Ange's 4th Transfer Window


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January will be Ange's 4th transfer window and to date he's signed 22(!) first team players for the club.

Most have been a success with the exception of Ideguchi, McCarthy and young Johnny Kenny (all barely seen unfortunately) and Liam Scales who now finds himself on loan at Aberdeen.

We'll reserve judgement on Oliver Abildgaard and Benjamin Seigrist for now.

That leaves 16 players who by and large have been a notable success at the club. An impressive strike rate!

What many expect now however is that whether it be in January or in the summer some of those players will move on as Ange continues with his evolution of the squad.

For what its worth our best guess is that Juranovic and Giakoumakis will be first to exit!

Our big taling point on this week's Celtic Exchange Weekly though was on the players who MUST be retained at all costs if we're to see further progression under Ange.

The consensus seems to be Calmac, CCV and Hatate (with possibly Jota & O'Riley IF we can keep a hold of them!)

Who do you see as the guys that we should be building around?

Calmac obviously, but I suspect Ange ain't going to be building around any one two or 3 players for that matter, and is looking for players that will fit into his mantra, he imho is looking to have players ready to step up and into his style of play and I believe thats why we seen 5 and 6 changes to the team in the latter stages of the first part of the season, well that and the CL obviously, he has a way to go still be he knows that better than anyone.

However having said that other than the Ferrymhan I wouldn't like to see Reo or CCV leave anytime soon and obviously we need to keep the core of our home based players due to the European squad rules.
Calmac obviously, but I suspect Ange ain't going to be building around any one two or 3 players for that matter, and is looking for players that will fit into his mantra, he imho is looking to have players ready to step up and into his style of play and I believe thats why we seen 5 and 6 changes to the team in the latter stages of the first part of the season, well that and the CL obviously, he has a way to go still be he knows that better than anyone.

However having said that other than the Ferrymhan I wouldn't like to see Reo or CCV leave anytime soon and obviously we need to keep the core of our home based players due to the European squad rules.
Well the team is built around Calmac, of that theres no question in my mind.
Hes going nowhere unless the club were to recieve a bid truly worthy of his abilities and even then it wouldnt be a true reflection given it's the SPFL, a bid starting at £30 million would be the only one the club would consider entertaining.

Jota will be here for another 2 seasons I believe, hes a smart cookie and knows he's in the perfect place to develop his game, moving on now could stall his career plan.
Same for CCV, he'll be aware of how far one season as a Celtic player has propelled him.
Would take again £30 million for the board to consider it, methinks.

I'm not one of the " jury's out" brigade on Seigrist I think his career plan is coming along nicely and he will be Celtic no1 soon enough.
Abildgaard ....unfair to judge on such little game time, but with him I just get the feeling that he will be an important player and it's just timing, fitness, a slow burner much like Mooy, he gives off a quite confidence that things are steadily improving as we go along.

Also think that much ado about nothing is surrounding Giakoumakis, has anyone heard from his mouth that hes unhappy?
I've not.
SMSM whataboutery.
If its game time, he wants more minutes?
Good , I'd want to hear that from him.

Many, actually pretty much all of our players are newly signed up and what?
1 season into their contracts ? 1½ tops?

These bhoys have to be realistic as well and recognise they werent signed from the Arsenal first team or the likes.
Regarding wages , what hasnt been mentioned is the bonuses all if them will have recieved for their immense efforts in securing the double, Champions league qualification and points won in the CL.

Ange and Nicholson must also recieve huge merit for their dealings in outgoing players.
Every bit as impressive , finding all those outward bound players a new home.

Players like Urhoghide and Scales from what I've read have performed well for their respective loan clubs and whilst that may not necessarily be enough for a Celtic first squad place it certainly has seen the value of both these players soar.
Should they not make the grade here there will be plenty of suitors for their signatures and good business by the club.

Another important factor that hasnt been mentioned yet is that these bhoys have all been brought into the club with the expectation that we will sell them on at a tidy profit, that is our business model after all let's not forget.

All four of our world cup bhoys have done the club proud, enhancing our already good name when it comes to player dealings. ( I'd congratulate Hearts, St Mirren, St Johnstone, Dundee United and even Hibs wouldve likely had a starter in that Australian SPFL select side), congratulations to Barisic as well for making it 55 ...minutes played before pulling up with cramp.

Should we sell anyone ( cost of living crisis doednt apply to football clubs interested in buying players) if it did they wouldnt be spending the cash, just as weve been doing, I'm confident that no one will leave for a value well beneath them.

