Phil’s Up - Big Mike Is Into Them Again

Phil MacGiollaBhain Retweeted

Radical Glasgow


on the day that Margaret Thatcher died in 2013, crowds gathered in George square. There was champagne, a piper, and a ceilidh.
1:39 am · 23 Jul 2020·Cheap Bots, Done Quick!
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good times

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses


Mark Brennan



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And people giving out free milk...

Tony Rossi



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Should be a national holiday in Scotland what a cow
Phil MacGiollaBhain Retweeted

Radical Glasgow

on the day that Margaret Thatcher died in 2013, crowds gathered in George square. There was champagne, a piper, and a ceilidh.
1:39 am · 23 Jul 2020·Cheap Bots, Done Quick!
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Replying to
good times

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses

Clinking glasses


Mark Brennan


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And people giving out free milk...

Tony Rossi


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Should be a national holiday in Scotland what a cow
Miners clubs throughout Britain drank a special bottle of whatever to mark the occasion. ME I danced a jig o joy round my workplace.

HH 👏
The blog the Huns hate. True or false Phil seems to release more content from the blue room than the actual board...
Good news is there are plenty of Huns read it. Gives us a wee chuckle and good analysis of the accounts/legal side from his review guys.
There are plenty of Huns that don't buy into the "its all is rosy" lies. Few folk in the media question the Huns now as well.
Combined it's enough to eat away at them.
Fine by me
Good question Imatim,our board have previous with the 'survival' lie,but will Ashley bury them,or, will we bury them?or is coronavirus their get out of jail free card?

Res 12 and the 5 way stitch up suggested to me that our custodians will always do what it takes to see that the huns remain relevant.....the big question to me now is will they sacrifice the 10 to as a consequence...

Res 12 and the 5 way stitch up suggested to me that our custodians will always do what it takes to see that the huns remain relevant.....the big question to me now is will they sacrifice the 10 to as a consequence...
Not just keeping them relevant,perpetuating the 'old firm' myth and two tory boards colluding? phuq all would surprise me, is coronavirus our boards get out of jail free card?
boards have phuqed us over for decades,apart fae the bunnet(still cannae believe our fans booed him!) Jimmy McGrory,wage cut! Paddy Crerand sold, kenny dalglish,, the way big Jock was treated,the Kelly's, the Whites, and the current shower, res 12, 5 way agreement,bonus's and dividends!.oops forgot, we're not fans, we're customers! meh! 🍺 🥳
wiz that a rant!
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What worries me is how far will the Celtic Board go to keep the huns relevant.....would they sacrifice the 10?
I wouldn't trust our board as far as I could throw our garden shed. They tramps will never overtake us without our board being our board. The fact they have closed the gap on loans and rummaging down the back of a sofa is a fucking dereliction of duty. They had better get the fucking finger out. The looking at our shoes and hoping, drives me mental.

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