We can all use a laugh

Thought ah'd sing yeez aw a wee song,basically ah 'm feckin melodjin!

🎼Three wheels on ma wagon,but ah'm still rollin along,
the cherokees, are chasin' me,arrows fly,right on by
but ah'm singin a happy song,
I'm singing a higgity, haggity, hoggety, high
Pioneers, they never say die
A mile up the road there's a hidden cave
And we can watch those Cherokees
Go galloping by🎼

Cannae mind the rest,age thing!🍺🥳
An old Irishman shuffles into a bar at sundown with his eyes low and his head down. The bartender says "ay, Billy! What's the matter? You seem troubled". Billy responds with "you see this bar we're standing in? I built it with me own hands!

But they don't call me the bar builder, no! And the bridge everyone uses to cross the river to get to the market,

I built that that with me own hands too! But do the call me the bridge builder? No, they do not.

And the wall that protects our city, I built that with me own hands too! And they don't call me the wall builder neither.


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