
I know it doesn't need me to suggest it, but wouldn't it be grand if Celtic Park belted oot the Celtic Song at 10 minutes and 30 seconds during the next home match for the man who was THE spirit of Celtic's greatest team.
I know it doesn't need me to suggest it, but wouldn't it be grand if Celtic Park belted oot the Celtic Song at 10 minutes and 30 seconds during the next home match for the man who was THE spirit of Celtic's greatest team.
Go one step further have Bertie up on the screens singing it?and the crowd will follow!!obviousley if they can keep it together 😪☘️☘️
I know it doesn't need me to suggest it, but wouldn't it be grand if Celtic Park belted oot the Celtic Song at 10 minutes and 30 seconds during the next home match for the man who was THE spirit of Celtic's greatest team.
No can do sponsored silence is planned at 3 then tennis booked after!

In all seriousness I'm sure the fans will mark the passing of one of our very greatest in a poignant and memorable way that befits the man.
He was posting utter shite threads that were soooo boring that WC deleted them. 😂 So when he said I was talking shite I said at least I didn't have my shite posts deleted. It was ta ta after that as he decided to leave. I think I was probably the last person left he had to fight with. 🤗
I always got on fine with him, no like me, he did go a bit barking when on the ching however 😹