Sevco appoint Orangeman as director

I think this confirms where the money is coming from to keep the Huns afloat, it’s being siphoned out norn iron by the DUP (dumb Ulster Protestants) now they’ve demanded places on the hun board
There an ulterior motive going on, they’re going to try and get involved in Scottish politics and see the hun fan base as a starting point…….if anyone on here is still on the fence about the independence debate…….we NEED to gain independence before the real norn iron style politics that will SURELY follow them here, the shootings, punishment beatings, murders, intimidation etc……you have been warned 😡
I think this confirms where the money is coming from to keep the Huns afloat, it’s being siphoned out norn iron by the DUP (dumb Ulster Protestants) now they’ve demanded places on the hun board
There an ulterior motive going on, they’re going to try and get involved in Scottish politics and see the hun fan base as a starting point…….if anyone on here is still on the fence about the independence debate…….we NEED to gain independence before the real norn iron style politics that will SURELY follow them here, the shootings, punishment beatings, murders, intimidation etc……you have been warned 😡
100% mate.
I think this confirms where the money is coming from to keep the Huns afloat, it’s being siphoned out norn iron by the DUP (dumb Ulster Protestants) now they’ve demanded places on the hun board
There an ulterior motive going on, they’re going to try and get involved in Scottish politics and see the hun fan base as a starting point…….if anyone on here is still on the fence about the independence debate…….we NEED to gain independence before the real norn iron style politics that will SURELY follow them here, the shootings, punishment beatings, murders, intimidation etc……you have been warned 😡
Media blackout of the new orangemen hun directors, announced at the traditional time for burying bad news, a Friday nite……could it be that their embarrassed by it and want it under the radar, usually a new hun director is greeted with the same fanfair as a royal birth…….but nothing in the press today….

Typical. Everyone, Anyone except...

Whatever happened to the £1billion Theresa ar ma mountains gave the political wing of Sevco went ti mm
shirley naw

HH 🙀
I think this confirms where the money is coming from to keep the Huns afloat, it’s being siphoned out norn iron by the DUP (dumb Ulster Protestants) now they’ve demanded places on the hun board
There an ulterior motive going on, they’re going to try and get involved in Scottish politics and see the hun fan base as a starting point…….if anyone on here is still on the fence about the independence debate…….we NEED to gain independence before the real norn iron style politics that will SURELY follow them here, the shootings, punishment beatings, murders, intimidation etc……you have been warned 😡
Excuse my ignorance BB but how would independence stop these orange bastards becoming involved in Scottish politics would it not give them as a good an opportunity.
Excuse my ignorance BB but how would independence stop these orange bastards becoming involved in Scottish politics would it not give them as a good an opportunity.

Always thought the same. They would be welcomed more in a Republic of Scotland than they ever would be in the Republic of Ireland. Most of the loyalist ultras, IMO, have more of a connection with scotland than they do the UK, I may be wrong there. They would have the freedom and support to grow their party in scotland wether it was an independent country or not.
Always thought the same. They would be welcomed more in a Republic of Scotland than they ever would be in the Republic of Ireland. Most of the loyalist ultras, IMO, have more of a connection with scotland than they do the UK, I may be wrong there. They would have the freedom and support to grow their party in scotland wether it was an independent country or not.
I know what your saying lubo but just to say Scotland can’t be a republic. We will always have a connection to the nazi family that reside in the big hoose in London
Excuse my ignorance BB but how would independence stop these orange bastards becoming involved in Scottish politics would it not give them as a good an opportunity.
Sure mate, your not making a few connections, I’ve posted these points on a different thread…
Irish politics are changing, loyalists now are in the voting minority, brexit has moved them closer to the republic , if and when they have their own untied Ireland vote there more than a distinct possibility that it will happen, that will remove the very thing the hold most dearest….their Britishness,

We are already, over the last 20 years seeing mass loyalist migration into south Ayrshire, mad dog adir et all seting up camp in killwing/Irvine, it’s turning into a on overseas province of norn iron
The DUP are aiming to set up a Scottish branch of their staunchly loyalist Party here, targeting the Huns as a readymade political base for thier operations, hence why they’re now pouring siphoned off norn iron money into keeping them afloat, and demanding DUP/orangemen places on the hun board

Watch out for the more unsavoury elements of norn iron politics come here, the intimations, the punishment beatings, the knee capping, the shootings, the murders

The only way to avoid all of the above, it my opinion, is to achieve independence……they dearly want to be British, if we gain independence they will simply bypass Scotland and head to engerland so they can continue to be Union Jack waving loyal subjects of her majesty the Queen
It’s all simple when you see the bigger picture
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Sure mate, your not making a few connections, I’ve posed these points on a different thread…
Irish politics are changing, loyalists now are in the voting minority, brexit has moved them closer to the republic , if and when they have their own untied Ireland vote there more than a distinct possibility that it will happen, that will remove the very thing the hold most dearest….their Britishness,

We are already, over the last 20 years seeing mass loyalist migration into south Ayrshire, mad dog adir et all seting up camp in killwing/Irvine, it’s turning into a on overseas province of norn iron
The DUP are aiming to set up a Scottish branch of their staunchly loyalist Party here, targeting that Huns as a readymade political base for thier operations, hence why they’re now pouring siphoned off norn iron money into keeping them afloat, and demanding DUP/orangemen places on the hun board

Watch out for the more unsavoury elements of norn iron politics come here, the intimations, the punishment beatings, the knee capping, the shootings, the murders

The only way to avoid all of the above, it my opinion, is to achieve independence……they dearly want to be British, if we gain independence they will simply bypass Scotland and head to engerland so they can continue to be Union Jack waving loyal subjects of her majesty the Queen
It’s all simple when you see the bigger picture
Could just do an ireland and demand partition creating civil war with them holding all the guns and retaining their military bases and every area that has wealth

I should add that norn ireland is not British its not great british but it is part of UK

UK of GB and norn ireland

even when it was UK of GB and ireland

the irish part is not british

Scotland is also not british

Its colonised by British to create Great Britain

England and Wales are British

So their fantasy of being British is just that but it wont stop them calling themselves brits in United republic of ireland, it wont stop the loyalist atrocities, it may actually escalate them to get their Orange Ascendancy rights (fantasy again)

And i suspect that should Scotland vote independence, the ultster Scots and the pro UK Scots in Scotland would demand partition from non British Scots to form a Neo Dalriada with the islands and north sea remaining staunch, keeping oli with Aberdeen seccession with Fife and central belt

with anyone not wanting to be in uk driven into exile in the not so wealthy parts of Scotland

creating a mini israel type scenario with Scots becoming terrorised like palastinians since they dont have a peepo status

every time a country with serious wealth breaks from empirial rule if UK it gets divided

i cant see it being different in scotland
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