Neil Lennon


Well-known member
Am I the only one that’s getting fed up everyday reading the comments coming from Neil Lennon?
He’s coming across as a very bitter person.
As though everybody else is wrong and he did everything right.
He was sacked in February.
It should have been the September before that. In fact he shouldn’t have been asked back in the first place.
Am I the only one that’s getting fed up everyday reading the comments coming from Neil Lennon?
He’s coming across as a very bitter person.
As though everybody else is wrong and he did everything right.
He was sacked in February.
It should have been the September before that. In fact he shouldn’t have been asked back in the first place.
Totally agree - don't mind him having a go at SFA about COVID but he obviously has an agenda about Griffiths. While Griff is hardly a model professional there is no doubt in my mind that he guy is the best striker in Scotland by a mile. I hope that Ange gives him his chance and is rewarded by a
30 / 40 season.
I don't think it would be possible for Lennon to salvage his reputation at this point and I'm sure there are people who are advising against his continued, undignified downward-spiral. I feel more pity than anger now and believe the best thing we could do is ignore him. Let him shamelessly feed the anti-Celtic propaganda machine but let the bile stay there. There is no point in reporting on it or trying to analyse it as the less reaction it gets the less 'newsworthy' his 'opinions' become and he'll ultimately be useless even to our enemies.
Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe my feelings about Lenny.

I'm sure he may have some tales to tell about the club's signing policy and quite a few epithets about boardroom interference, but this finger-pointing and blame, blame, blame game has already worn thin.

Griff was never ever a model professional, but then again - neither was Jinky, nor any number of Celtic legends you might care to count.

Leigh Griffiths was not the reason why Celtic crumbled in a heap against Ferencvaros, and neither was he the reason that the league was lost so unceremoniously.

Was he a contributing factor? Of course he was, but only really to about the percentile of 1.

Lenny might want to take a backward step and a really, really deep breath. His opportunities to be involved in football are already pretty limited and he is effectively talking himself out of any meaningful relationship with the game completely.

Sure, the raggedy-arsed red-tops will give him a pound or two for every disparaging comment he makes about Celtic, but even they will soon grow bored with the same old shite eventually.
Damn ! Why didn't I twig earlier ? The worst Celtic season in a long long time was all the fault of that Leigh Griffiths !!!
Thanks for putting us right , Lenny !

His lack of fitness was obviously infectious and caused the whole squad to be worryingly unfit in so many games despite the efforts of the backroom staff . Damn you , Griffiths !

His team selections were weird and unfathomable at times . I don't know why you let him pick the team , Lenny ! Damn you , Griffiths !

His atrocious signing policy , bringing in loan deals and buying players that were clearly not Celtic standard , was unforgivable . I don't know why Peter Lawwell allowed him such leeway .
Damn you , Griffiths !

The decision to go to Dubai was one of the worst PR disasters I can remember at Celtic Park . Griffiths should never have been allowed to talk the Board into going ahead with this in the face of a pandemic . Double damn you , Griffiths !

Hopefully Ange P will be a stronger character and stand up to this man Griffiths and put him in his place , which is at C F !

Damn ! Why didn't I twig earlier ? The worst Celtic season in a long long time was all the fault of that Leigh Griffiths !!!
Thanks for putting us right , Lenny !

His lack of fitness was obviously infectious and caused the whole squad to be worryingly unfit in so many games despite the efforts of the backroom staff . Damn you , Griffiths !

His team selections were weird and unfathomable at times . I don't know why you let him pick the team , Lenny ! Damn you , Griffiths !

His atrocious signing policy , bringing in loan deals and buying players that were clearly not Celtic standard , was unforgivable . I don't know why Peter Lawwell allowed him such leeway .
Damn you , Griffiths !

The decision to go to Dubai was one of the worst PR disasters I can remember at Celtic Park . Griffiths should never have been allowed to talk the Board into going ahead with this in the face of a pandemic . Double damn you , Griffiths !

Hopefully Ange P will be a stronger character and stand up to this man Griffiths and put him in his place , which is at C F !

I kinda want to laugh along with your comment, Millsy - but it hurts too much
Yeah he is starting to sound like a washed up alcoholic
The sad thing is, is that he left it alone - then he could have told his grandkids about how he played in a European final for Celtic and how he masterminded a victory against a genuinely strong Barcalona.

He could have told them he was there when the real huns died and how he's on first name terms with Henrik Larsson.