I'm confident we will keep our main men and perhaps at the seasons end see maybe 2 maximum leave and that will only be because the club would be fools not to take seriously the kind of bids I expect to see for the likes of juranovic, who let's face it , is in a far stronger position than Giakoumakis.

Only mega bids will see our best players leave in January window.

So there yous go , hope that makes everyone feel better and j kept it short
Ahem cough 🤭
I expect a few players will move on this transfer window. A lot of players taking part in the WC will be on many shopping lists, ours included. Juranovic will go no doubt. Maeda maybe, CCV not yet.
Edit: forgot to mention Mooy. If there is a decent bid he will be off undoubtably, at this stage in his career its his last chance for a big payday.
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I expect a few players will move on this transfer window. A lot of players taking part in the WC will be on many shopping lists, ours included. Juranovic will go no doubt. Maeda maybe, CCV not yet.
Edit: forgot to mention Mooy. If there is a decent bid he will be off undoubtably, at this stage in his career its his last chance for a big payday.
I can see why theres that thinking but I honestly dont see anyone who is central to Anges plans leaving January.
( and 🤞🏻 as well) about it.

Aye, course you're right Brimcbhoy if theres big offers on the table that's different and traditionally January window is big offers time as no-one wants to sell mid season
JJ would be the obvious choice given the rumours weve heard, I just hope that he fancies another crack at the champions league with us first.

I'm not convinced that Mooy will be on the move, hes made big money in China and his family are settled in Glasgow area before he signed, and since hes signed just look at his career arc to see how good Celtic have been for him and vice versa.

So obviously I hope to be right.
I was thinking more like Osaze and Scales perhaps McCarthy
If I'm wrong and JJ does go this January window, am I the only one who is concerned with the frankly lowball figures being bandied about for JJ?
Here it's in the £10 million plus region and there it's in the £15 million range.

We have the world cup runners up and current quarter finalists RB signed up for at least another 2 years (2025 I think?),
Everyone knows fine well that once the WC is over the prices for successful players in Qatar ( as is always the case with world cup transfers) will be going up.
Add to that the calibre of sides allegedly interested and their budget.

We should be looking for a new Scottish transfer record fee breaking the £25 million paid for KT.
Popping my blood vessels , though of course it could just all be SMSM naughtiness.

Johnstone £3.5 million but JJ ( modric's pal) only double that after a very successful world cup regardless of what happens now.
Nope not happy with the numbers
It is great to see how we are going about our business and the windows not open yet.

Celtic signing Canadian, Japanese, interested in Israeli, Tunisian, South Korean it's fantastic.

Our influence is truly global and meanwhile old firm f.c have been told by soon to be free agent Porteus " nah! Just...nah!" , " go on....beat it. 😅😅
I don't see many going at all this window unless they are struggling to make the match day squad on a regular basis.
The only obvious one for me is JJ but only because we've signed Johnstone.
Some loans going out for bhoys who need game time if they can't get a permanent move ....Idiguchi being one maybe McCarthy.
20 mil for JJ would soften any disappointment of him leaving I would think.
I don't see many going at all this window unless they are struggling to make the match day squad on a regular basis.
The only obvious one for me is JJ but only because we've signed Johnstone.
Some loans going out for bhoys who need game time if they can't get a permanent move ....Idiguchi being one maybe McCarthy.
20 mil for JJ would soften any disappointment of him leaving I would think.
I still think it's too low £20 million, especially considering the sides likely to be bidding for him.
The side we got johnstone from , Montreal, after they sold johnstone they sold another player for £20 million to the EPL a midfielder.
Talented , obviously but with the experience of JJ?
No 3 WC games.

Clubs interested in him from man utd , Atleti, Sociedad, Leverkusen all sides with money and can well afford to stump up another miserable poxy £15 million on top of what they're offering and hes got 2 years remaining.

Starting to wonder if he has a trigger figure in his contract.
I don't see many going at all this window unless they are struggling to make the match day squad on a regular basis.
The only obvious one for me is JJ but only because we've signed Johnstone.
Some loans going out for bhoys who need game time if they can't get a permanent move ....Idiguchi being one maybe McCarthy.
20 mil for JJ would soften any disappointment of him leaving I would think.
Actually Mag7 the deeper I delve into this Giakoumakis saga the more unsavoury and ' old Celtic biscuit tin mentality ' it appears.

