Ange v Lennon


Well-known member
Are you amazed at what Ange has achieved in 6 months
League Cup, 4 Japanese stars and other great signings, a CEO that respects him, slaying the idiotic press conferences mate, understanding that Celtic are far more than a football team. Has a vision of us achieving greatness and is within touching distance of topping the league. Looking forward to the Glasgow derby.

Ange v Lennon .... No Comparison.....End of​

At the moment, you're right Lennono. Ange is no where near Lennons status....yet. We can't write off what lennon achieved as player and manager because of one shit season....where he had every single person inside and outside Celtic working against him. Ange has won 1 Cup. No comparison. Ange will hope and dream to have the same status as lennon within the walls of paradise.
At the moment, you're right Lennono. Ange is no where near Lennons status....yet. We can't write off what lennon achieved as player and manager because of one shit season....where he had every single person inside and outside Celtic working against him. Ange has won 1 Cup. No comparison. Ange will hope and dream to have the same status as lennon within the walls of paradise.
Thank you Lubo. What is it with some of our own feeling the need to go on about Lenny ? The header for this thread only fills me with disappointment. For absolutely certain, Lenny's last season was disastrous. His performance could be described as woeful. Thing is, he was far from being the only one. The club from top to bottom was a shambles. No recruitment strategy worthy of the name. No leadership from the boardroom. A number of players who looked like they'd downed tools. All very significant contributing factors. It was absolutely correct for Lenny to go, but he was made a scapegoat for the miserable COLLECTIVE failure of our club.
Lenny's legacy of success is inarguable. Just take a moment and do a trophy count, both as player and manager.
He was both physically and verbally attacked by the morons across the city and beyond. This happened for two reasons. He was successful and he was Irish Catholic. Please let it go folks, perhaps time will change our perspective. Sometimes we descend to the same level as the dark side. As for Ange ? It's looking very very good at the moment. Hopefully he too, will look back with pride in his achievements. Let time take its course. HH
Thank you Lubo. What is it with some of our own feeling the need to go on about Lenny ? The header for this thread only fills me with disappointment. For absolutely certain, Lenny's last season was disastrous. His performance could be described as woeful. Thing is, he was far from being the only one. The club from top to bottom was a shambles. No recruitment strategy worthy of the name. No leadership from the boardroom. A number of players who looked like they'd downed tools. All very significant contributing factors. It was absolutely correct for Lenny to go, but he was made a scapegoat for the miserable COLLECTIVE failure of our club.
Lenny's legacy of success is inarguable. Just take a moment and do a trophy count, both as player and manager.
He was both physically and verbally attacked by the morons across the city and beyond. This happened for two reasons. He was successful and he was Irish Catholic. Please let it go folks, perhaps time will change our perspective. Sometimes we descend to the same level as the dark side. As for Ange ? It's looking very very good at the moment. Hopefully he too, will look back with pride in his achievements. Let time take its course. HH
Couldn’t have said it any better myself frank.
A fickle bunch our lot who can write off 20 years for 1 season
Thank you Lubo. What is it with some of our own feeling the need to go on about Lenny ? The header for this thread only fills me with disappointment. For absolutely certain, Lenny's last season was disastrous. His performance could be described as woeful. Thing is, he was far from being the only one. The club from top to bottom was a shambles. No recruitment strategy worthy of the name. No leadership from the boardroom. A number of players who looked like they'd downed tools. All very significant contributing factors. It was absolutely correct for Lenny to go, but he was made a scapegoat for the miserable COLLECTIVE failure of our club.
Lenny's legacy of success is inarguable. Just take a moment and do a trophy count, both as player and manager.
He was both physically and verbally attacked by the morons across the city and beyond. This happened for two reasons. He was successful and he was Irish Catholic. Please let it go folks, perhaps time will change our perspective. Sometimes we descend to the same level as the dark side. As for Ange ? It's looking very very good at the moment. Hopefully he too, will look back with pride in his achievements. Let time take its course. HH

Agreed....listen, I hold my hands up. I said, last season, that lennon had, in my eyes, lost his status as a Celtic great. I stuck the boot in as much as the next person. But ive taken a step back and realised that I now believe I was wrong. I know that won't apply to everyone and there are people who will not forgive him and that's completely up to them....but for me, I see a guy that gave everything to the club. His body and his mental health. He was let down by the club and players last season. He was left open to attack from a media who had spent the last 20 years going at him! The scum and the media saw his fans, who stood around him like a human shield, desert him and they got fucking tore in. I've not fully forgiven him for not walking away sooner. But I'd rather celebrate his victories than amplify his losses.

At the moment there is no comparison between the 2 men because Ange is no where near lennon in what he has given the club.
I was delighted when Lenny stepped in at short notice and saved our season. However, I did not want him appointed permanent manager for the very reasons that we saw unfold. But he did deliver us more trophies in that time so I was possibly wrong - that is the beauty of being a keyboard expert - we are never accountable for our actions or proclamations or have to deal with the intense pressure on a day-to-day basis.

Yes, a LOT of things went very very wrong last season. And yes, Lenny was to blame for a number of these, but he wasn't the only one or the worst culprit in my view. Although I thought he should have been told to leave months before he was I understand too that he was still fighting every day trying his best for the club that he clearly loved so much - sadly his skills were just not up to dealing with these problems and he didn't have the correct support around him to provide the assistance he so clearly needed.

