A line in the sand for Celtic. SFA cite Broony for ‘not acting in the best interests of Association football’

Winning Captains

Staff member
CELTIC have been reluctant to stand up to the Scottish FA and the rest of the football authorities in all matters relating to the Rangers. The news Res 12 website is the place to go for just some of that story, but there's also the LNS stitch-up, the Same Club lie, the failure to strip titles for the cheating and on it goes....

But Celtic did next to nothing.

This though is different. They will simply not be allowed to do nothing, they can back the Celtic captain or they can see the biggest fans revolt since wee Fergus swept to power. 'This is it Bhoys, this is War' as the 99 Red Balloons girl once sang...

Nena her name was Nena.

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
Set them free at the break of dawn
'Til one by one, they were gone
Back at base, bugs in the software
Flash the message, "Something's out there."
Floating in the summer sky
99 red balloons go by
99 red balloons floating in the summer sky
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
The war machine, it springs to life
Opens up one eager eye
Focusing it on the sky
As 99 red balloons go by
99 Decision Street, 99 ministers meet
To worry, worry, super-scurry
Call out the troops now in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it boys, this is war!
The President is on the line
As 99 red balloons go by
99 Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen "Krieg!" und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hätte das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballoons
99 Luftballoons
99 dreams I have had
In every one, a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standin' pretty
In the dust that was a city
If I could find a souvenir
Just to prove the world was here
And here it is, a red balloon
I think of you and let it go.
CELTIC have been reluctant to stand up to the Scottish FA and the rest of the football authorities in all matters relating to the Rangers. The news Res 12 website is the place to go for just some of that story, but there's also the LNS stitch-up, the Same Club lie, the failure to strip titles for the cheating and on it goes....

But Celtic did next to nothing.

This though is different. They will simply not be allowed to do nothing, they can back the Celtic captain or they can see the biggest fans revolt since wee Fergus swept to power. 'This is it Bhoys, this is War' as the 99 Red Balloons girl once sang...

Could not agree more,time to step up and fight for us ALL.
SFA citing anyone for not acting in best interests of association football.

Ffs can we cite them on that charge?

Sure Res12 proof should sink the mfr’s.

Well i do hope the dumb fucks know the precedent they will be setting that not one player should throw their arms up in celebration if the game finishes at visiting end.

Coz if they do then we should fucking call them all out to kingdom come every time it happens.

Meeley mouthed cheating hun ass jockeys
So in theory, it would have been in the best interests of association football if Broony went toe-to-toe with the lightweights and knocked the hun oot them?

The SFA cannot define what is in the best interests of association football, especially when they endorse a publicly-named tax evader to oversee the national team.

The same SFA whose chief operative sanctioned systematic cheating in the 5-way-agreement and where a previous leading operative deliberately failed to process a legitimate player registration.

The mess they have made of Scottish football is not only an affront, but is the antithesis of acting in the best interests of Scottish football.

FFS Celtic.........bury this set of mobsters along with the huns. For the sake of association football if for nothing else.
Moaning greetin faced little twat
You know if this was to escalate SG might just pack and leave citing Scottish Football as the problem and in doing so his failures and his comments are ignored, Celtic to confront this will flush out the snakes. This can only be pushed by the SFA if there has been a media push to have it carried out and not one commentator on all stations have called Broonie out as been a villian, all have commented on his gamesmanship, so take this with a pinch of salt and lets get behind the real reason to confront this and whilst there lets confront the incidents and the issues in the City Centre and the incidents in the European tie were people going to and others enjoying been to matches were severely injured. lets see what the reaction is to parades inciting hatred coming up past chapels, followed by, the empty trophy cabinet syndrome mindset, fuelled with booze. Get real Scotland and stop living in a 1690 bubble.
SFA citing anyone for not acting in best interests of association football.

Ffs can we cite them on that charge?

Sure Res12 proof should sink the mfr’s.

Well i do hope the dumb fucks know the precedent they will be setting that not one player should throw their arms up in celebration if the game finishes at visiting end.

Coz if they do then we should fucking call them all out to kingdom come every time it happens.

Meeley mouthed cheating hun ass jockeys
I agree Maria. The same charge they look to impose on Broony should be addressed to themselves! The corrupt bandwagon rolls on and so far NOTHING done regarding standing up to them.
Well ffs if there was ever a time to stand up to them IT'S NOW!! Fucking hard to put into words the fury i feel towards them.
New song we canny celebrate, we canny celebrate.
SFA have decided Scotland’s bestest ever Team will no longer have to tolerate they fen eh
Catholic supporters celebrating every year
Animair will stoap immejietly says brother em
Chairman Alice McRae and Billy Bob Petriefied.
The SFA the masons that keep on cheating
Nothing will change till Celtic grow a pair
And say enough is enough.
We need a bunnet NOW.
If we take them on we win.
If we don’t we as a club are now condoning

HH ☘️
You know if this was to escalate SG might just pack and leave citing Scottish Football as the problem and in doing so his failures and his comments are ignored, Celtic to confront this will flush out the snakes. This can only be pushed by the SFA if there has been a media push to have it carried out and not one commentator on all stations have called Broonie out as been a villian, all have commented on his gamesmanship, so take this with a pinch of salt and lets get behind the real reason to confront this and whilst there lets confront the incidents and the issues in the City Centre and the incidents in the European tie were people going to and others enjoying been to matches were severely injured. lets see what the reaction is to parades inciting hatred coming up past chapels, followed by, the empty trophy cabinet syndrome mindset, fuelled with booze. Get real Scotland and stop living in a 1690 bubble.



Its all done to appease the hoards, and fuel their delusional minds, same way as they let coke heed off with booting McKenna at the start of the season, he then thought he could run about maiming people right left and centre as he proved at the Victorian lavvy.

And I wonder what slippy has said to Madden to get cited eh, your oot the lodge or something.

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