Away games


Well-known member
Just seen a few videos on twitter via news now;celtic re the abuse that celtic fans are getting from stewards and police scotland it's about time we gave them a fright and refuse to take away tickets.
what do you all think???
Just seen a few videos on twitter via news now;celtic re the abuse that celtic fans are getting from stewards and police scotland it's about time we gave them a fright and refuse to take away tickets.
what do you all think???

I think we should take just enough tickets for away games , to enable us to form the letters
“ F&&£ OFF “ in human form , so the TV cameras will see our message loud and clear .
An organized fku to the clubs like Dundee , reduce our own allocation let the fkrs feel the pinch .

See if it helps their selective viewing

away games are a great day out atmosphere is good to but as others said it would never be a total boycot
What we can do is not spend a penny in their stadium, not for every team, but defo grounds where we get grief, when Celtic visit these clubs there will be more pies, programmes etc than for any other club, this extra money is crucial to the smaller sides, I always like to see clubs in Scotland bar the usual suspects, in a healthy financial position, but when they treat us like dogs we bite back.
Just seen a few videos on twitter via news now;celtic re the abuse that celtic fans are getting from stewards and police scotland it's about time we gave them a fright and refuse to take away tickets.
what do you all think???

100% Maria.

I think after the behaviour of the polis and stewards yesterday, as well as the piss poor excuse given by the Dundee hierarchy for the disgraceful removal of the tricolour, that we need to lay down a marker so I'd start with a one off boycott of the next game at Dens Park to send the message out loud and clear that we will no longer pay for the privilege of being treated like dirt.

I know there will be those that say 'but the team needs our support' and as much as I agree with that there are times when you've got to take a stand and this is the most effective way to drive home our point with these clubs who take our cash then treat us like scum.

100% Maria.

I think after the behaviour of the polis and stewards yesterday, as well as the piss poor excuse given by the Dundee hierarchy for the disgraceful removal of the tricolour, that we need to lay down a marker so I'd start with a one off boycott of the next game at Dens Park to send the message out loud and clear that we will no longer pay for the privilege of being treated like dirt.

I know there will be those that say 'but the team needs our support' and as much as I agree with that there are times when you've got to take a stand and this is the most effective way to drive home our point with these clubs who take our cash then treat us like scum.


Soz andy

I was talking about lampin any cunt touching our colours.

I would cause a fkn riot if i seen that.

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