1493 Tickets V St Mirren


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The Celtic Star are reporting that we will only be allocated 1493 tickets for the St Mirren match.
The phrase cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind.
Given that Kilmarnock couldn’t sell three stands to their supporters I’m pretty sure the buddies won’t either.
At a time when football clubs need to maximise revenue to survive or dare I say improve their club it is ludicrous to undersell your 4 ( including huns) biggest box office opportunities.
With a bit of imagination these clubs could make the decision to do what Livingstone do, sell three stands to visiting fans, palatable to their fans, eg give up your seat for 4 games and bring a pal to four other games free ( they certainly have plenty of space) and benefit from both increased revenue and supporter development.
Anyway, as my son would say, ” dad, it’s not your fxxxxxx problem.
The Celtic Star are reporting that we will only be allocated 1493 tickets for the St Mirren match.
The phrase cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind.
Given that Kilmarnock couldn’t sell three stands to their supporters I’m pretty sure the buddies won’t either.
At a time when football clubs need to maximise revenue to survive or dare I say improve their club it is ludicrous to undersell your 4 ( including huns) biggest box office opportunities.
With a bit of imagination these clubs could make the decision to do what Livingstone do, sell three stands to visiting fans, palatable to their fans, eg give up your seat for 4 games and bring a pal to four other games free ( they certainly have plenty of space) and benefit from both increased revenue and supporter development.
Anyway, as my son would say, ” dad, it’s not your fxxxxxx problem.
Was looking for the reason for why a few clubs were looking to cut our allocation for away games Lmcbhoy and can only put it down to the new sky TV deal with allowing diddy team's like St mirren to actually increase there income for such games if sky aren't covering it, and all the while keeping the nonsense of their own support happy.
With the PPV sweetener thrown into the mix now, will imo secure a vote from the likes of St mirren and others who have taken the same decision.
Believe it will want to be bought in even earlier this PPV option to cover any losses any short term falls it will bring to the diddy club imo.
Longer term it downgrades the product when you see grounds that are 60% + empty. Hard to attract top sponsorship and new viewers with that negativity on show. Looks very bad, creating Mickey Mouse impression of the league. Affected fans should reach agreement, not to spend a penny inside the stadium or near its environment. I see they are looking for an extra £30 from their own supporters to compensate. It will be interesting to see how that goes. These clubs are the only business that I know, to have made a conscious decision, to turn away customers and profit. While at the same time moaning about their lack of income, and budget to compete with bigger clubs. Lunacy. And overseen by the incompetent idiots charged with overseeing, promoting and developing the game. Nice work SFA and SPFL.
Longer term it downgrades the product when you see grounds that are 60% + empty. Hard to attract top sponsorship and new viewers with that negativity on show. Looks very bad, creating Mickey Mouse impression of the league. Affected fans should reach agreement, not to spend a penny inside the stadium or near its environment. I see they are looking for an extra £30 from their own supporters to compensate. It will be interesting to see how that goes. These clubs are the only business that I know, to have made a conscious decision, to turn away customers and profit. While at the same time moaning about their lack of income, and budget to compete with bigger clubs. Lunacy. And overseen by the incompetent idiots charged with overseeing, promoting and developing the game. Nice work SFA and SPFL.
Take away the yearly £250k uefa payments given to them on the backs of the top clubs competing in europe , the same clubs they're refusing to give tickets to fill there empty grounds

Scootish footballs sucked dry by the bowling club mentality
would love the fans just once to say here fk it keep your tickets these small minded clubs are the whole reason scottish football is shite as a spectator sport
Aye, yir too right, I’d also go on step further and hand in our notice on the collective sky tv deal, and go it alone and sell our own rights, that would put all the clubs outside the top 2 in liquidation, I’ve had enough of the tail wagging the dug……
Aye, yir too right, I’d also go on step further and hand in our notice on the collective sky tv deal, and go it alone and sell our own rights, that would put all the clubs outside the top 2 in liquidation, I’ve had enough of the tail wagging the dug……
They all know that we couldn't do that as could possibly face expulsion from the SPFL over the potential issue and no other team will support that action which would suit ourselves very nicely
Take away the yearly £250k uefa payments given to them on the backs of the top clubs competing in europe , the same clubs they're refusing to give tickets to fill there empty grounds

