Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell to stand down at end of season

A little bit concerned, you've just written what I was going to say. Either great minds think alike or fools seldom differ.😂
You have to hope it's a positive step. In every organisation change. Is required, evolution if you will, we had undoubtedly become stale at the top. Some new Board members won't go wrong.
I hope this is followed by the appointment of a Director of Football who then appoints a new manager.
No you're both right to be concerned at least. I also think that we shouldn't be getting ahead of ourselves with this appointment. For all we know ( very little) PL may well have been following instructions from DD to be de-facto DOF and McKay might be the same. That's a valid concern. I am hopeful this is not the case though. Still the guys not even in place and already the speculation has begun that a DOF will be appointed and john Collins being touted in the Star. We know that the incoming CEO is a Celtic supporter with ST etc. How much his football insights and knowledge will stand up to Lawells, we'll have to wait and see. It's going to be a tough act to follow no doubt about it, PL has delivered the unthinkable domestically but weve fallen away from our European targets and become a Europa league club. He's young and we desperately need young blood with new ideas , fingers crossed that a DOF is but one of them. I'm hoping for big things from this initial change as we all are. HH
An unpopular opinion I would think but I have the greatest respect for Peter Lawwells contribution to Celtic over the last 17 years. He and the board have been great custodians of the Bunnets legacy which was to operate to the best of our professional ability while living within our means. I'm an old Celtic fan and in 65 years of physically being at Parkhead my mantra has never changed " Haw big man what's yer favourite Celtic Goal ? -Celtic Game ? - Celtic Memory ? and my reply has always been THE NEXT ONE. I do not dwell on the past ,I look only to the future of Celtic which means ( this is where I get roasted ) things like Resolution 12 to my mind drag our focus back to the past which we will not change IMO, and blunts our focus on the future and the future I hope is Hendry, Shved, Welsh, Afolabi Robertson, Connell, Mac Inroy etc before we lose all of them 🍀🍀
An unpopular opinion I would think but I have the greatest respect for Peter Lawwells contribution to Celtic over the last 17 years. He and the board have been great custodians of the Bunnets legacy which was to operate to the best of our professional ability while living within our means. I'm an old Celtic fan and in 65 years of physically being at Parkhead my mantra has never changed " Haw big man what's yer favourite Celtic Goal ? -Celtic Game ? - Celtic Memory ? and my reply has always been THE NEXT ONE. I do not dwell on the past ,I look only to the future of Celtic which means ( this is where I get roasted ) things like Resolution 12 to my mind drag our focus back to the past which we will not change IMO, and blunts our focus on the future and the future I hope is Hendry, Shved, Welsh, Afolabi Robertson, Connell, Mac Inroy etc before we lose all of them 🍀🍀
I dont think anyone can question lawells contribution to the club and he couldve left for multiple EPL clubs we are hearing. I also have immense respect for what he has done for the club . As you yourself said though ghostie, we cant dwell on past glories or we'll find weve been quickly left behind. On the res 12 issue, that point i disagree with , we deserve to know the truth and the whole truth and that shouldn't hamper our ambitions going forward at all. Let's hope for big changes throughout the club and the right ones with the right people. HH ☘
I think McKay is on £1m+ a year at Scottish Rugby, so likely to be on similar terms at Celtic as the departing Lawwell. That's big money for a football CEO, so we have to hope he proves worth it. Further downsizing is going to kill the club, it's just not sustainable, so let's hope he has a better plan than the one we've relied upon for the last 17 years. I wish the McKay all the best, we need him to succeed.
The fortunes of Celtic rest on the next appointment and thats not the CEO.
It's maddening to think how simple it is to get it right at Celtic.
The Deila-SNAKE era defines it
Get as good a manager as you can get, for whatever it costs up to a point
Show your serious with that appointment and the supporters will get behind it in their droves
What follows would be full capacity week in week out and with CL qualification youve added circa 25-35 million to your top line
If this is the start of a change in direction and a plan put in place for next season and years to come I welcome it .if it's the only change that will never do.our club needs a root and branch change.I can't see dermott Desmond going anywhere not anytime soon if he has plans to sell his shares I don't think he would be putting one of his sons in to over see things so if he's staying Desmond must be working from the top down. I'm glad that something is happening I was going mad thinking all thier doing is sitting on thier hands.this is a start it's better late than never let's hope the next part of the reorganisation isn't to far away.I just hope the great profit dave kings house of cards statement comes back to bit him.time will tell at least this is a start this is a positive let's see some more.hail hail
Long overdue, hopefully the start of a complete overhaul at the club from the top down.
Next step should be a Director of Football/Sporting Director responsible for the whole of the football operation. They should be involved in the choosing of a new manager/head coach and a revamp of the whole footballing operation, particularly youth development. The sooner this appointment is made the better and everything else can follow on from that. Get them in now and give them a couple of months to see where change is required and plan for the future. That's assuming they are not already employed by the club ;)
One down and two to go - hopefully the wheels are now in motion to get the current sorted out asap.
I think McKay is on decent money at Scottish Rugby, so likely to be on similar terms at Celtic as the departing Lawwell. That's big money for a football CEO, so we have to hope he proves worth it. Further downsizing is going to kill the club, it's just not sustainable, so let's hope he has a better plan than the one we've relied upon for the last 17 years. I wish the McKay all the best, we need him to succeed.
Decent money at the Scottish Rugby doesnt equate to he will be on similar to pl, bearing in mind lawell is the highest paid CEO in uk football. If newbie can prove himself as well as pl then his salary might get close , but Idk of course , my guess would be hes at least doubled his money. That's still some way short of what Peter has been taking home. HH ☘

