


I was just thinking for no particular reason 😆 is there any players from the other SPL teams that could add something to our team?I'm struggling to think of any and after watching Aberdeen yesterday i doubt any would make our bench.Sevco players are banned from this thread 😂
I was just thinking for no particular reason 😆 is there any players from the other SPL teams that could add something to our team?I'm struggling to think of any and after watching Aberdeen yesterday i doubt any would make our bench.Sevco players are banned from this thread 😂

I think Cosgrove and Taylor fae Aberdeen could do a job for us......if the team bus broke down they 2 carthorses could tow us to the nearest garage 😜
Cany believe we allowed that donkey to score yesterday!Lost count how many times he fouled Eddy aswell.

Ano spent most of the 90 kicking the shit oot of Eddy and the 1 time he actually kicks the fucking baw he scores ffs!

It's rumoured Taylor is just a shaved Bigfoot that got snagged in Derek McIness' beard when he was oot hiking, like Koko the gorilla they've managed to teach him some basic sign language to help him communicate with his teammates......they're still working on the fitba side of things though! 😜