Celtic V Them

We've had a properly shit couple of years against that mob, even when we've played quite well we've lost, but our domination tonight was overwhelming, the huns absolutely bottled it because of our play. Even during the 6-2 game it felt like it could go either way at times, but not tonight.
After 2 minutes the gulf between the teams was clear, 3-0 flattered them it could have been double figures (wish it was) even when we took our foot off the gas in the second half I felt we were totally in control.
Ange and his Bhoys have sent a huge message to Satan's 11 tonight. The message is....

We're Back!
No she’s not singing frank… yet
The ex appeared out the blue with the weans
as she dies now and again so I got to spend the night singing songs with the kids
But now the kids are sleeping and after that performance and result tonight, she knows it’s a given that the fat lady will be singing from the rooftops later 😂

Her exact words were ‘can you kid on your Hatate and score twice against the Auld enemy 😂

spot on dead cunt
Josip who reminds me of inspector closeau showed why he’s selected over an outstanding ralston
A different gravy entirely
There’s fucking good and there’s a class act
Feck I thought I deleted that first effort 🤦‍♂️
My brother and myself were walking through Sydney one Saturday morning & the place was full of people wearing orange tops.
Which really pissed us off as our family emigrated to Australia to get away from such hatred.
Not known for our diplomacy we were giving them filthy looks and loud comments.
Standing at traffic lights waiting to cross the road one of them asked us what was wrong?
What had they done to deserve such treatment, we told them they were a anti catholic organisation.
He replied how could he be a anti catholic as he and his family were Catholics.
They had just got off the overnight sleeper from Brisbane to watch the Brisbane Roar play (Ange team) in Sydney.
Ps they play in Orange tops because Queensland colours are Red & Yellow which give you Orange.
Pps It was a relief to know we didn't have to emigrate again lol
I've only one complaint. That it wasn't slippys Huns we skelpt. He seen the writing on the wall an fecked aff.
completely agree, he’s a lucky manager. And with lucky managers (which I label slippy) luck eventually runs out, Slippy was smart enough to do it before it ran out.

Ange on the other hand has always done it the hard way by showing managerial class.
The league cup is in the bag be he’ll know that the SPL is not won yet by any stretch of the imagination.

Motherwell is a big game.... after the lord Majors show and all that.
It must be difficult to come down from a night like last night and off to Well for a humdrum game, but professionalism is what its all about.
It could be argued that Sundays game is now as important as last nights was….hammer home the advantage we have just gained and watch Sevco implode under the weight of expectation and entitlement.
Unfortunately, the performance will have been noted and all SPL clubs will now be purchasing extra buses for games against us.
I enjoyed that last night 🌃😊.

The only thing that would have been better is if I had won the half time draw as well. 🤣

My throat is still sore as I was giving laldy so it would come across to those watching on the boax 📺😂.

First half was a thing of beauty and the 2 goals just before the interval gave the score a more realistic look.

Fair play to the huns second half their first choice mids finally got to grips with our 2nd/3rd choice mids, maybe time we stopped giving the players deep fried Mars bars as a halftime snack.

Pass marks for everyone connected to Celtic last night from the fans and ballboys right up to my Motm Juranovic, outstanding performance mate 😍, honourable mentions to CCV GG and O'Riley as well as our Masked Skipper.

Well done Ange and the Bhoys.
