Do you think Neil Lennon was main to blame for losing to a newco

Who or what do you think was primarily to blame for losing to a newco

  • Neil Lennon

  • Peter Lawell & suits

  • Pandemic

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You've bucked the trend on The Noise, ( although in fairness I have to say some of us thought the treatment of Lenny was OTT ), Vigobhoy. You've given a deserved thanks to a club legend. Well done to you for that. Lenny is and always will be a legend in my eyes: his journey simply just reached the terminus. Just as we should move on as a club, Lenny should be allowed to move on with his life. I wish nothing but good. Again, well done to you.
Well said. Lennon was a Celtic great and always will be. Once the dust has settled on this year's shambles of a season, I think that more people will agree. This guy stood strong when he was being physically and racially abused on a regular basis by Scotland's shame and no one can doubt his determination and bravery to carry on when it would have been easier to walk away. That said, I think the fact that he didn't walk away earlier in the season (e.g. Nov'20) definitely contributed to the failure to reach the 10.
If any of that should be the case gs it still leaves the question as to why he stayed in the position so long when it was obviously failing so badly and still would not explain the amount of idiotic team selections and worse still the substitutions he was guilty of
I believe John he thought because the season was still young enough he could turn this around,but as time went on I think he realised he had to depend on other teams taking points from sevco because he must have known by now we were not going to do it on our own.
As for team selections and substitutions do we lay the blame firmly at his door or do we ask ourselves why the assistant coach who is also the defensive coach not offer his opinion,why did the tactics coach not offer his opinion,or did they offer their opinions and were told...this is my call I make the decisions,maybe we will never know the answer to these questions,what we do know is he was not capable of leading us to 10 iar.
I think John Kennedy should shoulder some of the blame,as a defensive coach it is his job to make sure the defence does their job which as we know is getting to the ball first which did not seem to apply to Kennedys coaching strategy and yet this is a candidate for the next Celtic managers job..
At the end of it all I think Lenny,s fear of being known as the man who helped Lawwell destroy the 10 is what kept him from resigning,he might have thought if he had won the Scottish cup it would have helped his cause,but according to the big smile on his face last night when reporting for BBC4 at Old Trafford he seems to have gotten over the loss of his dream job..

There was an email going about that Livingston FC were not compliant with tests, also Martindale praised the huns after playing them and waxing lyrical about 55 titles, this guiy the one who did 6 years for drug dealing. Hun

TheTributeAct Retweeted

Feb 16

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and 2 others
I worked on covid 19 testing earlier in the year. We got all the clubs samples except Rangers and Livingstone. Always wondered who was doing Rangers.
Cant make out boab if you know the answer or you are asking for the answer so I will tell you what I heard and maybe if it is true you will know the place I am talking about.
I heard their tests are being done in Northern Ireland and the system being used is called traffic lights system which if I remember starts at a 12 hour return result going all the way up to 140 hours which is the one sevco are using,,hope it makes sense boab..

Cant make out boab if you know the answer or you are asking for the answer so I will tell you what I heard and maybe if it is true you will know the place I am talking about.
I heard their tests are being done in Northern Ireland and the system being used is called traffic lights system which if I remember starts at a 12 hour return result going all the way up to 140 hours which is the one sevco are using,,hope it makes sense boab..

So gs it must be a traffic light system that remains on green constantly then, and would never trust a firm from the north regarding the scum and more surprised that should that be the case, how come it was even allowed?
Have Scotland all of a sudden not got facilities to do testing?
Just adds to the whole stink of this season for me anyway
I believe John he thought because the season was still young enough he could turn this around,but as time went on I think he realised he had to depend on other teams taking points from sevco because he must have known by now we were not going to do it on our own.
As for team selections and substitutions do we lay the blame firmly at his door or do we ask ourselves why the assistant coach who is also the defensive coach not offer his opinion,why did the tactics coach not offer his opinion,or did they offer their opinions and were told...this is my call I make the decisions,maybe we will never know the answer to these questions,what we do know is he was not capable of leading us to 10 iar.
I think John Kennedy should shoulder some of the blame,as a defensive coach it is his job to make sure the defence does their job which as we know is getting to the ball first which did not seem to apply to Kennedys coaching strategy and yet this is a candidate for the next Celtic managers job..
At the end of it all I think Lenny,s fear of being known as the man who helped Lawwell destroy the 10 is what kept him from resigning,he might have thought if he had won the Scottish cup it would have helped his cause,but according to the big smile on his face last night when reporting for BBC4 at Old Trafford he seems to have gotten over the loss of his dream job..

