Is Tom English beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

English is a rat. He has helped create the monster that lives in ibrokes and he will continue to be their cheerleader after this wee game the hun board room are playing is over. The scum aren't doing all this for nothing. There will be and end game. When they achieve what they've set out to achieve this shit will all blow over and we will again hear about the hero's that are the mighty Glasgow "Rangers".....especially from pricks like English.
English is a rat. He has helped create the monster that lives in ibrokes and he will continue to be their cheerleader after this wee game the hun board room are playing is over. The scum aren't doing all this for nothing. There will be and end game. When they achieve what they've set out to achieve this shit will all blow over and we will again hear about the hero's that are the mighty Glasgow "Rangers".....especially from pricks like English.
If English and many other of the Scottish media had the balls to tell the truth years ago then we wouldn't be in this ridiculous situation right now! They helped build up these scumbags so they now think they are untouchable. He sucked up to them for years despite them HATING him purely because he is Irish. He is an arsehole but hopefully this is a turning point.
The scum dome is imploding , of that there is no doubt , there self rightioness and there hubris after winning 1 trophy in there history is an embarrassment , the dup man has lead them down a dead end and the press , finally may be waking up to that , we are not them , they are them , the bad press they are getting right now will continue , there team are shite , there finances are shite , there club as a whole are rotten to the core , maybe , just maybe , some may recognise this and call it out for what it is

I won’t hold my breath
They reap what they sow !

Too many ( most ? ) in the Scottish media have pandered to the bigots at Ibrox for all of my life ( 70+ years ).

They ignored the blatant sectarianism/racism of their signing policy for decade after decade ;

they ignored the blatant sectarianism /racism of their support ( only a minority we constantly told - as if that made it acceptable !!! ) ;

they ignored the blatant discrimination from the governing bodies ( yes , they did SFA about it ! ) who were complicit in rewarding a NEW club with the trophies of the dead one ;

they constantly played the ''Whataboutery'' card , dragging Celtic and their support into whatever rancid pile of sh*te the Blue Hordes had created for themselves ;

they belittled and denigrated a good man , Fergus McCann, when he tried to raise the issue of Sectarianism , then hypocritically fawned over the crook David Murray when he , belatedly , jumped on the bandwagon , knowing that UEFA where eyeing up his cesspit and its denizens ;

they ignored the blatant ( criminal ??? ) activities of King and his cohorts as they fleeced their own support , NEVER questioning the magic money tree which was being used to run an insolvent club ;

they ignored the removal of Jabba as their PR guru and unquestioningly accepted an Orange , DUP man from N.Ireland as his replacement - with all the sectarian baggage that that entailed .

NOW , some of them are starting to see the monster that they have helped create - with Dingbat Dingwall and David ever-Eager to abuse as their new go to media men .

Hell mend them all !

The press are shitebags English and every other greetin faced knt in the press that can't get access to the filth are just fanning around ,they have enough dirt on sevco to sink them

every blog from 2012 had reems of shite on them that the press ignored ,,,,,you reap what you sow ,,,,,now they can't get there arse in the bigot club there writing shite in the hope they can get back in ,,,shameful knts the lot of them ,,,,it's an eyeopener for every supporter in the country to see just how biased these fkrs were in there reporting ,as if we didn't now

Notice how he calls out ff , but not there web content not there Racist comments on nearly every page , just the fact there a media partner , nor does he call out the club ,,,,,,paying lip service like the rest

this from a guy who claimed Lennon brings it on himself

This cunt needs a fucking slap or worse
Neil Lennon the most divisive …
His behaviour 🤣
All he did was sign for celtic and suffer decades of abuse, get pished and stood up/ rolled about with a few huns
Oh and spat on a scarf
It’s this fucking bampots rantings that inflame this Shite 🤬
Dingwall is FF

and his moniker is grandmaster suck

I bet he does too

This cunt needs a fucking slap or worse
Neil Lennon the most divisive …
His behaviour 🤣
All he did was sign for celtic and suffer decades of abuse, get pished and stood up/ rolled about with a few huns
Oh and spat on a scarf
It’s this fucking bampots rantings that inflame this Shite 🤬
He isnt held to account by anybody

Fact he doesnt get arrested encourages his Pied piper Klan mates

This cunt needs a fucking slap or worse
Neil Lennon the most divisive …
His behaviour 🤣
All he did was sign for celtic and suffer decades of abuse, get pished and stood up/ rolled about with a few huns
Oh and spat on a scarf
It’s this fucking bampots rantings that inflame this Shite 🤬
Dingwall runs hollow hollow , he is responsible for lots of the nonsense that you hear on a daily basis from the deranged , how do I know this ? I look at shallow shallow every day , it keeps me grounded , it keeps me sane , when I think I am in a bad place , I log on and realise I am actually alright ,and thankful for who I am and what I am , it could be worse , I could be one of them

have a gander guys , it will make you laugh and make you understand why we are who are are and understand why they are who they are
Dingwall runs hollow hollow , he is responsible for lots of the nonsense that you hear on a daily basis from the deranged , how do I know this ? I look at shallow shallow every day , it keeps me grounded , it keeps me sane , when I think I am in a bad place , I log on and realise I am actually alright ,and thankful for who I am and what I am , it could be worse , I could be one of them

have a gander guys , it will make you laugh and make you understand why we are who are are and understand why they are who they are
No thanks TT
I’d rather shave my balls with a rusty blade
As Sutton said, he didn't miss much last night.

It's time the media that sevco won't allow in start opening their gobs about this shower of shite.
Exactly its time they turned on the bastards like every other person or business they've ever turned on they shud be concentrating on all they stories that are there front of them and pressure the hun fucks I think they've backed themselves into a corner but will the press take the chance for a bit of revenge or still to scared to rock the boat? fuckin shysters the lot of them🤬