Fuck the huns

Huns pictured leaving 2 mins ahead of scheduled finish but more like 3 but absolute avoidance of video or audio coverage of hun support after the final whistle apart from the obvious vitriol and abuse received by the Sevco player who ran over to give away his shirt. He'll be further abused as the price of a replacement and the loss of revenue of a replica shirt the fan now won't have to buy are docked from his wages.
So £60 for the revenue that won't be earned at the shop and £5 for the new shirt from Mehmet?
Huns pictured leaving 2 mins ahead of scheduled finish but more like 3 but absolute avoidance of video or audio coverage of hun support after the final whistle apart from the obvious vitriol and abuse received by the Sevco player who ran over to give away his shirt. He'll be further abused as the price of a replacement and the loss of revenue of a replica shirt the fan now won't have to buy are docked from his wages.
Did the players not applaud the empty seats today? Gutted. 🤣🤣🤣
A real double whammy for sevco (well, it's more than a double after Wednesday's record breaking achievement) in that they were expecting us to drop 2 points yesterday and close to 1 behind today. With everything flipping on its head, all of a sudden, it's a 7 point gap.
I started at page 65 of the 68 page match thread on the cess pit and had to stop near the top of page 66 as my schadenfreude peaked at Sevconian use of the MacGiolla Bhainism - 'Omnishambles'. The despair bubble must be at mass saturation by now.
Interesting one of them noted how Sevco had 52 touches in the opposition box. 55 as elusive a number for Sevco as the historical entity they emulate.