We can all use a laugh

Was going to post this under the Pets section but the look on Smudge's face says it all
Our budige Piper had a crush on our cat Smudge
Piper was let out out of his cage to hang out with us, and the first time he flew towards our cats, we almost shit a brick
But he was a ballsy little guy and our cats got used to him
They never once tried to attack him and it was funny to see the interaction
Smudge would eventually just lie down and go to sleep, or go somewhere Piper couldn't get to ;-)
Check out the look on Smudge's face in pic 2 Piper Smudge .jpgSmudge and Piper 44.jpg
FFS! Dinnae go to war with North Korea. They are so good at fighting that some of them need to pin their medals on their breeks!

Was going to post this under the Pets section but the look on Smudge's face says it all
Our budige Piper had a crush on our cat Smudge
Piper was let out out of his cage to hang out with us, and the first time he flew towards our cats, we almost shit a brick
But he was a ballsy little guy and our cats got used to him
They never once tried to attack him and it was funny to see the interaction
Smudge would eventually just lie down and go to sleep, or go somewhere Piper couldn't get to ;-)
Check out the look on Smudge's face in pic 2 View attachment 21824View attachment 21825
Wolfs,cats and mental budgies thats some houseful you've got there.
When I was a wee boy we had a one legged budgie it tragically lost its leg in a kitchen accident ,my mum used to let it fly around the house and was in the kitchen making our tea when aforesaid budgie flys into the kitchen and lands on the cooker hotplate thus one frazzled leg ,it didn't seem to do it any harm as we had it for years.
Wolfs,cats and mental budgies thats some houseful you've got there.
When I was a wee boy we had a one legged budgie it tragically lost its leg in a kitchen accident ,my mum used to let it fly around the house and was in the kitchen making our tea when aforesaid budgie flys into the kitchen and lands on the cooker hotplate thus one frazzled leg ,it didn't seem to do it any harm as we had it for years.
We had a peach faced lovebird, SweePea who was a cute wee guy but hated Piper our budgie
We couldn't let them out together as Piper would divebomb SweePea, who was bigger than him, but not as fast
One day SweePea went back in his cage and Piper landed on top
next thing there's a screech as SweePea got his beak around one Piper's talons, and 'snip' gone
We administered some baking soda to stop the bleeding and in a few days, Piper was good as new, although a bit lighter in the talon dept
SweePea used to burrow into Kramer our big black long haired cats fur, and go to sleep
Kramer allowed this, as he was feart of getting nipped
And Piper and Smudge were good buddies
If you're talking 'wolf' check out our neighbours ten year old ECHO
He treats all dogs with disdain when they walk past his house
Husky Echo 2 .jpeg
We had a peach faced lovebird, SweePea who was a cute wee guy but hated Piper our budgie
We couldn't let them out together as Piper would divebomb SweePea, who was bigger than him, but not as fast
One day SweePea went back in his cage and Piper landed on top
next thing there's a screech as SweePea got his beak around one Piper's talons, and 'snip' gone
We administered some baking soda to stop the bleeding and in a few days, Piper was good as new, although a bit lighter in the talon dept
SweePea used to burrow into Kramer our big black long haired cats fur, and go to sleep
Kramer allowed this, as he was feart of getting nipped
And Piper and Smudge were good buddies
If you're talking 'wolf' check out our neighbours ten year old ECHO
He treats all dogs with disdain when they walk past his house
View attachment 21845
What a beautiful animal Dill, looks solid as well 👍
We had a peach faced lovebird, SweePea who was a cute wee guy but hated Piper our budgie
We couldn't let them out together as Piper would divebomb SweePea, who was bigger than him, but not as fast
One day SweePea went back in his cage and Piper landed on top
next thing there's a screech as SweePea got his beak around one Piper's talons, and 'snip' gone
We administered some baking soda to stop the bleeding and in a few days, Piper was good as new, although a bit lighter in the talon dept
SweePea used to burrow into Kramer our big black long haired cats fur, and go to sleep
Kramer allowed this, as he was feart of getting nipped
And Piper and Smudge were good buddies
If you're talking 'wolf' check out our neighbours ten year old ECHO
He treats all dogs with disdain when they walk past his house
View attachment 21845
Now that's what you call a wolf😊
What a beautiful animal Dill, looks solid as well 👍
Yeah, he is twice the size of our Georgia, and walks past our house every day, with his owner
We have another neighbour down the street who has an actual wolf hybrid, massive dog, but very aggressive towards other dogs
His owner told me one day that where he lives, the guy behind him is a former well known TV personality (now retired) and by all accounts is a grumpy auld bastard
He told me that his wolf howls whenever he hears a siren go by (firetruck, police etc)
Must be funny to watch
A while ago an ambulance went past with its siren blaring, and 'Boo' (his dog) started howling, as wolves do
A little while later, there's a bylaws officer at his door, who said he had to stop his dog from creating a disturbance...
Apparently this was not the first time Boo had howled in the privacy of his own backyard
Then one day, the guy's wife is doing some laundry and the tub must have been off balance so the bearing was squealing away
A few minutes later, there's a loud banging on their door, they open it, and standing there is Mr TV personality, shouting the odds about the noise their dog is making, he's completely lost it, and is having a shit fit..."I've called bylaws, they're on their way...and the police !!!"
They show up and the guy explains what happened, the bylaws guy told the idiot to stop calling, and the police threatened to lift him, if he didn't calm down
Imagine having that prick living behind you

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