Celtic V Them

I've watched the highlights over and over again but still can't believe how pish the sevco were.
There's a cracking clip on VideoCelts showing Calmac calling Barasic a shitebag because he couldn't handle taking the captain on and he hoofed it right back to the flying pig.

TRIFC will be wanting another meeting with the SFA to complain that they received no assistance whatsoever from the MIB and that we had some very naughty ball boys and where the fk was their penalty eh?
“Amad Diallo, the on-loan Manchester United forward who spent 45 minutes resembling a little boy lost, was understandably among those removed”
Thats how The Guardian described sevcos £40m Man United superstar- saviour- a little boy lost. Hopefully it has totally battered his confidence.
Spoke to the wee boy along the road (hun)about the game and he was saying that his favourites were absolutely pish , and then watched the highlights on BBC and said he couldn't believe how doctored the highlights were trying to make the mingers look good , so from the mouths of children
The team were magnificent last night. But I thought the best footwork and turn of speed was the young bhoy who ran onto the pitch at halftime leaving a trail of stewards on their arses before escaping back into the crowd 😂🇮🇪
A Hungarian guy has a you-tube video from last nights game (it’s on The Celtic Star). He has footage o the wee guy giving the stewards the run around then jumping back into the crowd. Did get awa or did he get lifted?