There's Something THEY Have To Talk About

Spherical Planet

Well-known member
Up until the late 1960's, it was illegal for a homosexual man to engage in intimate relations with a consenting partner.

As a consequence of this antiquated and draconian edict - homosexuals were forced to live a lie and move in the underbelly of the world to avoid legal sanction.

I don't have access to the office of national statistics archives, but I'm prepared to bet big that the estimated ratio of openly gay men active in the wider community would be in the ballpark of 1:1000.

That ratio would have dramatically reduced over the decades (and with a more permissive society) to perhaps one man in ten having had some form of same-sex experience.

I reiterate, this is merely speculative, but I don't think the actuality will be so far removed from that figure.

What is the point of this?

It is an example of how an intolerant and discriminatory society can project an inaccurate account of statistics based on traditional values, the law, and outdated principles.

The key word in any physical interaction between two adults is CONSENT.

Now we have to shift gears and match that hypothesis to the subject of child abuse and paedophilia.

If a consensus was taken now on how frequently child abuse occurs, the numbers presented would be similar to the numbers of active homosexuals in the 1960's.

If there were by some act of incredible stupidity, a repeal of the Law protecting the physical body and the rights of children - then as it is in the gay man scenario, so would it be reflected in the ratio of active paedophiles.

This horror is a pandemic and occurring at a terrifyingly frequent rate.

Religion is NOT the issue. Race is NOT the issue. Gender is NOT the issue. Ethnicity is NOT the issue.

The issue is a sickness which has infected a significant minority of the world's population, but which has always reared it's horrible ugly head throughout history and time.

In the aftermath of a glorious and unprecedented domination of the domestic game. There is an extremely worrying trend among the supporters of our enemy, the mainstream media, and elected representatives of the major political parties.

The trend would attempt to determine that the pandemic episodes of child abuse are solely and wholly a Catholic and Celtic problem.

This is categorically untrue.

We cannot stand idly by and let these perverted fantasists shame US and OUR CLUB.

We must galvanised ourselves and highlight EVERY single instance of abuse committed against a child in this country.

We MUST insist that our elected representatives provide statistical data of the magnitude of abuse in this country and who is perpetrating that abuse.

It is time for the media to fully investigate the size and scale of this horror and identify the fact that abuse is indiscriminate and is NOT dependent on faith and what football club someone supports.


From high office to slum dwelling........let's fight fire with fire and DO IT FOR EVERY CHILD IN SCOTLAND AND BEYOND.
Up until the late 1960's, it was illegal for a homosexual man to engage in intimate relations with a consenting partner.

As a consequence of this antiquated and draconian edict - homosexuals were forced to live a lie and move in the underbelly of the world to avoid legal sanction.

I don't have access to the office of national statistics archives, but I'm prepared to bet big that the estimated ratio of openly gay men active in the wider community would be in the ballpark of 1:1000.

That ratio would have dramatically reduced over the decades (and with a more permissive society) to perhaps one man in ten having had some form of same-sex experience.

I reiterate, this is merely speculative, but I don't think the actuality will be so far removed from that figure.

What is the point of this?

It is an example of how an intolerant and discriminatory society can project an inaccurate account of statistics based on traditional values, the law, and outdated principles.

The key word in any physical interaction between two adults is CONSENT.

Now we have to shift gears and match that hypothesis to the subject of child abuse and paedophilia.

If a consensus was taken now on how frequently child abuse occurs, the numbers presented would be similar to the numbers of active homosexuals in the 1960's.

If there were by some act of incredible stupidity, a repeal of the Law protecting the physical body and the rights of children - then as it is in the gay man scenario, so would it be reflected in the ratio of active paedophiles.

This horror is a pandemic and occurring at a terrifyingly frequent rate.

Religion is NOT the issue. Race is NOT the issue. Gender is NOT the issue. Ethnicity is NOT the issue.

The issue is a sickness which has infected a significant minority of the world's population, but which has always reared it's horrible ugly head throughout history and time.

In the aftermath of a glorious and unprecedented domination of the domestic game. There is an extremely worrying trend among the supporters of our enemy, the mainstream media, and elected representatives of the major political parties.

The trend would attempt to determine that the pandemic episodes of child abuse are solely and wholly a Catholic and Celtic problem.

