Dominic McKay has just resigned from Celtic due to personal reasons

OK then WC,
Will apologise for any personal insults directed towards him, but won't for telling him where to go all the while he is going to continue to make a guest appearance when an uneasy situation arises surrounding the club and seemingly enjoying feeding into it.
i believe you :rolleyes:
I think I am fair game for being negative. Perhaps it was my job for far too long. But I have the misfortune to see failed strategies and terrible decisions. a Cassandra as I used to say on can. I understand why folk get annoyed but the voice of reason needs to be layered to (if only to be disregarded). I havet Posted or written for an age because of personal reasons. I still love Celtic. A love I have passed to my daughters. We are still haunted by a terrible board. Their intent is simply money. They are the three wise monkeys. They aren’t evil just misguided by their greed. We should be so much more than what we are. They shackle us to the hun but we don’t need their dead weight. its fair the criticise my negativity. I am often wrong (thank god). But we must be self critical. Its good for us.
I think I am fair game for being negative. Perhaps it was my job for far too long. But I have the misfortune to see failed strategies and terrible decisions. a Cassandra as I used to say on can. I understand why folk get annoyed but the voice of reason needs to be layered to (if only to be disregarded). I havet Posted or written for an age because of personal reasons. I still love Celtic. A love I have passed to my daughters. We are still haunted by a terrible board. Their intent is simply money. They are the three wise monkeys. They aren’t evil just misguided by their greed. We should be so much more than what we are. They shackle us to the hun but we don’t need their dead weight. its fair the criticise my negativity. I am often wrong (thank god). But we must be self critical. Its good for us.
fair play negative fella, much of what you say is true but you only take it from your own
While i wipe away the crumbs of the skid flavoured humble pie, without WC having your back, you were viewed as having the same output as a a lurking hun. Rightly so IMO

We all give it big licks about XYZ, but in theory you earn the right to be heard by being positive and negative over a course of time.
We all love our club, we share in the joy of the good, the Angeball etc
We don't appear only when there is flak to be dished whether said flak is merited or not

On behalf of the Noise i apologise for wee johnno, i was in my bed with Clays sister when it all happened, so......

PS Hiiccccccc
Agreed glasbhoy
"team player"
Very damming choice of words to be using for a personal issue.
If a dispute is within the board room, then fail to see how money can be an issue, so trying to save sevco scum (SS) would be high on my list of guesses now, and more concerned about Ange take on all of this current affairs
Fuck would hate if for any reason it had anything to do with them.
Hope all good with Dom, wish him well.
Just woke up to this unexpected news. Life is like that. Unexpected events happen. I will not waste a moment caring about his reasons. I just accept it’s a fact and an interim CEO has filled the breach. Everyone at Celtic wants success and that’s undeniable. My focus is on 3 points tomorrow. Let’s look forward and stop idle speculation and rumours do what you can do. Fill Celtic park and roar the bhoys home
The question is "does" everyone at Celtic want success?. I have a few questions, No1 is our chairman Mr. Bankier still trying to get a seat on the board at Ibrokes? This is not a trick question. No2 is the board at Celtic Park happy to be a big fish in a very small pool, or do they have ambitions to be more than that.? No3 is the breadth of their ambitions only to be one half of a duopoly? No4 Are they interested in bringing the club into the 21st century? Or are they more interested in just enhancing their bank balance? These are some of the answers I would like to ask the board. Now I have no idea if Don was pushed or jumped, I only know that my brain says that the people on the board do not have the best interests of Celtic Fc as their No1 intentions. Having read through the posts on this subject, I feel that there's something rotten about the board and that last season could be just a taster of what we have in store, I pray that I am wrong HH.
If its true that there has been tension for weeks behind the scene. If the board don't want change, if they want it to be the same old same old then how long do we have Ange for?? When the board starts demanding that kyogo must be sold? (probably January). When they don't back him in the tranfer window? When they throw him to wolves after a loss while they lock our fan media out, who are his only allies in a room full of scum? Lennon was left to handle the bastards all on his own many times without a peep from our board. I'm more worried about losing Ange than anyone that sits upstairs.

Hopefully the GB and the rest of the sold out croud let the board know what we think of them today. 🍀
Record Sport….even a busted clock is right twice a day.
Generic stab in the dark pish that any one of us cuda wrote.
There’s been headline news outta that shithole across town every week for a decade that they actively ignore and there on this like shite on an army blanket with nothing but speculation…hate the feckers.
Going by that statement from Bankier, my own personal opinion is that McKay has left for the same reason as Rodgers- the board have no ambition. They’re not wanting to take Celtic to the next level. They’re just wanting their own financial share, and to hell where the club goes.
like most I am deeply concerned now , what the fuck is going on, only 2 possible reasons , Dom McKay , innovator , game changer or Dom McKay , willing to change nothing , not dynamic enough , we all know which one is true , so what now for the club , today the crowd have a perfect opportunity to let these people know what we think of them , let them know

our club is run by and for yes men , maybe Dom did not fit the bill

how sad

at least we have a decent squad in already , imagine if this had happened 3 weeks ago??
Being a director, in the UK, means that your first loyalty must be to the interests of the company you serve, and its board, in particular – regardless of any issues you may wish to raise or if you believe the board has acted wrongly, the judge said. “The director’s duty to exercise independent judgment is one that operates upon each director in the context of him operating as a member of the board of directors … [it] exists in order to support the board’s management of the company’s business in an efficient and competent manner.”