Still believe the truth will eventually come out about what was really going on this season behind the scenes and don't think it will make for pleasant reading.
One thing I will take for certain is so many of all involved would not be able to look in the mirror and say "I done my best this season"
Still believe the truth will eventually come out about what was really going on this season behind the scenes and don't think it will make for pleasant reading.
One thing I will take for certain is so many of all involved would not be able to look in the mirror and say "I done my best this season"
Lenny made a comment John about 6-8 weeks ago,he said,I cant tell you everything that is happening some things just cant be talked about..
Slippy also said during a Friday media meeting,,,God know,s what is going on over there,, meaning Celtic..
I think we will need to wait on the autobiography mate..

So gs it must be a traffic light system that remains on green constantly then, and would never trust a firm from the north regarding the scum and more surprised that should that be the case, how come it was even allowed?
Have Scotland all of a sudden not got facilities to do testing?
Just adds to the whole stink of this season for me anyway
Obviously something is going on John and past experiences tell us it will not be right,maybe they are cheaper,maybe they are willing to turn a blind eye,,maybe they have turned a blind eye.

IMO Glasbhoy Lenny had lost the dressing room after a few games and I believe the biggest culprits were Eddy, NtCham,Christies father who we know spoke to Christies agent about moving his Bhoy out and Ajer,I dont believe Lenny had a say in who was coming in,I believe Hammond and Lawwell done the recruiting on their own,,I heard a wee whisper Lenny did not want Duffy he was told he was coming in and had no say in the matter.
Tommy Johnson told us Lenny tried to get him in on the recruiting side but Lawwell knocked him back and brought in Hammond..
I never at anytime laid the blame solely at Lenny,s door we all know Lawwell pulled the strings but having said that I never at anytime thought Lenny was good enough to be the new Celtic manager,he accepted the job knowing he would be Lawwells whipping Bhoy and yes man,he might not have liked it but he accepted it,we all knew we needed to get a defence coach in to sort out the set pieces against and for us,JK was not doing the job but before Lenny would offend his pal by telling him he needs to bring in another defence coach he persevered with JK and we all know the outcome,it was all there again on Sunday for us to see,,so Bhoys and Ghirls I would not lose too much sleep over JK getting the job..

As true as what you said is GS any Celtic manager and staff after MON knows that our being able to sign players like dembele, edouard, frimpong, ntcham etc from EPL clubs like man city and man utds prospect players is dependent upon us offering them the chance to prove themselves at a big club in a pressurised environment so that they can develop their abilities and get a move to a big 5 division. Rodgers knew this , Deila knew this so what was Lennon raging about it for, that's just crazy. We have been a stepping stone club since sky and the likes got involved in the big 5 leagues and left us and others behind. We dont like it , fkn hate it but for lennon to come out shouting its these players who want aways fault was to me just a deflection from his own failures. We cant sign these kind of players, give them a promise to develop them and get them a move to the big money and then blame them for wanting exactly what they were sold on in the first place. This has been the case for well over a decade now. I found it insulting to the intelligence of the supporters when Lennon came out with that ridiculous rant. Where it you or I who was a young player who'd signed up for cl football and the shop window I'd been promised only to hear how selfish we are , well I could see how that would put a stink bomb in the dressing room, so to speak. HH
This seasons circumstances were so mad and no one person or circumstance can be held entirely to blame.
Some of the bad circumstances we made ourselves, no one forced us to go to Dubai, no one forced us to spend £5 Million on Ajeti, a player that David Moyes had apparently forgotten was at westham.

The players failed us, but they never signed or chose themselves.
The manager failed us, but he never hired himself.
So now Neil Lennon has gone, do you think he was the main reason for Celtic losing out on 10 to a newco.
or do you think it was the suits or a one off because of the pandemic.
Toffebhoy, could you go into the poll settings and allow the poll results to be seen please. ✌
As true as what you said is GS any Celtic manager and staff after MON knows that our being able to sign players like dembele, edouard, frimpong, ntcham etc from EPL clubs like man city and man utds prospect players is dependent upon us offering them the chance to prove themselves at a big club in a pressurised environment so that they can develop their abilities and get a move to a big 5 division. Rodgers knew this , Deila knew this so what was Lennon raging about it for, that's just crazy. We have been a stepping stone club since sky and the likes got involved in the big 5 leagues and left us and others behind. We dont like it , fkn hate it but for lennon to come out shouting its these players who want aways fault was to me just a deflection from his own failures. We cant sign these kind of players, give them a promise to develop them and get them a move to the big money and then blame them for wanting exactly what they were sold on in the first place. This has been the case for well over a decade now. I found it insulting to the intelligence of the supporters when Lennon came out with that ridiculous rant. Where it you or I who was a young player who'd signed up for cl football and the shop window I'd been promised only to hear how selfish we are , well I could see how that would put a stink bomb in the dressing room, so to speak. HH
Winter this as you know is where the whole recruitment process has been a bollox for years now.
Ok for us to get players and develop to make a profit, not a problem with that because we can't nowhere near match the money on offer elsewhere.
But also for many players, playing for celtic and what is on offer is going to be the furtherest they will go in there careers.
So shows just how wrong the balance has been in our recruitment. We also need a number for long stay not just looking at a constant profit on every player, as this policy can hardly bring much continuity to a changing room.
Also players leaving us for so called bigger things, has not really materialise for to many, bigger wages OK but is dembele really enjoying his football as much today as he did with us?