This is categorically untrue.

We cannot stand idly by and let these perverted fantasists shame US and OUR CLUB.

We must galvanised ourselves and highlight EVERY single instance of abuse committed against a child in this country.

We MUST insist that our elected representatives provide statistical data of the magnitude of abuse in this country and who is perpetrating that abuse.

It is time for the media to fully investigate the size and scale of this horror and identify the fact that abuse is indiscriminate and is NOT dependent on faith and what football club someone supports.


From high office to slum dwelling........let's fight fire with fire and DO IT FOR EVERY CHILD IN SCOTLAND AND BEYOND.
Great post SP on a really horrible subject if not the worst. Agree we should be naming and shaming the hypocrites. And the scum who are using these poor souls who have been through something so atrocious for there own twisted agendas.

HH ??
Great post SP on a really horrible subject if not the worst. Agree we should be naming and shaming the hypocrites. And the scum who are using these poor souls who have been through something so atrocious for there own twisted agendas.

HH ??
Jam, it has for far too long the subject that wouldn't be named.

Whatever disgrace occurred, it is not yours, it is not mine, it is not ours.

In my current line of work (and also in previous jobs), I have had to work with,and encounter, despicable people who committed horrific acts against vulnerable wee people.

No one asked what school or church they went to, but that was never the point.

These monsters aren't all like the stereotypes we see on the news.

Many of them wore nice clothes, were good-looking, well-groomed and employed in respectable jobs.

They were male, female, white, brown, black.

They were of all faith's and cultures, they were of all levels of capacity and capability.

They were all monsters.

I don't want to hide in the shadows. I want those accusers to examine their own kind for the betterment of every child.

I don't doubt that we have our spread of the sickness, but no more or no less than any other group in this country.

This is not a partisan issue - I'd gladly work with one of them to lift the rock on their own type.
I'll start this off

In August 1982, I started my first day at secondary school. Although I am a Catholic, my parents are not believers in segregated schools and they both suffered during a Catholic education (particularly my Ma).

The school I went to was one of the Academy schools in Dundee and was regarded as a local institution.

I enjoyed school.......not the lessons, but I enjoyed the social aspect and the sporting opportunities.

However - hindsight has shown me that there was some fucked up shit going on.

Corporal punishment was still an acceptable form of discopline and teachers would punch, slap, smack, and belt at the first sign of any resistance.

In and of itself, this pattern of behaviour is abusive, but it went much further than that.

There was an art teacher, Mr C, who had a store
cupboard in his classroom. The boys would run amok in that class, paint fights, clay fights, jumping on tables and that old fella never batted his non-glass eye.

As soon as one of the lassies sneezed the wrong way, she was ordered into the cupboard, had her skirt hiked up then got her arse skelpt.

This was the norm in 1982.

There was a PE teacher, Mr G, who would make the girls do gym in their underwear if they forgot their kit. The door to the staff area had a half-partition and with the rapid shoulder movements, hindsight would say that Mr G was pullin his puddin.

This was the norm in 1982

There was a maths teacher, Mr B who would always be very tactile around the boys in the class and there was an inordinate amount of shoulder rubbing and arse patting.

That was the norm in 1982

I'm sure many of you will have witnessed similar incidents at school and these are all examples of child molestation and grooming.

Discretion is the better part of valour, I have no qualms about shaming them in a less public environment.
Up until the late 1960's, it was illegal for a homosexual man to engage in intimate relations with a consenting partner.

As a consequence of this antiquated and draconian edict - homosexuals were forced to live a lie and move in the underbelly of the world to avoid legal sanction.

I don't have access to the office of national statistics archives, but I'm prepared to bet big that the estimated ratio of openly gay men active in the wider community would be in the ballpark of 1:1000.

That ratio would have dramatically reduced over the decades (and with a more permissive society) to perhaps one man in ten having had some form of same-sex experience.

I reiterate, this is merely speculative, but I don't think the actuality will be so far removed from that figure.

What is the point of this?

It is an example of how an intolerant and discriminatory society can project an inaccurate account of statistics based on traditional values, the law, and outdated principles.

The key word in any physical interaction between two adults is CONSENT.

