet but
effective control of the game.


It's his birthday next month, around the 25th, so he's feeling old (approx 2020 if the
fairytales are to be believed...). You wouldn't think so as the Son Of Man performed The
Miracle Of Returning To Action.
Playing more right-sided than usual, he did a fair amount of timeous floating through their
block without impact, waiting until the stars aligned. They didn't, as he poked one wide,
stealing a cert off wee pingpong, stung their keeper's gloves. Ultimately, no matter; save
them for December, Corpus.

FORREST - 7.5/10

The Prestwick Xmas lights go on tomorrow, with a flash no doubt, and we hope it's Jamesy
flicking the switch; Not with his finger though, ladies... Today, the Finest Celtic Player
Never To Have An Original Song Conjoured For Them was harrassing Livingston's own finest.
Linking with Eddy to rip them up, everything he produced was threatening (Ladies...), only
the finish lacked. Then he pounced, and fairly slapped in a deserved third then our fourth
to gild the lily. Did he use his boot? Fill in your own, oo-ers.

ROGIC - 7/10

Ah, a year gone by without the swaggering guile of Oz really on show. Then he shows up on a
dreich Scottish day during the Aussie summer to remind us he's just been in the wings tuning
up, waiting til his billy boiled and looking like he's ready to come back and boil some Billies
on his own next month.
What an asset if we can maintain his fitness and form through December. Showed his class with
his opposing choice of big kangaroo foot to set up Eddy. Sharper, he might have had another
for us before half-time. Promising shift.

FRENCH EDDY - 7.5/10

Dear Santa, please stop the Gallic Wunderkind scoring at international level. But keep doing
this against SPL chain-gangs! They dug their hole, Eddy filled it, playing on their line,
sneaked behind onto the Wizard's defence-splitter to burst the Newtown Knobs' gameplan wide
open on twenty minutes with a deft finish that was pure striker porn. Annnd, rest.


TAYLOR - 7/10

On as a sub for the guy who might just be his great, great grandfather, young Greg did his
great, great grandma's multi-war-hero wartime shag proud... On that note, almost opened his
own scoring record but denied by witchcraft and post. Fits in smartly.

GRIFF - 5.5/10

On came Sparky to salvage his Celtic career. Movement and enthusiasm on-point, just forgot
to re-acquaint himself with the moving white sphere, as chances came and went and we all
hoped he'd get a confidence-booster. Maybe Thursday, Leigh.


Muthufucka Lennnoy interrupted this Muthufucka chompin' on his muthufuckin' Big Kahuna
burger and dragged him off the God-Daym! comfortable muthufuckin bench for a fifteen-minute
stroll. Ran around quoting Ezekiel 25:17 at those yellow-assed Muthufuckas because it's
the only God-Daym! muthufuckin English he knows.

LENNONY - 7.5/10

A sigh of relief. If he's got a jinx team, it's Livi. Sorted that. Shuffled the formation
a bit which left Corpus somewhat alienated. But if the desired effect was to unsettle
Livingston and offset their gameplan, it worked. He's had two weeks to plan the winning
start to a critical run of matches and the result was everything we wanted and required.

OVERALL - 7.5/10

Caught Livingston on the counter, basically, for the first goal, lol, the irony... Spent
the rest of the first period anxiously awaiting a second, maybe third to kill it off and
rack up the goal difference. Never came. Tensions rose.
But these Bhoys know what's needed. Clinical and efficient second-half, deflating Omenchild
Damien Dallas' hopes and negating his concept of injury time which seemed fluid and
determined by a masonic algorithm based on Tim winning-margins.
However, we played well, looked inventive, and got the unnecessary evil out the way unscathed.
Notch up another scalp on the quest for NINE.

Go away Now.

Sandman, returned.

Welcome back sandman...thank God!!!
Hi Sandman your getting good at this expect da Medja will attempt to whisk you away
But I know some Muthafucking muthafucka will bring you back to us.
MD (part time imposter sponsored by Stella).
top drawer as per usual now rest Sandman
Till the next time. Genius at work

HH 🍀
I'm worried the Leicester Gazette will come calling and he'll do a midnight flit! 🤣

Spent a few anxious minutes at the start looking over his shoulder for Prince Andrew,
but once Broony assured him it was itty-bitty-titty-teenies the royal ponce was into
and Epstein was deid - though he didn't kill himself... - our wee dynamo settled into
what has become a pleasing norm: energised persistence up the right flank.


Oh. My. God. He. Went. There. :LOL:

Bravo, Sandman! Excellent report, as always, and the social commentary is always the icing on the proverbial cake!

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