He was previously party to his company giving David Murray and the Huns £1M as a goodwill gesture.....fact!
Regarding Bankier, the fact that he was indeed a donator to oldco should have been made known to the supporter as he was made chairman, the fact he wasn't is in itself proof that PL was more concerned about protecting the "old firm brand" than Celtic Fc. If PL wants to protect his "legacy" then in his remaining time as ceo he needs to correct his own mistakes by outing the 5way agreement and then he can take on the refereeing farce that is Scottish football, if he does this then maybe his time as ceo could be described as successful. Of course he won't, as if he did these things then he would leave himself at the mercy of the financial rules of the law ie:his duty to shareholders. But let's look at the brightside at least he's going.
Rugby seems pretty well run considering it doesn’t seem to have the same money as football so Hopefully the new guy will bring something different with him and who knows when fans will be back in the grounds and in what numbers so maybe a drop in income is being prepared for which is all the more reason to get a good coaching team in
The fortunes of Celtic rest on the next appointment and thats not the CEO.
It's maddening to think how simple it is to get it right at Celtic.
The Deila-SNAKE era defines it
Get as good a manager as you can get, for whatever it costs up to a point
Show your serious with that appointment and the supporters will get behind it in their droves
What follows would be full capacity week in week out and with CL qualification youve added circa 25-35 million to your top line
I could dae the job with TET as my right hand man
I dont think anyone can question lawells contribution to the club and he couldve left for multiple EPL clubs we are hearing. I also have immense respect for what he has done for the club . As you yourself said though ghostie, we cant dwell on past glories or we'll find weve been quickly left behind. On the res 12 issue, that point i disagree with , we deserve to know the truth and the whole truth and that shouldn't hamper our ambitions going forward at all. Let's hope for big changes throughout the club and the right ones with the right people. HH ☘
I think McKay is on decent money at Scottish Rugby, so likely to be on similar terms at Celtic as the departing Lawwell. That's big money for a football CEO, so we have to hope he proves worth it. Further downsizing is going to kill the club, it's just not sustainable, so let's hope he has a better plan than the one we've relied upon for the last 17 years. I wish the McKay all the best, we need him to succeed.

What downsizing are you referring too?

Downsizing kills the club?

I would suggest spending more than income kills the club, therefore if club is spending too much by risking beyond return then its simple economics that abandoning the club during recalibration based on false claims of downsizing will actually kill the club.

Any evidense to support the downsizing kills the club theory? Not that there is any downsizing, I see excessive risks in a broken market, you see downsizing.

Rangers are dead following your theory? They kept spending more on wages than club could afford and worse exacerbated their problem through tax evading side letter to disguise remuneration.

I dont buy your comforting truth

Its seriously flawed and contradictory to the actual reality of the economics of playing in SPFL

What downsizing are you referring too?

Downsizing kills the club?

I would suggest spending more than income kills the club, therefore if club is spending too much by risking beyond return then its simple economics that abandoning the club during recalibration based on false claims of downsizing will actually kill the club.

Any evidense to support the downsizing kills the club theory? Not that there is any downsizing, I see excessive risks in a broken market, you see downsizing.

Rangers are dead following your theory? They kept spending more on wages than club could afford and worse exacerbated their problem through tax evading side letter to disguise remuneration.

I dont buy your comforting truth

Its seriously flawed and contradictory to the actual reality of the economics of playing in SPFL

Markets and effects will effect spending across the spectrum therefore a balance will be reached to even itself out.
Interesting developments. Anyone warming to the Celtic Trust?...

On a personal level I dont trust them.

I like the ideas of people who are joining the trust.

I just dont like their constitution and their level of communication is spin like, at best, rather than clear.

Without clarity of purpose trust is a sham ideal for spiv manipulation, imo, at minute its very vague, and the constitution has no power other than demanding lobby power as far as I can see, but lobby power without financial backbone or defined hierarchy is like a worm wanting to be sword champion because current sword champion is too worm like.
On a personal level I dont trust them.

I like the ideas of people who are joining the trust.

I just dont like their constitution and their level of communication is spin like, at best, rather than clear.

Without clarity of purpose trust is a sham ideal for spiv manipulation, imo, at minute its very vague, and the constitution has no power other than demanding lobby power as far as I can see, but lobby power without financial backbone or defined hierarchy is like a worm wanting to be sword champion because current sword champion is too worm like.

I guess we’ll judge them on what they achieve.....as opposed to what they say.....I’m keeping an open mind...