I am also very happy with the wonderful job that Ange has done so far. It is difficult not to get too far ahead of ourselves as he clearly has a long-term vision of the style of play he wants and he is skilled enough to identify players who will fit into this style and also to improve those he has in his squad to make them better fit this too. But it is still very early days in what we all hope will be a very successful and long-term story. It will be brilliant if he can match and surpass Lenny's trophy haul and achievements with Celtic.

Personally I think Ange has better skills at being a manager and I am delighted to have him as boss at Celtic just now. But I am not keen on writing off people who gave to much to our club (I include Rodgers and Delia in this too). I would still thank Lenny for the joy he brought to me as a Celtic fan and wish him health and happiness in his future as he deserves to relax now and enjoy his life. I'd also thank Ange for his amazing turn-around in fortunes and let him know he will have my support.

And I will support the next mangers following Ange as well.
I was delighted when Lenny stepped in at short notice and saved our season. However, I did not want him appointed permanent manager for the very reasons that we saw unfold. But he did deliver us more trophies in that time so I was possibly wrong - that is the beauty of being a keyboard expert - we are never accountable for our actions or proclamations or have to deal with the intense pressure on a day-to-day basis.

Yes, a LOT of things went very very wrong last season. And yes, Lenny was to blame for a number of these, but he wasn't the only one or the worst culprit in my view. Although I thought he should have been told to leave months before he was I understand too that he was still fighting every day trying his best for the club that he clearly loved so much - sadly his skills were just not up to dealing with these problems and he didn't have the correct support around him to provide the assistance he so clearly needed.

I am also very happy with the wonderful job that Ange has done so far. It is difficult not to get too far ahead of ourselves as he clearly has a long-term vision of the style of play he wants and he is skilled enough to identify players who will fit into this style and also to improve those he has in his squad to make them better fit this too. But it is still very early days in what we all hope will be a very successful and long-term story. It will be brilliant if he can match and surpass Lenny's trophy haul and achievements with Celtic.

Personally I think Ange has better skills at being a manager and I am delighted to have him as boss at Celtic just now. But I am not keen on writing off people who gave to much to our club (I include Rodgers and Delia in this too). I would still thank Lenny for the joy he brought to me as a Celtic fan and wish him health and happiness in his future as he deserves to relax now and enjoy his life. I'd also thank Ange for his amazing turn-around in fortunes and let him know he will have my support.

And I will support the next mangers following Ange as well.
Excellent post, 👏👏👏
Would he (lennon) have won all the trophies with a proper challenger???
We will never know as he could only compete against those clubs that were up against him. It certainly wasn't his fault that the cheating bastards went bust and so were no longer able to play. Also, would he have won more if there was proper management by the authorities who thought it was acceptable (and probably bloody marvellous) that sevco were allowed to run up debts of over £100m in 9 years to win last season's league despite it being against the rules.

It is very fair to say though that he (Lennon) would have won an awful lot more trophies at Celtic as a player if so many hadn't been won illegally by they cheating Deadco FC who bought players they could never afford that ultimately us tax payers ended up paying for as we bailed out that masonic monstrosity of a bank that allows them to run up huge debts.
We will never know as he could only compete against those clubs that were up against him. It certainly wasn't his fault that the cheating bastards went bust and so were no longer able to play. Also, would he have won more if there was proper management by the authorities who thought it was acceptable (and probably bloody marvellous) that sevco were allowed to run up debts of over £100m in 9 years to win last season's league despite it being against the rules.

It is very fair to say though that he (Lennon) would have won an awful lot more trophies at Celtic as a player if so many hadn't been won illegally by they cheating Deadco FC who bought players they could never afford that ultimately us tax payers ended up paying for as we bailed out that masonic monstrosity of a bank that allows them to run up huge debts.
No I know it wasn't his fault but tactically he isnae the best is he look I'm delighted wit he done for us and u can only best the teams I front if u but he fucked up badly last year let's not kid on he's some sort of magnificent manager but he's definitely a legendary figure in our history
No I know it wasn't his fault but tactically he isnae the best is he look I'm delighted wit he done for us and u can only best the teams I front if u but he fucked up badly last year let's not kid on he's some sort of magnificent manager but he's definitely a legendary figure in our history
I'm just delighted to acknowledge the man's legacy. No grudging praise from me. I'm glad we had him. And glad for him that he had us behind him when he needed us. I actually believe most of us have moved on from the collapse that was last season.
What lies ahead with Ange at the helm has the possibility of being another chapter in our history worthy of legend status. Paradoxically, it also has the potential of being a glorious failure.
We will find out sometime over the next 5 months or so, regardless of the result on Wednesday. Let's keep the vibes positive. The past is the past.HH
I loved Lenny as a player and as a manager.
I thought last year he wasn't willing to admit his mistakes and his stubberness cost us dearly.
He stuck with the same 11 when he had Turnbull and Polish Paddy sat in the stands.
Tram was on its arse at times but he fligged them whike 6 gresh players where in row G
He gambled his whole season on big Frazer coming back and when he didn't we ended up panick buying.
He lost the dressing room and again was to stubbern to admit it resorting to throwing the players under the bus.

Ange has built a squad and continues to build
He also knows the club is bigger than him which unfortunetly Lenny seemed to forget for a while

Give Lenny his place in our history and we all move on together because we never walk alone