Now all he is really going to be remembered for is to be THAT man who lost the 10.

Shame, though it is considering his other achievements - that's where he's currently at.

By the way - he lost the 10 twice, because it was his set-up that fucked up so badly in Inverness at the start of this thing.
It is nothing more, than an early attempt at revisionism.

He knows full well, that future objective analysis of the loss of TIAR, will lay the blame firmly at his, and Peter Lawells' doors.

He has been advised to blame everything and everybody else, as early as possible, by communication experts.

Say something often enough and it becomes fact to some people. They will then repeat it. The old mud sticks strategy.

It is as cynical, as holding on in the management position as long as he did, when it was obvious, he could not turn things around.

He did not give the club a chance.

He is treating us, as if we are idiots.

Probably a reveal all book, with the so called inside story, on the horizon.

Cynical or what?
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All the above is true. However, I do agree with him taking on Ian Maxwell today about how harshly we were treated in the aftermath of the Dubai situation compared to how different the Scotland Squad were NOT. The bus situation and the isolation of half our squad. You know, it's almost like they had it planned. :eek:
All the above is true. However, I do agree with him taking on Ian Maxwell today about how harshly we were treated in the aftermath of the Dubai situation compared to how different the Scotland Squad were NOT. The bus situation and the isolation of half our squad. You know, it's almost like they had it planned. :eek:
Pointless discussion brimcbhoy, lenny dug the hole by wanting such a needless trip, and everyone took great pleasure in pushing him with the rest of us into that hole
Yeah he is starting to sound like a washed up alcoholic
Sorry jinky, as much as I agree lenny is showing all the traits of an alcoholic, I think its unfair to be using the term "washed up alcoholic"
Plenty of rumours and his actions support that he may well have fell foul to alcoholism, and its a horrendous place to be within your life.
Yes the traits, the blame game, full of resentment, erratic behaviour, justifying the indefensible, misplaced loyalties, etc are very hard to defend, yet he's trying to and making a fool out of himself.
The media are only to pleased to let him carry on in this manner, taking full advantage of his very vulnerable position within his life.
His own self respect is going down the tubes the more he is allowed to speak his nonsense.
Would be far better taking a good look at himself before getting caught up in this confrontation nonsense especially surrounding griff, as didn't he say he used to call upon the players during covid? So holds a certain amount of responsibility for griff getting into the condition he did. Problem for lenny is he needs to start remembering the first lie he states before it continues to get him into more problems than he is getting himself into.
Seems to be very poorly advised at present, and also needs to get off the road of self destruction he is currently on.
How do I know jinky?
Because I was once that "washed up alcoholic" that had to go to the gutter of life and wouldn't wish that upon anyone especially lenny
All the above is true. However, I do agree with him taking on Ian Maxwell today about how harshly we were treated in the aftermath of the Dubai situation compared to how different the Scotland Squad were NOT. The bus situation and the isolation of half our squad. You know, it's almost like they had it planned. :eek:
Now is not the time Brimcbhoy to be tackling Maxwell,January was the time and NONE of them opened their mouths..

Now is not the time Brimcbhoy to be tackling Maxwell,January was the time and NONE of them opened their mouths..

In fairness GS, he tried but the board soon shut him up, when he was entitled to at the time at the double standards that were being set within the SFA.
Trying to use that as an excuse for last season is pathetic as the title race was as good as gone at that stage
I kinda want to laugh along with your comment, Millsy - but it hurts too much
If sitting in on morning talk shows with English and the SMSM taking part in meaningless quizzes and talking shite then the only way will be down and soon the soup taker tag will be applied. To sit with Huns who accused you of bringing on racism to yourself and brush it off for a few quid now then sorry Lenny but you can go take a fuck to yourself, we the Celtic fans have gave up on the media and the bullshit. maybe a wee look in the mirror.
IMO Lenny is now realising all the doors which matter are closed to him and this is why he is trying to stand up for himself,but verbal abuse between Himself,Griff and Maxwell will definitely not help his cause..
I believe the man he should be venting his anger at is Lawwell,this is the guy who has destroyed his career as to being a boss at a big club ever again.
In all the interviews and arguments I have seen involving Lenny he never once criticised Lawwell which makes me think he still believes Lawwell can help him get back into a managers seat..
Lawwells boy works at Man City,maybe when Pep leaves Lenny will get the nod..