Somebody please tell me this is a hun wind-up because I was never good at laughing at their sense of humour.

As true as what you said is GS any Celtic manager and staff after MON knows that our being able to sign players like dembele, edouard, frimpong, ntcham etc from EPL clubs like man city and man utds prospect players is dependent upon us offering them the chance to prove themselves at a big club in a pressurised environment so that they can develop their abilities and get a move to a big 5 division. Rodgers knew this , Deila knew this so what was Lennon raging about it for, that's just crazy. We have been a stepping stone club since sky and the likes got involved in the big 5 leagues and left us and others behind. We dont like it , fkn hate it but for lennon to come out shouting its these players who want aways fault was to me just a deflection from his own failures. We cant sign these kind of players, give them a promise to develop them and get them a move to the big money and then blame them for wanting exactly what they were sold on in the first place. This has been the case for well over a decade now. I found it insulting to the intelligence of the supporters when Lennon came out with that ridiculous rant. Where it you or I who was a young player who'd signed up for cl football and the shop window I'd been promised only to hear how selfish we are , well I could see how that would put a stink bomb in the dressing room, so to speak. HH
Cant fault anything you said Winter,Lennon knew when he played here we were a club who improved and moved on for bigger bucks anytime we could, I think he woke up to the reality that Lawwell had given him a right using,Lawwell had all the time in the world to groom him before the shower job scenario,and then the same man thought it ok to tell us he never even considered another application for one of the top 5 jobs in British football,if that is not arrogance I have still to meet an arrogant person.

Got to be hun reporters John..
They are all obsessed with us as we all know, and glad I don't have to see any of the shite they scribble.
Our club will never give them bastards any clue into our business until its finally sealed as a deal.
There is far more to write about regarding there own scummy idols but there is still a limit to the amount of bullshit you can print regarding the scum, but still it remains endless regarding us, as boab states don't bother reading or listening to it
Winter this as you know is where the whole recruitment process has been a bollox for years now.
Ok for us to get players and develop to make a profit, not a problem with that because we can't nowhere near match the money on offer elsewhere.
But also for many players, playing for celtic and what is on offer is going to be the furtherest they will go in there careers.
So shows just how wrong the balance has been in our recruitment. We also need a number for long stay not just looking at a constant profit on every player, as this policy can hardly bring much continuity to a changing room.
Also players leaving us for so called bigger things, has not really materialise for to many, bigger wages OK but is dembele really enjoying his football as much today as he did with us?
Dont think so mate he is not getting a start,mostly he is coming off the bench.
History tells us because you are a stand out in Scottish football it is not a guarantee you will be as successful anywhere else,Look at Brian Laudrup super star in sevco colours complete flop in Chelsea colours,this is where I apologise to our hun guest because as hard as I tried I could not find a Celtic failure,such as Wanyama,Van Dyke,Teirney,Armstrong,Dalgliesh,Macari,etc..

Dont think so mate he is not getting a start,mostly he is coming off the bench.
History tells us because you are a stand out in Scottish football it is not a guarantee you will be as successful anywhere else,Look at Brian Laudrup super star in sevco colours complete flop in Chelsea colours,this is where I apologise to our hun guest because as hard as I tried I could not find a Celtic failure,such as Wanyama,Van Dyke,Teirney,Armstrong,Dalgliesh,Macari,etc..

I agree GS with our success stories mainly from a different era altogether.
World football has changed so much in recent years that playing in Scotland can be no longer seen as a guarantee for success. Tierney is an exception and we nearly fucked that up.
Out of our current want aways I'm still don't think to many if any at all will get as much potential success within there career's as they could have with us, a bigger bank balance yes but without many medals or really huge success to talk about not unless they mention there time spent with us
I agree GS with our success stories mainly from a different era altogether.
World football has changed so much in recent years that playing in Scotland can be no longer seen as a guarantee for success. Tierney is an exception and we nearly fucked that up.
Out of our current want aways I'm still don't think to many if any at all will get as much potential success within there career's as they could have with us, a bigger bank balance yes but without many medals or really huge success to talk about not unless they mention there time spent with us
The main problem John is, it is first and foremost a wage packet,the badge on the jersey is insignificant,and all this because they have heard big things about us but they dont know our history and then again why should a Frenchman know about Celtic,I dont know jack about Monacco apart from knowing they pay well..

Is there any truth in the rumour Broony is on his way to Aberdeen as number two to Stephen Glass providing Glass gets the job..
If true...well done Aberdeen..


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