Scootish footballs sucked dry by the bowling club mentality
Let's not forget Kelly with the same mentality within Scottish football that the potential of developing the younger Scottish players now, potentially could come to a standstill also.
Only got lowland league football by the skin of our teeth this season by just 1 vote.
This also has the potential of a huge knock on effect with the 8 home grown uefa rule in place for european football in the future also.
All the while these diddy clubs and including even lowland league now, with having such a say within the game, and yet contributing fuck all, then the future of the game within Scotland looks none to bright at present.
Believe that the time is fast approaching with really having to break away from Scotland, in order to protect the future of our club, and to gain a better acknowledgement within European football, as of present the Scottish FA are only interested in protecting scum and holding ourselves back at present and destroying the game and keeping it in the dark ages imo.
Let's not forget Kelly with the same mentality within Scottish football that the potential of developing the younger Scottish players now, potentially could come to a standstill also.
Only got lowland league football by the skin of our teeth this season by just 1 vote.
This also has the potential of a huge knock on effect with the 8 home grown uefa rule in place for european football in the future also.
All the while these diddy clubs and including even lowland league now, with having such a say within the game, and yet contributing fuck all, then the future of the game within Scotland looks none to bright at present.
Believe that the time is fast approaching with really having to break away from Scotland, in order to protect the future of our club, and to gain a better acknowledgement within European football, as of present the Scottish FA are only interested in protecting scum and holding ourselves back at present and destroying the game and keeping it in the dark ages imo.
That's the problem scottish football is destroyed by the clubs within there would be no lowland league and no club academy's if it weren't for the uefa share payments add in the cinch and sky paymaents and that's all these clubs use for the budget
just now we have Burrows or whatever the twats name is from motherwell wanting everyone to get behind sevcos european challenge ,,,,,,,,it's more cheering for an increased uefa payment than backing a team to do well seeing as motherwell couldn't even be arsed to turn up in europe

you look at the crowds these clowns get and all it's showing is how they sponge money every year from the clubs that do actually try to compete
The business perspective to this is deceptively simple - fuck up and down their junkie-ridden smalltown high streets every single one of them who resort to such a policy.

These are the same provincial boolin' clubs who continually bleat about the songbook, and who are now evidently prepared to sacrifice their dreams at the whim of a few hundred vocal, witless, long-fanged cousin-pumpin' hardcores.

Get into the top league, make huge bucks from Celtic visits, buy better players...​

Whit part of that triple-loaded quantum Scottish fitba' algorithm do they have problems understanding? It's been running since before algorithms...

So the solution these egotistical fuckwit builders, upholstery, scaffy and lavvy maintenance tycoons have come up with is...

Fuck the Tims , get horsed anyway, and have even less revenue to prepare your shitty wee team to get less-pumped next time.

Bizniz geeenieusez, man.

A prospective 3 points against the stifled Tims (which you're not going to get bar once in a blue Hun moon) is worth more than the long-term improval of your threadbare squad, giving overall campaign Euro possibilites, ergo increased revenue?

Donkeys. Barras-level economics. And they don't even have the dodgy PC games catalogue for backup. Wee minds with wee worldviews.

Savage them back to the juniors, Celtic. Every single embittered one of them.

And let's jump off this ship of fools.
The Celtic Star are reporting that we will only be allocated 1493 tickets for the St Mirren match.
The phrase cutting off your nose to spite your face comes to mind.
Given that Kilmarnock couldn’t sell three stands to their supporters I’m pretty sure the buddies won’t either.
At a time when football clubs need to maximise revenue to survive or dare I say improve their club it is ludicrous to undersell your 4 ( including huns) biggest box office opportunities.
With a bit of imagination these clubs could make the decision to do what Livingstone do, sell three stands to visiting fans, palatable to their fans, eg give up your seat for 4 games and bring a pal to four other games free ( they certainly have plenty of space) and benefit from both increased revenue and supporter development.
Anyway, as my son would say, ” dad, it’s not your fxxxxxx problem.
unless they think the big away support means they are less likely to pick up points

its sad reflection on scottish football that our premier clubs cant attract enough fans to be majority at all home games.

they would be better reducing their capacity if they cant fill ground with home fans against title contenders
its also possibly police thing to better secure stadium and capture badly behaved fans singing nasty uncouth songs :p

the whole game needs turned amateur imo since the teams cant afford proffessional footballers who will attract more fans to games.

big money broke game and the governing bodies are not interested in sport its big money scamming they want

sevco cant afford a decent team without massive losses and unsustainable risks

what chance have any other side in scotland got to win league when they cant afford low wages never mind premium wages for top players
It's a case of cutting your nose off to spite your face.these clubs need the money and they can make a killing and fill these grounds it's a no brainer.some times the money people at clubs have to do their job for the good of the clubs future and stop listening to people who make no sense the have to put the club first. Both board and fans.