Which if any directors are breaching their fiducial duties? Seriously? watch out you do not want to commit libel. I know nothing about any of them but legally they must always do what is best for the company.
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Being a director, in the UK, means that your first loyalty must be to the interests of the company you serve, and its board, in particular – regardless of any issues you may wish to raise or if you believe the board has acted wrongly, the judge said. “The director’s duty to exercise independent judgment is one that operates upon each director in the context of him operating as a member of the board of directors … [it] exists in order to support the board’s management of the company’s business in an efficient and competent manner.”

Which if any directors are breaching their fiducial duties? Seriously? watch out you do not want to commit libel. I know nothing about any of them but legally they must always do what is best for the company.

The day the majority of celtic fans tow the line with our board and support the whole "best for the company" line is the day the game is done for me. I will never except the the club I love is just a company for rich men to get richer. I will never celebrate high profits over a title win. That's all our board care about....."we lost the 10"..."aye but we sold a load a players and now we all have money in the bank"
If you support Celtic because you are really happy for our multimillionaire board members and their ability to turn a profit then you are supporting Celtic for all the wrong reasons.
Going by that statement from Bankier, my own personal opinion is that McKay has left for the same reason as Rodgers- the board have no ambition. They’re not wanting to take Celtic to the next level. They’re just wanting their own financial share, and to hell where the club goes.
Nailed it mate! That’s my worry as well why as team or a company whatever way you look at the Glasgow Celtic we seem never to want to push on to even a level in Europe where we are at least competing and putting some sort of fight up in Europe and reaching the CL even every 2nd year in average rather than the shit record we have at the moment. We have had a free run at CL money for years ( and still should have if the board hadn’t completely fucked that up!!) but our record/performance is a total disgrace. The very reason why Paidwell/Liewell should have been hunted years ago and the useless arseholes that are still sitting there should be fucked on a Parks bus and neither should darken the front doors of paradise again!! SACK THE USELESS CUNTS!!!!!
The day the majority of celtic fans tow the line with our board and support the whole "best for the company" line is the day the game is done for me. I will never except the the club I love is just a company for rich men to get richer. I will never celebrate high profits over a title win. That's all our board care about....."we lost the 10"..."aye but we sold a load a players and now we all have money in the bank"
If you support Celtic because you are really happy for our multimillionaire board members and their ability to turn a profit then you are supporting Celtic for all the wrong reasons.
I've long thought most of us support Celtic despite the board. The 2 families that controlled Celtic pre Fergus had no time for the fans, from interference with team selection to using the worlds worst abacus to count the paying fans they looked on us as a cash cow.

It changed a little when the fans bought into Fergus's dream, but since then it's gradually went backwards to the old regime of pay and shut it. I'm more and more coming to the conclusion that perhaps it would be better if the celebrity golfer sold up, but the thought of it falling into the wrong hands scares the fek out of me.

Is it better the devil you know?. At this time I would say yes especially with the league we are in, but once the domestic league makes way for a European league and the money involved then perhaps we would need a more Liberal with the biscuit tin style owner.

Anyhoo I will hopefully God willing watch it all from my seat up in the gods of the North Stand.
There's an audio clip from someone kicking about wattsapp claiming to have the inside track the internet and social media 🤣🤣
Being a director, in the UK, means that your first loyalty must be to the interests of the company you serve, and its board, in particular – regardless of any issues you may wish to raise or if you believe the board has acted wrongly, the judge said. “The director’s duty to exercise independent judgment is one that operates upon each director in the context of him operating as a member of the board of directors … [it] exists in order to support the board’s management of the company’s business in an efficient and competent manner.”

Which if any directors are breaching their fiducial duties? Seriously? watch out you do not want to commit libel. I know nothing about any of them but legally they must always do what is best for the company.
"Which if any directors are breaching their fiducial duties?"
Your question can only be answered in a commercial sense.

None because a board of directors on any company is to do what is best for the company and its shareholders to maximize profits and returns and in order to do this requires investment in the goods and product that brings these. These products must satisfy the stakeholders who
are also the customer/fan base to keep them buying and investing/,
So far they have maximised returns on players and so far have reinvested in fresh players and management. Time will tell whether this has been justified and what returns will be gained to the benefit of all who watch the game , shareholders and stakeholders all from within the club/company.
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To all of u on yous on this board ripping the heed aff it with thoughts of boardroom fights did any of.u consider maybe one of his kids or his family may have just been diagnosed with some horrible
Disease and he has to spend his time with them just a thought before you al Steam in way ur usual bullshit

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