Celtic Pets

Just in from the park
Knackered, she fed the ducks, and the fish in the pond, walked Beau, ran up and down the hills, me chasing her, and then I carried her home on my shoulders
She makes our hearts sing, and she loves her big furball
Note the Covid-19 buzz cut, works for me
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Another beautiful morning walk, with our big Bhoy
He's well known in the neighbourhood, and everyone stops to give him a cuddle
He loves his 'celebrity' status
This morning, a couple we have got to know quite well, live about a mile from us, crossed the road to say Hi to him, he of course was all over them
Stay safe and hug your pets

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Cold, wet, widy, morning for our walk
He's rocking his new waterproof jacket
It was cool in the house, when we got home, soaked, but once he was dried off, he decided it was nap time, on his bed
My wife covered him with a blanket and he hasn't oved since...can't blame him ;-)
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