Now we have to shift gears and match that hypothesis to the subject of child abuse and paedophilia.

If a consensus was taken now on how frequently child abuse occurs, the numbers presented would be similar to the numbers of active homosexuals in the 1960's.

If there were by some act of incredible stupidity, a repeal of the Law protecting the physical body and the rights of children - then as it is in the gay man scenario, so would it be reflected in the ratio of active paedophiles.

This horror is a pandemic and occurring at a terrifyingly frequent rate.

Religion is NOT the issue. Race is NOT the issue. Gender is NOT the issue. Ethnicity is NOT the issue.

The issue is a sickness which has infected a significant minority of the world's population, but which has always reared it's horrible ugly head throughout history and time.

In the aftermath of a glorious and unprecedented domination of the domestic game. There is an extremely worrying trend among the supporters of our enemy, the mainstream media, and elected representatives of the major political parties.

The trend would attempt to determine that the pandemic episodes of child abuse are solely and wholly a Catholic and Celtic problem.

This is categorically untrue.

We cannot stand idly by and let these perverted fantasists shame US and OUR CLUB.

We must galvanised ourselves and highlight EVERY single instance of abuse committed against a child in this country.

We MUST insist that our elected representatives provide statistical data of the magnitude of abuse in this country and who is perpetrating that abuse.

It is time for the media to fully investigate the size and scale of this horror and identify the fact that abuse is indiscriminate and is NOT dependent on faith and what football club someone supports.


From high office to slum dwelling........let's fight fire with fire and DO IT FOR EVERY CHILD IN SCOTLAND AND BEYOND.
Fuckin hell
Well said SP I started at my secondary school in 1963. To say I was useless at PE is an understatement. There was no PE Kit in my day, you wore yer shirt tucked into a pair of large navy blue knickers. Some of the lassies were already developing and there was a lot of embarrassment in those days we were not so open about things.

The female PE teacher was not feminine in any way and bullied us girls terribly, especially those of us that hated PE.

We were expected to take a communal shower after the lesson and without being too explicit there were girls who refused due to it being a particular time of the month.

In those days sanitary products were fairly bulky and obvious and those girls that said they couldn’t shower were forced to lower their knickers to prove they were telling the truth.

Can you imagine how awful that was as well as the sniggering of the teacher and inappropriate remarks that she made.

She tried it with me once and I refused and my mother went to see the headmistress the following day. I was removed from the class. My mother also reported it to the education department of the day no action was ever taken
Well said SP I started at my secondary school in 1963. To say I was useless at PE is an understatement. There was no PE Kit in my day, you wore yer shirt tucked into a pair of large navy blue knickers. Some of the lassies were already developing and there was a lot of embarrassment in those days we were not so open about things.

The female PE teacher was not feminine in any way and bullied us girls terribly, especially those of us that hated PE.

We were expected to take a communal shower after the lesson and without being too explicit there were girls who refused due to it being a particular time of the month.

In those days sanitary products were fairly bulky and obvious and those girls that said they couldn’t shower were forced to lower their knickers to prove they were telling the truth.

Can you imagine how awful that was as well as the sniggering of the teacher and inappropriate remarks that she made.

She tried it with me once and I refused and my mother went to see the headmistress the following day. I was removed from the class. My mother also reported it to the education department of the day no action was ever taken
Thank you for your candour, GG

Well said SP I started at my secondary school in 1963. To say I was useless at PE is an understatement. There was no PE Kit in my day, you wore yer shirt tucked into a pair of large navy blue knickers. Some of the lassies were already developing and there was a lot of embarrassment in those days we were not so open about things.

The female PE teacher was not feminine in any way and bullied us girls terribly, especially those of us that hated PE.

We were expected to take a communal shower after the lesson and without being too explicit there were girls who refused due to it being a particular time of the month.

In those days sanitary products were fairly bulky and obvious and those girls that said they couldn’t shower were forced to lower their knickers to prove they were telling the truth.

Can you imagine how awful that was as well as the sniggering of the teacher and inappropriate remarks that she made.

She tried it with me once and I refused and my mother went to see the headmistress the following day. I was removed from the class. My mother also reported it to the education department of the day no action was ever taken
Fuck sake it’s a laff on here

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