If what I keep finding from different sources is to be believed , then my understanding of it ( likely tainted somewhat also by SMSM) is that when GG signed for us , he wanted more money than he ended up getting.
The Celtic Star itself were saying in a piece at the time of his signing that he signed on the understanding that if he was successful he would get the extra few grand a week he wanted.

He has been successful , so what is the problem here?

A google search of Celtic players wages , accurate or not , returned SALARY SPORT website who claim to have all clubs pretty much players wages detailed.
If that's to be believed then Calmac is by far our highest earner on £32kpwk and our only player who is on over £30kpwk.

I did notice other sites claiming Mooy is the highest earner so make of that what you will.

Giakoumakis according to SALARY SPORT is on a paltry £12kpwk and Juranovic on £16kpwk, if these numbers are true or even close to true that would mean JJ is on half of calmacs wage weekly and GG a further £4kpwk less.
GG, Hatate, Oriley and Haksabanovic all on 12kpwk , yet McCarthy on £14k

I'm hoping these numbers are wrong because were I any of the 4 on 12kpwk and seeing that Abildgaard, Seigrist , Hart, Turnbull all on higher wages £15kpwk would be pretty disheartening knowing that you're contributing more than many others but not rewarded the same but less.
This has Taylor on £8.2kpwk
Jenz on £4.9kpwk

These numbers cant be truly accurate, if they are then it's funny numbers and no ones laughing.

Have a gander...

Hopefully someone else can find the truth behind the bhoys wages.

The one below from last season though 2022 seems more believable
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It would seem that Celtic's players salaries arent in the public domain.
Which would explain the erratic numbers and lists for some players being ridiculously high or low.

This piece about a is interesting but again it wont settle anything

The salaries being questioned here are guestimated it would seem by totalsportal, some may be close, others miles off.
Victor Wanyama is going to be on the move this window I believe
He's playing for Montreal Impact, not a bad team for the MLS
Might be worth a punt, if we got him for peanuts, in today's market
Then there's the issues of Mikey Johnston, and Barkas, coming back, and whether we want to give them an opportunity or get them off the wage bill
I think Haksabanovic will have a great season after the mid Winter break, the #17 for Morocco looked a player in the Haksa mold, Boufal is his name, he skinned the full back for Spain the whole game
Some players during this World Cup will be moving to European clubs for big bucks, no doubt
In Ange we trust, he knows a player when he sees one and I'm sure, with backing he'll come through for us again this window
Actually Mag7 the deeper I delve into this Giakoumakis saga the more unsavoury and ' old Celtic biscuit tin mentality ' it appears.

If what I keep finding from different sources is to be believed , then my understanding of it ( likely tainted somewhat also by SMSM) is that when GG signed for us , he wanted more money than he ended up getting.
The Celtic Star itself were saying in a piece at the time of his signing that he signed on the understanding that if he was successful he would get the extra few grand a week he wanted.

He has been successful , so what is the problem here?

A google search of Celtic players wages , accurate or not , returned SALARY SPORT website who claim to have all clubs pretty much players wages detailed.
If that's to be believed then Calmac is by far our highest earner on £32kpwk and our only player who is on over £30kpwk.

I did notice other sites claiming Mooy is the highest earner so make of that what you will.

Giakoumakis according to SALARY SPORT is on a paltry £12kpwk and Juranovic on £16kpwk, if these numbers are true or even close to true that would mean JJ is on half of calmacs wage weekly and GG a further £4kpwk less.
GG, Hatate, Oriley and Haksabanovic all on 12kpwk , yet McCarthy on £14k

I'm hoping these numbers are wrong because were I any of the 4 on 12kpwk and seeing that Abildgaard, Seigrist , Hart, Turnbull all on higher wages £15kpwk would be pretty disheartening knowing that you're contributing more than many others but not rewarded the same but less.
This has Taylor on £8.2kpwk
Jenz on £4.9kpwk

These numbers cant be truly accurate, if they are then it's funny numbers and no ones laughing.

Have a gander...

Hopefully someone else can find the truth behind the bhoys wages.

The one below from last season though 2022 seems more believable
I looked into the wages online some time ago Winter and realised none where reliable as they all differed and looked like guess work.
The truth is none of us know ....i said a while back GG looked frustrated being 2nd choice striker. He ended up top goalscorer after playing half a season last term and continues to score important goals when they are needed most.
So to be honest he probably believes he should be first choice and the rewards that go with that.
Wouldn't think Ange would allow any player to mess or be messed about for that matter.
If he wants to go he will be let go, if Ange wants him to stay he will influence it imo.